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Harmonized. Directiva ATEX 2014/34/UE
Harmonized. Directiva de compatibilidad electromagnética (CEM)
Harmonized. Directiva de equipos a presión
Harmonized. Machinery directive
Harmonized. Directiva de seguridad general de productos
Harmonized. Directiva sobre embarcaciones de recreo
Harmonized. Directiva sobre seguridad de los juguetes
Harmonized. Equipos eléctricos. Directiva 2014/35/UE
Harmonized. Healthcare products.
Harmonized. Reglamento UE 2024/1103 de la Comisión. Requisitos ecodiseño aparatos calefacción local
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Electric vehicle
CTN 1 - General rules
CTN 1/SC 1 - Paper formats
CTN 1/SC 2 - Technical drawings
CTN 1/SC 7 - Electronic data exchange
CTN 1/SC 8 - Barcode
CTN 7 - Materials testing
CTN 9 - Pressure equipment: calderas
CTN 11 - Furniture
CTN 11/GT 1 - Extraction hoods and laboratory furniture
CTN 14 - Welding and related techniques
CTN 15 - Machine tools
CTN 15/SC 1 - Verificación de máquinas
CTN 15/SC 2 - Seguridad de las máquinas
CTN 15/SC 3 - Accesorios y componentes
CTN 15/SC 4 - Aspectos de eco-diseño
CTN 15/SC 5 - General rules
CTN 16 - Tools
CTN 17 - Fasteners
CTN 18 - Transmissions, bearings and gearings
CTN 19 - Cast iron pipes, metal taps, valves and accessories
CTN 19/SC 1 Pipes, special parts and smelting accessories
CTN 19/SC 2 Sanitary tapware and flushing valves
CTN 19/SC 3 - Valvulería
CTN 19/SC 4 - Duchas de emergencia
CTN 22 - Materias primas minerales. Minería y explosivos
CTN 22/GT 6.3 - Fireworks
CTN 22/SC 1 - Materias primas minerales
CTN 22/SC 1/GT 1 - Charcoal
CTN 22/SC 1/GT 2 - Rocas y minerales industriales
CTN 22/SC 1/GT 3 - Equipos mineros
CTN 22/SC 2 - Técnicas mineras
CTN 22/SC 3 - Sustainable mining management
CTN 22/SC 4 - Explosives
CTN 22/SC 5 - Natural stone
CTN 22/SC 5/GT 1 - Piedra natural
CTN 22/SC 5/GT 2 - Pizarras
CTN 22/SC 6 - Fireworks
CTN 22/SC 7 - Captura, transporte, utilización y almacenamiento de dióxido de carbono
CTN 23 - Fire safety
CTN 23/GT 1 - Services provided by fire safety and security services companies
CTN 23/SC 1 - Definiciones, símbolos y señales
CTN 23/SC 1/GT 1 - Terminología
CTN 23/SC 1/GT 2 - Símbolos y señales
CTN 23/SC 2 - Extintores de incendios y clasificación de fuegos
CTN 23/SC 2/GT 1 - Clasificación de fuegos
CTN 23/SC 2/GT 2 - Extintores portátiles
CTN 23/SC 2/GT 2/AHG1 - Mantenimiento
CTN 23/SC 3 - Sistemas de detección automática de incendios
CTN 23/SC 3/GT 1 - Sistemas de detección automática
CTN 23/SC 4 - Material y equipamiento de socorro y lucha contra incendios
CTN 23/SC 4/GT 1 - Mangueras de incendios
CTN 23/SC 4/GT 2 - Bombas de incendios
CTN 23/SC 4/GT 3 - Vehículos de incendios
CTN 23/SC 4/GT 4 - Equipos de elevación
CTN 23/SC 4/GT 5 - Escalas
CTN 23/SC 4/GT 6 - Hidrantes
CTN 23/SC 5 - Sistemas fijos de lucha contra incendios y sus componentes y agentes extintores
CTN 23/SC 5/GT 1 - Agente extintor polvo
CTN 23/SC 5/GT 2 - Sistemas fijos de espuma
CTN 23/SC 5/GT 3 - Agente extintor espuma
CTN 23/SC 5/GT 4 - Sistemas fijos de polvo
CTN 23/SC 5/GT 5 - Sistemas de rociadores
CTN 23/SC 5/GT 6 - Sistemas fijos de CO2
CTN 23/SC 5/GT 7 - Sistemas fijos de halón
CTN 23/SC 5/GT 8 - Sistemas de control de humos
CTN 23/SC 5/GT 9 - Bies
CTN 23/SC 6 - Ensayos de reacción al fuego de materiales
CTN 23/SC 6/GT 1 - Condición general reacción fuego
CTN 23/SC 6/GT 2 - Comportamiento fuego materiales plásticos
CTN 23/SC 6/GT 3 - Comportamiento fuego materiales textiles
CTN 23/SC 6/GT 4 - Comportamiento fuego pinturas
CTN 23/SC 6/GT 5 - Comportamiento fuego mobiliario
CTN 23/SC 6/GT 6 - Comportamiento fuego materiales eléctricos
CTN 23/SC 7 - Ensayo de resistencia al fuego de los elementos constructivos
CTN 23/SC 7/AHG 1 - Normas CEN (=SC 7)
CTN 23/SC 7/AHG 2 - Cables eléctricos
CTN 23/SC 7/GT 1 - Condiciones generales
CTN 23/SC 7/GT 2 - Elementos no portantes
CTN 23/SC 7/GT 3 - Elementos portantes
CTN 23/SC 7/GT 4 - Instalaciones de servicio
CTN 23/SC 7/GT 5 - Protección de estructuras
CTN 23/SC 7/GT 6 - Puertas y elementos de cierre
CTN 23/SC 7/GT 7 - Cubiertas
CTN 23/SC 8 - Ingeniería de seguridad contra incendios
CTN 23/SC 8/GT 1 - Planes de emergencia
CTN 25 - Railway applications
CTN 25/GT 1 - Sistema de gestión de la calidad sector ferroviario
CTN 25/SC 1 - Infraestructura
CTN 25/SC 1/GT 6 - Barreras acústicas
CTN 25/SC 2 - Rolling stock. Products
CTN 25/SC 2/GT 8 - Variable width
CTN 25/SC 3 - Material rodante. Systems
CTN 25/SC 4 - Miscellaneous
CTN 25/SC 4/GT 1 - Fire
CTN 25/SC 4/GT 2 - Aerodinámica
CTN 25/SC 4/GT 3 - Gálibos
CTN 25/SC 4/GT 4 - Interacción vehículo-vía
CTN 25/SC 4/GT 6 - Acoustic barriers
CTN 25/SC 4/GT 7 - Maintenance
CTN 26 - Road vehicles
CTN 26/GT 1 - Precintos para tacógrafos
CTN 26/GT 2 - Validation of alternative test methods to that defined in standard ISO 21069
CTN 26/SC 1 - Electrical and electronic equipment
CTN 26/SC 1/GT 1 - Ciberseguridad
CTN 26/SC 2 - Frenado
CTN 26/SC 3 - Lighting and visibility
CTN 26/SC 4 Vehicle access for persons with physical disabilities
CTN 26/SC 5 - Mopeds, motorbikes and other light motorised vehicles
CTN 26/SC 6 - Vehicles
CTN 26/SC 6/GT 1 - Seguridad
CTN 26/SC 6/GT 2 - Ergonomía
CTN 26/SC 6/GT 3 - Vehículos comerciales, autobuses y trailers
CTN 26/SC 6/GT 4 - Vehículos que utilizan combustibles gaseosos
CTN 26/SC 8 - Engines and ignition systems
CTN 26/SC 9 Vehicle dynamics
CTN 26/SC 10 - Vehículo eléctrico
CTN 26/SC 11 - Off-road vehicles
CTN 26/SC 25 - Environmental management
CTN 27 - Shipbuilding and ship repair, artefacts and marine technology industry
CTN 27/GT 1 - Pollution control in the marine environment
CTN 27/GT 2 - Gas natural como combustible marino
CTN 27/GT 3 Boarding bridges
CTN 27/SC 1 - Civil shipbuilding and repair
CTN 27/SC 1/GT 1 - Elementos de amarre
CTN 27/SC 1/GT 2 - Registros
CTN 27/SC 1/GT 3 - Escalas
CTN 27/SC 2 - Maritime safety
CTN 27/SC 2/GT 1 - Ayudas a la flotabilidad
CTN 27/SC 2/GT 2 - Motores de gas
CTN 27/SC 2/GT 3 - Ayudas para la emergencia de hombre al agua
CTN 27/SC 3 - Small craft
CTN 28 - Aerospace materials
CTN 28/SC 1 - Aircraft ground support equipment
CTN 28/SC 2 - Sistemas aéreos no tripulados
CTN 28/SC 3 - Sistemas aeroespaciales
CTN 30 - Inorganic chemical industry
CTN 34 - Foodstuffs
CTN 34/GT 1 - Nutritional sports supplements free of doping substances
CTN 34/GT 2 - Productos cárnicos curado-madurado
CTN 34/GT 3 - Baker's yeast
CTN 34/SC 1 - Fruit and vegetable juices. Testing methods
CTN 34/SC 2 - Cafe
CTN 34/SC 3 - Vinegars
CTN 34/SC 4 - Analysis of food products. Métodos horizontales
CTN 34/SC 4/GT 0 - General criteria
CTN 34/SC 4/GT 2 - Edulcorantes
CTN 34/SC 4/GT 3 - Plaguicidas
CTN 34/SC 4/GT 4 - Pesticides in non-fatty foods
CTN 34/SC 4/GT 5 - Biotoxinas: micotoxinas y ficotoxinas
CTN 34/SC 4/GT 6 - Microbiology of the food chain
CTN 34/SC 4/GT 9 - Vitaminas y carotenoides
CTN 34/SC 4/GT 10 - Elementos traza (metales pesados)
CTN 34/SC 4/GT 11 - Organismos geneticamente modificados
CTN 34/SC 4/GT 12 - Alérgenos alimentarios
CTN 34/SC 4/GT 13 - Contaminantes originados durante el procesado
CTN 34/SC 5 - Milk and milk products. Methods of sampling and analysis
CTN 34/SC 6 - Oilseeds and fatty products deriving from animals and plants
CTN 34/SC 6/GT 1 - Aceite de oliva virgen extra
CTN 34/SC 6/GT 2 - Aceite de girasol refinado
CTN 34/SC 6/GT 3 - Aceite de oliva
CTN 34/SC 7 - Animal feed
CTN 34/SC 8 - Especias, hierbas culinarias y condimentos
CTN 34/SC 8/GT 1 - Azafrán
CTN 34/SC 9 - Cereal and cereal products
CTN 34/SC 10 - Autenticidad de los alimentos
CTN 36 - Steel industry
CTN 36/SC 1 - Métodos de ensayo (distintos de análisis químicos)
CTN 36/SC 2 - Métodos de análisis químicos.
CTN 36/SC 3 - Aceros estructurales (distintos de aceros para hormigón armado y pretensado)
CTN 36/SC 4 - Aceros para hormigón armado y pretensado
CTN 36/SC 5 - Aceros para tratamiento térmico, aleados, inoxidables y de fácil mecanización
CTN 36/SC 6 - Alambrón y alambre
CTN 36/SC 7 - Aceros para usos a presión
CTN 36/SC 8 - Chapas y bandas de acero para usos eléctricos y magnéticos
CTN 36/SC 9 - Productos planos recubiertos y no recubiertos para conformado en frío
CTN 36/SC 10 - Aceros para tubos y sus accesorios
CTN 36/SC 11 - Aceros moldeados y forjados
CTN 36/SC 12 - Generalidades
CTN 36/SC 100 - General
CTN 36/SC 101 - Testing methods (other than chemical analysis)
CTN 36/SC 102 - Chemical testing methods.
CTN 36/SC 103 - Structural steels (other than steel for reinforced and prestressed concrete)
CTN 36/SC 104 - Steel for reinforced and prestressed concrete
CTN 36/SC 105 - Heat treatment steels, alloys, stainless and easy to mechanize steels
CTN 36/SC 106 - Wire
CTN 36/SC 107 - Pressure operated steel
CTN 36/SC 108 - Steel clips and bands for electrical and magnetic uses
CTN 36/SC 109 - Coated and non-coated flat products for cold forming
CTN 36/SC 110 - Pipe and pipe fittings
CTN 36/SC 111 - Shaped and forged steels
CTN 37 - Non-ferrous heavy metals and their alloys
CTN 38 - Light metals and their alloys
CTN 40 - Textile industries
CTN 40/GT 1 - Twisted and textured products
CTN 40/GT 2 - Geotextiles
CTN 40/GT 3 - Redes de pesca y cordelería
CTN 40/GT 5 - Bleaching
CTN 40/GT 6 - Belts and slings
CTN 40/GT 8 - Seguridad de las prendas infantiles
CTN 40/GT 9 - Agrotextiles
CTN 40/GT 10 - Microplásticos de origen textil
CTN 40/GT 11 - Economía circular para productos textiles y la cadena textil
CTN 40/GT 12 - Sustainability of textile products
CTN 40/SC 1 - Solideces y medidas del color
CTN 40/SC 1/GT 1 - Colorimetria
CTN 40/SC 2 - Ensayos físicos
CTN 40/SC 4 - Confección
CTN 40/SC 5 - Revestimientos textiles del suelo
CTN 40/SC 6 - Ensayos químicos de materiales textiles
CTN 40/SC 7 - Géneros de punto
CTN 40/SC 8 - Comportamiento de los textiles al fuego
CTN 40/SC 9 Textile machinery and accessories
CTN 41 - Construction
CTN 41/GT 1 - Alabaster
CTN 41/GT 2 - Coordination of facilities in dry construction assemblies
CTN 41/GT 11/SG 0 - CTN 41/GT 11/SG 0
CTN 41/GT 11/SG 2 - CTN 41/GT 11/SG 2
CTN 41/GT 325 - Prevención del crimen mediante la planificación urbana y el diseño de los edificios
CTN 41/GT 339 - Slippage
CTN 41/SC 0 - Terminology
CTN 41/SC 1 - Construction. Temas generales
CTN 41/SC 1/GT 1 - Building
CTN 41/SC 1/GT 2 - Roofs
CTN 41/SC 1/GT 3 - Sports floors
CTN 41/SC 1/GT 4 - Anchors
CTN 41/SC 1/GT 6 - Dimensional coordination
CTN 41/SC 1/GT 7 - Removable partitions/screens
CTN 41/SC 1/GT 8 - Raised access floors
CTN 41/SC 1/GT 9 - Spectator facilities
CTN 41/SC 1/GT 10 - Paneles sandwich
CTN 41/SC 1/GT 11 - Accessibility and usability of the built environment
CTN 41/SC 1/GT 11/SG0 - General design criteria
CTN 41/SC 1/GT 11/SG1 - Accessibility in urban planning
CTN 41/SC 1/GT 11/SG2 - Construction accessibility
CTN 41/SC 1/GT 12 - Demolition and construction techniques
CTN 41/SC 1/GT 13 - Building conservation
CTN 41/SC 1/GT 14 - Architectural plans
CTN 41/SC 1/GT 15 - Continuous flooring
CTN 41/SC 1/GT 16 - Suspended ceilings
CTN 41/SC 1/GT 17 - Suelos elevados
CTN 41/SC 2 - Roads
CTN 41/SC 2/GT 1 - Mezclas bituminosas
CTN 41/SC 2/GT 2 - Revestimientos superficies y lechadas bituminosas
CTN 41/SC 2/GT 3 - Materiales para pavimentos de hormigón, incluyendo protocolos para el sellado de juntas
CTN 41/SC 2/GT 4 - Mezclas de árido con y sin conglomerante hidráulico
CTN 41/SC 2/GT 5 - Características superficiales
CTN 41/SC 3 - Enclosures and finishes
CTN 41/SC 3/GT 1 - Calculating thermal power transmission of factory walls
CTN 41/SC 4 - Roofs
CTN 41/SC 4/GT 10 - Paneles sandwich
CTN 41/SC 5 - Sports surfaces
CTN 41/SC 6 - Spectator facilities
CTN 41/SC 7 - Accessibility and usability of the built environment
CTN 41/SC 7/GT 1 - Accesibilidad al patrimonio cultural inmueble
CTN 41/SC 7/GT 2 - Grupo espejo ISO 21542
CTN 41/SC 8 - Conservación, restauración y rehabilitación de edificios
CTN 41/SC 8/GT 1 - Materiales y técnicas de intervención
CTN 41/SC 8/GT 2 - Diagnóstico de estructuras de madera
CTN 41/SC 9 - Sustainable construction
CTN 41/SC 10 Construction using raw earth
CTN 41/SC 11 - Slippage
CTN 41/SC 12 - Terminología
CTN 41/SC 13 - Organisation of building and civil engineering work information models
CTN 43 - Glass industries
CTN 45 - Ophthalmic optics
CTN 45/GT 1 - Terminology
CTN 45/GT 2 - Lenses
CTN 45/GT 3 - Frames
CTN 45/GT 4 - Contact lenses. Physical methods
CTN 45/GT 5 - Chemical methods
CTN 45/GT 6 - Equipment
CTN 45/GT 7 - Treatment of information applied to optics
CTN 48 - Paints and varnishes
CTN 48/GT 1 - Color
CTN 48/GT 2 - Criterios ecológicos
CTN 48/SC 1 - Decoración y construcción
CTN 48/SC 1/GT 1 - Pinturas plásticas
CTN 48/SC 1/GT 2 - Madera exterior
CTN 48/SC 1/GT 3 - Intumescentes
CTN 48/SC 1/GT 4 - Plastes
CTN 48/SC 1/GT 5 - Esmaltes sintéticos
CTN 48/SC 2 - Anticorrosión, mantenimiento industrial y naval
CTN 48/SC 3 - Productos metálicos manufacturados
CTN 48/SC 3/GT 1 - Aluminio
CTN 48/SC 3/GT 2 - Polvo
CTN 48/SC 5 - Mobiliario y madera
CTN 48/SC 9 - Ensayos generales
CTN 48/SC 10 - Terminología
CTN 48/SC 12 - Cualificacion de personal
CTN 48/SC 12/GT 1 - Aplicación industrial
CTN 48/SC 12/GT 2 - Aplicación inspectores
CTN 48/SC 12/GT 3 - Aplicación, decoración y construcción
CTN 49 - Containers and packaging. Horizontal and environmental management aspects
CTN 49/GT 1 - Containers and packaging. Environmental Management
CTN 49/GT 2 - General: terminology, marking dimensional coordination
CTN 49/GT 3 - Assessment of containers and packaging for transport
CTN 49/GT 4 - Containers and packaging for the transport of dangerous goods
CTN 49/GT 5 - Distribution. Transport and loading units
CTN 49/GT 6 - Wood packaging material
CTN 49/GT 7 - Flexible tubes
CTN 49/GT 8 - Glass container fastenings
CTN 49/GT 9 - Aplicaciones de las tecnologías de identificación y comunicación a lo largo de la cadena de transporte
CTN 49/GT 10 Accessible design of packages and containers
CTN50 - Documentation
CTN 50/SC 1 - Management and preservation of documents and digital information
CTN 50/SC 1/GT 9 - Preservación de información digital
CTN 50/SC 2 - Preservación digital de obras cinematográficas
CTN 51 - Petroleum products
CTN 51/SC 1 - Asphalts
CTN 51/SC 2 - Lubricants
CTN 51/SC 3 - Fuels
CTN 53 - Plastic and rubber
CTN 53/GT 1 - PVC profiles for doors, windows, blinds and gates
CTN 53/GT 2 Agricultural film
CTN 53/GT 3 - Pah en caucho y plástico
CTN 53/GT 4 -
CTN 53/GT 5 - Storage of thermoplastic materials for liquid petroleum products
CTN 53/GT 6 - Vaulting
CTN 53/GT 7 - Superficie sólida
CTN 53/GT 8 - Ensayo biaxial tracción-compresión en laminados de matriz polimérica reforzados con fibra
CTN 53/SC 0 -Plastics
CTN 53/SC 1 - Elastomers
CTN 53/SC 2 - Plastic pipes and accessories
CTN 53/SC 3 - Cellular material
CTN 53/SC 4 - Containers and packaging
CTN 53/SC 4/GT 1 - Bolsas
CTN 53/SC 4/GT 2 - Bolsas reutilizables
CTN 53/SC 4/GT 3 - Cajas de eps para productos frescos
CTN 53/SC 4/GT 4 - Vajilla de plástico reutilizable
CTN 53/SC 4/GT 5 - Tapones solidarios al envase
CTN 53/SC 4/GT 6 - Cajas reutilizables
CTN 53/SC 5 Reinforced plastics
CTN 53/SC 6 - Specifications of raw materials and test methods
CTN 53/SC 6/GT 1 - Biodegradabilidad y productos de origen biológico
CTN 53/SC 7 - Tanks
CTN 53/SC 8 - Plastic recycling
CTN 53/SC 8/GT 2 - Bolsas
CTN 53/SC 8/GT 3 - Poliolefinas
CTN 53/SC 9 - End-of-life tyres
CTN 54 - Graphic industries
CTN 55B - Surface agents
CTN 56 - Wood and cork
CTN 56/SC 4 - Protección de la madera
CTN 56/SC 5 - Cork
CTN 56/SC 6 - Estructuras de madera
CTN 57 - Cellulose and paper
CTN 57/SC 1 - Safety of paper and printing machinery
CTN 58 - Lifting and transportation machinery
CTN 58/GT 1 - Metal shelving
CTN 58/SC 1 - Materials handling equipment. Grúas
CTN 58/SC 1/GT 1 - Cranes for loading
CTN 58/SC 2 - Continuous mechanical handling equipment
CTN 58/SC 3 - Cable transport of passengers
CTN 58/SC 4 - Industrial trucks
CTN 58/SC 4/GT 1 - Revisión de la UNE 58451
CTN 58/SC 5 - Steel link chains, hooks and accessories
CTN 58/SC 7 - Lifts, escalators, and moving walkways
CTN 58/SC 7/GT 1 - Lifts under the elevator directive
CTN 58/SC 7/GT 2 - Lifts under the machinery directive
CTN 58/SC 7/GT 3 - Nacelles. Suspended equipment
CTN 58/SC 7/GT 4 - Lift maintenance
CTN 58/SC 9 - Lifting platforms
CTN 58/SC 9/GT 1 - PEM's
CTN 58/SC 9/GT 2 - Góndolas y mantenimiento de fachadas
CTN 58/SC 9/GT 3 - Elevadores de vehículo
CTN 58/SC 9/GT 4 - Elevadores de obras y servicio
CTN 58/SC 10 Storage equipment and systems
CTN 58/SC 10/GT 1 - Sistemas de estanterías regulables de paletas
CTN 58/SC 10/GT 2 - Instalación de sistemas de estanterías de bastidores y de estantes
CTN 58/SC 10/GT 3 - Directrices para especificadores y usuarios
CTN 58/SC 10/GT 4 - Sistemas de almacenaje en estanterías metálicas - términos y definiciones para equipos de almacenaje
CTN 58/SC 10/GT 5 - Diseño sísmico
CTN 58/SC 10/GT 10 - Entreplantas sobre pilares
CTN 59 - Leather, footwear and related industries
CTN 59/GT 1 - Seguridad de calzado infantil
CTN 60 - Gaseous fuels and gas devices and facilities
CTN 60/GT 2 - Tuberías flexibles y mangueras para el trasvase o distribución de gas natural o glp en fase líquida o gaseosa
CTN 60/SC 1 - Equipos y accesorios de instalaciones de gas
CTN 60/SC 1/GT 1 - Reguladores y vis
CTN 60/SC 1/GT 2 - Reguladores, adaptadores y válvulas para botellas de GLP
CTN 60/SC 1/GT 3 - Válvulas IR
CTN 60/SC 1/GT 4 - Válvulas para sistemas de distribución de gas
CTN 60/SC 1/GT 5 - Conjuntos de regulación
CTN 60/SC 1/GT 6 - Centralización de contadores
CTN 60/SC 1/GT 7 - Flexibles
CTN 60/SC 1/GT 8 - Transiciones PE-metal
CTN 60/SC 1/GT 9 - Accesorios
CTN 60/SC 2 - Suministro de gas
CTN 60/SC 2/GT 1 - Sistemas de transporte
CTN 60/SC 2/GT 2 - Sistemas de distribución
CTN 60/SC 2/GT 3 - Dispositivos de regulación y seguridad para transporte y distribución
CTN 60/SC 2/GT 4 - Polietileno
CTN 60/SC 2/GT 5 - Instalaciones receptoras con mop hasta 5 bar y salas de máquinas
CTN 60/SC 2/GT 6 - Instalaciones receptoras con mop superiores a 5 bar
CTN 60/SC 2/GT 7 - Medición
CTN 60/SC 2/GT 8 - Conductos de evacuación de los PDC, deflectores y rejillas de ventilación
CTN 60/SC 2/GT 9 - Calidad del gas
CTN 60/SC 3 - Utilización
CTN 60/SC 3/GT 1 - Calderas y calentadores de agua
CTN 60/SC 3/GT 2 - Aparatos de cocción domésticos
CTN 60/SC 3/GT 3 - Dispositivos de control de aparatos
CTN 60/SC 3/GT 4 - Estufas
CTN 60/SC 3/GT 5 - Aparatos de cocción de uso colectivo
CTN 60/SC 3/GT 6 - Materiales de sellado y lubricantes para aparatos
CTN 60/SC 3/GT 7 - Quemadores
CTN 60/SC 3/GT 8 - Generadores de aire caliente
CTN 60/SC 3/GT 9 - Sistemas radiantes
CTN 60/SC 3/GT 10 - Aparatos de GLP
CTN 60/SC 3/GT 11 - Secadoras, lavadoras y aparatos de aire acondicionado
CTN 60/SC 3/GT 12 - Gases y presiones de ensayo. Categorias de aparatos. Marcado y clasificacion de aparatos
CTN 60/SC 3/GT 13 - Análisis de los PDC
CTN 60/SC 3/GT 14 - Microcogeneración
CTN 60/SC 4 - Instalaciones y equipamiento para GLP
CTN 60/SC 4/GT 1 - Plantas de almacenamiento, trasvase y envasado de gases licuados del petróleo
CTN 60/SC 4/GT 2 - Instalaciones de depósitos fijos
CTN 60/SC 4/GT 3 - Estaciones de servicio
CTN 60/SC 5 - Otras instalaciones y equipameinto
CTN 60/SC 5/GT 1 - Instalaciones y equipamiento para GNL, con excepcion de las plantas satélites y las instalaciones para GNV
CTN 60/SC 5/GT 2 - Instalaciones y equipamiento para GNV
CTN 60/SC 5/GT 3 - Talleres de transformación y reparación de vehículos a GLP
CTN 60/SC 5/GT 4 - Plantas satélites de GNL
CTN 61 - Refractory products
CTN 62 - Bienes de equipo industriales y equipos a presión
CTN 62/GT 1 - Review of standards for manufacture of site built tanks EN 14015/EN 14620
CTN 62/SC 1 - Pressure equipment without external heat supply
CTN 62/SC 1/GT 1 - General coordination and classification of equipment
CTN 62/SC 1/GT 2 - Compressed air containers
CTN 62/SC 1/GT 3 - Expansion tanks
CTN 62/SC 1/GT 4 - Storage tanks
CTN 62/SC 1/GT 5 - Other equipment
CTN 62/SC 2 - Cylinders for industrial gases
CTN 62/SC 2/GT 1 - Calculating, designing and making bottles
CTN 62/SC 2/GT 2 - Bottle accessories and caps and general
CTN 62/SC 2/GT 3 - Operating requirements
CTN 62/SC 3 - Machinery for automated liquid handling
CTN 62/SC 3/GT 1 - Pumps
CTN 62/SC 3/GT 2 - Compressors
CTN 62/SC 3/GT 3 - Industrial centrifuge
CTN 62/SC 4 - Cryogenic equipment
CTN 62/SC 4/GT 1 - Cryogenic tanks and containers and accessories
CTN 62/SC 4/GT 2 - Metal drums
CTN 62/SC 4/GT 3 - Cisterns
CTN 62/SC 4/GT 4 - Other metal containers
CTN 62/SC 5 - Cisterns and tanks (except LPG)
CTN 62/SC 5/GT 1 - Revisión de la norma UNE 62422
CTN 62/SC 5/GT 2 - Sistemas de recuperación de vapores en fase II
CTN 62/SC 5/GT 3 - Contenedores marítimos
CTN 62/SC 5/GT 4 - Revisión de las normas de fabricación de tanques
CTN 62/SC 5/GT 5 - Compartimentación de tanques metálicos
CTN 62/SC 5/GT 6 - Construcción de fondos de doble pared
CTN 62/SC 6 Cisterns (except GLP)
CTN 62/SC 7 - Instrumentación para procesos
CTN 62/SC 8 - Petroleum and gas industries
CTN 62/SC 9 - Industrial pipeline networks
CTN 62/SC 10 - Coordinación de normativa con disposiciones reglamentarias
CTN 66 - Quality management and conformity assessment
CTN 66/SC 1 - Management systems
CTN 66/SC 1/GT 1 - Requisitos del sistema
CTN 66/SC 1/GT 2 - Specific guides
CTN 66/SC 1/GT 2/SG 1 - Guías específicas. Aplicación ISO 9001 en corredurías de seguros
CTN 66/SC 1/GT 2/SG 2 - Guías específicas. Aplicación ISO 9001 en playas
CTN 66/SC 1/GT 2/SG 3 - Guías específicas. Aplicación ISO 9001 en oficinas de farmacia
CTN 66/SC 1/GT 2/SG 4 - Guías específicas. Aplicación ISO 9000 en centros técnicos de inspección y verificación de tacógrafos digitales
CTN 66/SC 1/GT 3 - Tecnologías de apoyo
CTN 66/SC 1/GT 4 - Integración de sistemas
CTN 66/SC 1/GT 5 - Métodos estadísticos
CTN 66/SC 1/GT 6 - Recursos humanos
CTN 66/SC 1/GT 7 - Reclamaciones
CTN 66/SC 1/GT 9 - Gobiernos locales
CTN 66/SC 1/GT 11 - Online training
CTN 66/SC 1/GT 12 - Insurance Brokers
CTN 66/SC 1/GT 14 - Procesos contratados externamente
CTN 66/SC 1/GT 15 Quality in e-learning
CTN 66/SC 1/GT 16 - Management systems of approved tachograph centres
CTN 66/SC 1/GT 17 - Gestión del diseño
CTN 66/SC 2 - Conformity assessment
CTN 66/SC 3 - Statistical methods
CTN 67 - Sanitary devices
CTN 67/GT 1 - Sanitary ware
CTN 67/GT 2 - Baths
CTN 67/GT 3 - Shower saunas
CTN 67/GT 4 - Screens
CTN 67/GT 5 - Accessories
CTN 67/SC 1 - Aparatos sanitarios y fregaderos
CTN 67/SC 2 - Bañeras, hidromasaje, duchas y mamparas
CTN 68 - Agricultural and forestry tractors and machinery
CTN 68/GT 1 - Animal identification
CTN 68/SC 1/GT 1 - Tractores y maquinaria agrícola autopropulsada y remolcada
CTN 68/SC 1/GT 2 - Phytosanitary processing equipment
CTN 68/SC 1/GT 4 - Material de lechería
CTN 68/SC 2 - Irrigation
CTN 68/SC 2/GT 1 - Filters
CTN 68/SC 2/GT 2 - Emitters
CTN 68/SC 2/GT 3 - Remote control
CTN 68/SC 2/GT 4 - Sprinkler
CTN 68/SC 2/GT 5 - Valves and suction cups
CTN 68/SC 2/GT 6 - Meters
CTN 68/SC 2/GT 7 - Irrigation work
CTN 68/SC 2/GT 8 - Green areas
CTN 68/SC 3 - Seguridad vial
CTN 68/SC 4 - Seguridad laboral
CTN 68/SC 5 - Equipos para tratamientos fitosanitarios
CTN 68/SC 6 - Investigación y desarrollo (I+D)
CTN 69 - Tyres, rims and valves
CTN 69/SC 1 - Neumático nuevo
CTN 69/SC 2 - Ciclo de vida del neumático
CTN 70 - Organic chemical industry
CTN 71 - Digital enabling technologies (DET)
CTN 71/GT 7 - Sensor networks
CTN 71/GT 21 - Programming language C++
CTN 71/SC 6 - Telecomunicaciones e intercambio de información entre sistemas
CTN 71/SC 7 - Software and information systems engineering
CTN 71/SC 7/GT 25 - IT services management and good governance
CTN 71/SC 8 - Electronic data exchange
CTN 71/SC 9 - Big data
CTN 71/SC 14 - Tecnologías cuánticas
CTN 71/SC 17 - Personal identification, electronic signature and cards and related systems and operations
CTN 71/SC 17-37 - Digital identification
CTN 71/SC 22 - Lenguajes de programación, sus entornos e interfaces software de sistema
CTN 71/SC 22/GT 9 - ADA
CTN 71/SC 22/GT 17 - Prolog
CTN 71/SC 22/GT 21 - C++
CTN 71/SC 27 - Security techniques
CTN 71/SC 27/GT 1 - Requirements and guidelines
CTN 71/SC 27/GT 2 - Technology and mechanisms
CTN 71/SC 27/GT 3 - Safety assessment criteria
CTN 71/SC 27/GT 4 - Security controls and services
CTN 71/SC 27/GT 5 - Privacy and identity management
CTN 71/SC 29 - Codificación del sonido, la imagen, la información multimedia e hipermedia
CTN 71/SC 31 - Barcode
CTN 71/SC 36 - Information technologies for learning
CTN 71/SC 36/GT 9 - Accesibilidad en los contenidos educativos digitales
CTN 71/SC 36/GT 10 - Integración de contenido altamente interactivo (juego y simulaciones) en entornos de gestión de aprendizaje (LMS)
CTN 71/SC 36/GT 11 - Calidad y aprendizaje electrónico
CTN 71/SC 36/GT 12 - Calidad de los materiales educativos digitales
CTN 71/SC 37 - Biometric identification
CTN 71/SC 38 - Distributed applications services and platforms
CTN 71/SC 39 - Sostenibilidad para y mediante las TIC
CTN 71/SC 40 - IT Service Management and IT Governance
CTN 71/SC 40/GT 1 - Gobierno de las TI
CTN 71/SC 40/GT 2 - Gestión de servicios de TI
CTN 71/SC 40/GT 3 - Servicios habilitados por las TI y externalización de procesos de negocio
CTN 71/SC 40/GT 4 - Adopción e integración de sistemas de gestión, marcos y buenas prácticas
CTN 71/SC 40/GT 5 - Productividad de los profesionales de TIC en la era digital
CTN 71/SC 40/GT 6 - Gobierno del Dato
CTN 71/SC 41 - IoT y gemelos digitales
CTN 71/SC 42 - Artificial intelligence and big data
CTN 71/SC 42/GT 1 - Evaluación de la eficiencia energética de los sistemas de inteligencia artificial
CTN 71/SC 43 - Data spaces
CTN 71/SC 307 - Blockchain and distributed registration technologies
CTN 71/SC 307/GT 1 - Modelo descentralizado de identidad
CTN 71/SC 307/GT 2 - Uso de blockchain y tecnologías de registro distribuido para manejar evidencias digitales
CTN 71/SC 307/GT 3 - Blockchain/DLT based environmental sustainability
CTN 71/SC 428 ICT and digital competences professionalism
CTN 72 - Light, lighting and grounding rods
CTN 72/SC 1 - Iluminación interior
CTN 72/SC 2 - Iluminación exterior
CTN 72/SC 3 - Báculos y columnas para el alumbrado
CTN 73 - Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies and radiological protection
CTN 73/GT 1 - Radiactividad natural en ambientes interiores
CTN 73/GT 2 - Remote nuclear handling
CTN 74 - Acoustics
CTN 74/SC 1 - Noise
CTN 74/SC 2 - Building acoustics
CTN 74/SC 2/GT 1 - Esquema de clasificación acústica
CTN 74/SC 3 - Noise (traffic, human effects)
CTN 75 - Sewing machines
CTN 76 - Permanent metallic structures
CTN 76/SC - CTN 76/SC 2
CTN 76/SC 2 - CTN 76/SC 2
CTN 77 - Environment
CTN 77/SC 1 - Water
CTN 77/SC 1/GT 1 Pollution control in the marine environment
CTN 77/SC 2 - Air
CTN 77/SC 2/GT 1 - Mapeo de molestias por olor
CTN 77/SC 3 - Soil
CTN 77/SC 5 - Waste
CTN 78 - Foundry industries
CTN 80 - Cement and lime
CTN 80/SC 1 - Ensayos físicos y mecánicos
CTN 80/SC 2 - Análisis químicos
CTN 80/SC 3 - Definiciones, terminología y especificaciones
CTN 80/SC 4 - Toma de muestras y evaluación de la conformidad
CTN 80/SC 5 - Cales
CTN 80/SC 6 - Sostenibilidad, sustancias reguladas y economía circular
CTN 81 - Occupational health and safety
CTN 81/GAH 3 - ISO 45002 Implementation guidance handbook for small organizations
CTN 81/GT 1 - Biosecurity
CTN 81/GT 2 - ISO 45001
CTN 81/GT 3 - Riesgos emergentes
CTN 81/SC 1 - Personal protective equipment
CTN 81/SC 1/GT 1 - Protección respiratoria
CTN 81/SC 1/GT 2 - Protección de los ojos
CTN 81/SC 1/GT 3 - Protección de la cabeza
CTN 81/SC 1/GT 4 - Guantes y ropa de protección
CTN 81/SC 1/GT 5 - Protección auditiva
CTN 81/SC 1/GT 6 - Protección de pies y piernas
CTN 81/SC 1/GT 7 - Protección contra caidas de altura
CTN 81/SC 2 - Collective protection resources in the workplace
CTN 81/SC 2/GT 1 - Señalización
CTN 81/SC 2/GT 2 - Redes y soportes
CTN 81/SC 2/GT 3 - Escaleras de manos
CTN 81/SC 2/GT 4 - Sistemas provisionales de protección de borde
CTN 81/SC 2/GT 5 - Mástil
CTN 81/SC 2/GT 6 - Redes bajo forjado
CTN 81/SC 2/GT 7 - Redes verticales
CTN 81/SC 2/GT 8 - Protección terminales de armaduras de acero en obras
CTN 81/SC 2/GT 9 - Redes de seguridad en huecos pequeños
CTN 81/SC 2/GT 10 - Collective protection to prevent falls through fragile areas on rooftops
CTN 81/SC 3 - Safety of machinery
CTN 81/SC 3/GT A2 - Grupo de trabajo A2
CTN 81/SC 3/GT B12 - Principios generales para el diseño de sistemas de mando seguros
CTN 81/SC 4 - Assessment of chemical agent hazards
CTN 81/SC 4/AHG - Formaldehido
CTN 81/SC 4/AHG I - Isocianatos
CTN 81/SC 4/GT 2 - Vapores orgánicos
CTN 81/SC 4/GT 3 - Materia particulada
CTN 81/SC 4/GT 4 - Metales
CTN 81/SC 5 - Ergonomics and psychosociology
CTN 81/SC 5/GT 1 - Principios ergonómicos
CTN 81/SC 5/GT 2 - Antropometría y biomecánica
CTN 81/SC 5/GT 3 - Aspectos ergonomicos de las pantallas de visualización de datos y otros sistemas de visualización
CTN 81/SC 5/GT 5 - Agentes físicos
CTN 81/SC 5/GT 6 - Riesgos psicosociales
CTN 81/SC 6 - Mechanical vibrations and shocks
CTN 82 - Metrology and calibration
CTN 82/GT 1 - VIM - GUM
CTN 82/GT 2 - Reference materials
CTN 82/GT 3 - _
CTN 82/GT 4 - Biomet
CTN 82/SC 1 - General Metrology
CTN 82/SC 2 - Dimensional metrology
CTN 82/SC 2/GT 1 - Pequeños instrumentos
CTN 82/SC 2/GT 2 - Calidad superficial y nanometrología
CTN 82/SC 2/GT 3 - Incertidumbres en metrología dimensional
CTN 82/SC 2/GT 4 - Máquinas de medición por coordenadas
CTN 82/SC 2/GT 5 - Tolerancias dimensionales y geométricas. Defectos de forma
CTN 82/SC 2/GT 6 - Difusión de la filosofía GPS
CTN 82/SC 2/GT 7 - Topografía como instrumento de metrología dimensional
CTN 82/SC 3 - Fluid metrology
CTN 82/SC 3/GT 1 - Contadores
CTN 82/SC 4 - Electrical metrology
CTN 82/SC 5 - Mechanical and thermal metrology
CTN 82/SC 5/GT 1 - Magnitudes mecánicas y térmicas
CTN 82/SC 5/GT 2 - General metrological documents
CTN 82/SC 6 - Materiales de referencia
CTN 82/SC 6/GT 1 - Remote vehicle emissions measurement instruments
CTN 83 - Concrete
CTN 83/SC 2 - Aditivos para hormigón, morteros y pastas
CTN 83/SC 3 - Ensayos de hormigón
CTN 83/SC 4 - Adiciones al hormigón
CTN 83/SC 5 - Hormigones con fibras
CTN 83/SC 6 - Hormigón y mortero proyectados
CTN 83/SC 7 - Materiales de reparación
CTN 83/SC 8 - Morteros
CTN 83/SC 9 - Especificaciones, prestaciones, producción y conformidad
CTN 83/SC 10 - Durabilidad
CTN 83/SC 11 - Ejecución
CTN 83/SC 12 - Hormigón. Sustainability
CTN 84 - Essential oils and cosmetic products
CTN 84/SC 1 - Essential oils
CTN 84/SC 2 - Cosmetic products
CTN 84/SC 2/GT 1 - Dentífricos
CTN 84/SC 2/GT 5 - Conservantes, secuestrantes y antioxidantes
CTN 84/SC 2/GT 6 - Tensioactivos detergentes/emulsionantes
CTN 84/SC 2/GT 7 - Filtros solares
CTN 84/SC 2/GT 10 - Extractos vegetales
CTN 84/SC 2/GT 11 - Siliconas
CTN 84/SC 2/GT 12 - Microbiologia
CTN 84/SC 2/GT 14 - Métodos analíticos
CTN 84/SC 2/GT 15 - Factores de protección solar
CTN 84/SC 2/GT 16 - Buenas prácticas de fabricación
CTN 84/SC 2/GT 17 - Definiciones y criterios técnicos para ingredientes y productos cosméticos 'naturales' y 'orgánicos'
CTN 85 - Closure of frames in building and related products
CTN 85/GT 1 - Puertas peatonales automáticas
CTN 85/GT 2 - Safety doors and locks
CTN 85/GT 4 - Puertas quirófano
CTN 85/GT 5 - Puertas industriales
CTN 85/GT 8 - Fuego
CTN 85/SC 1 - Puertas
CTN 85/SC 2 - Ventanas
CTN 85/SC 3 - Persianas
CTN 85/SC 4 - Herrajes y cerraduras
CTN 85/SC 4/GT 2 - Puertas y herrajes de seguridad
CTN 85/SC 5 - Automatismos y equipos de control para puertas industriales, comerciales y de garaje
CTN 85/SC 7 - Vidrio en construccion
CTN 86 - Industrial refrigeration
CTN 87 - Sensory analysis
CTN 87/GT 1 - CTN 87/GT 1
CTN 87/GT 2 - Terminología asociada a la cata de vino
CTN 88 - Products in fibre-reinforced cement
CTN 89 - Office furniture
CTN 91 - Surgical implants
CTN 92 - Thermal insulation
CTN 93 - Consumers
CTN 93/GT 2 - Banca
CTN 93/GT 3 - Watches and jewellery
CTN 93/GT 4 - Consumo y seguridad
CTN 93/GT - 5 Lighters
CTN 93/GT CS - Cartas de servicio
CTN 93/SC 1 - Toys
CTN 93/SC 2 - Childcare items
CTN 94 - Thermal solar power
CTN 94/GT 1 - Instalaciones de apoyo a la energía solar térmica
CTN 94/GT 2 - Sistemas de expansión en instalaciones solares térmicas, temperaturas máximas y fluidos calorportadores
CTN 94/GT 3 - Definición de criterios de intercompatibilidad en los ensayos de los laboratorios
CTN 95 - Vibrations and impacts
CTN 96 - Sintered materials and their raw materials
CTN 100 - HVAC systems
CTN 100/GT 2 - Ventiladores y ventilación
CTN 100/GT 3 - Salas limpias y filtros de aire
CTN 100/GT 6 - Bombas de calor. Air-conditioners
CTN 100/GT 7 - Dispositivos terminales
CTN 100/GT 8 - Protección contra humo y fuego
CTN 100/GT 10 - Calidad del ambiente interior
CTN 100/GT 11 - Criterio de calificación de las instalaciones de climatización
CTN 100/GT 12 - Legionela
CTN 100/GT 18 - Revision de la UNE 100166
CTN 100/GT 19 - Buenas prácticas en equipos BDC
CTN 100/GT 20 - Desarrollo del anexo A de la norma EN 16798
CTN 100/GT 21 - Ventilation systems for radon mitigation
CTN 100/SC 1 - Climatización / comercio electrónico
CTN 101 - Fluid power systems
CTN 102 - Plaster and plaster-based products
CTN 103 - Geotechnics
CTN 103/SC 1 - Geotechnical tests
CTN 103/SC 2 - Field testing
CTN 103/SC 3 - Ejecución de trabajos geotécnicos especiales
CTN 103/SC 4 - Eurocódigo 7
CTN 103/SC 5 - Obras de tierra
CTN 103/SC 6 - Geotecnia en la rehabilitación de edificios
CTN 104 - Waterproofing and geosynthetic materials for construction
CTN 104/SC 1 - Láminas flexibles para impermeabilización
CTN 104/SC 2 - Materiales poliméricos
CTN 104/SC 3 - Geosintéticos
CTN 104/SC 5/GT 1 -
CTN 106 - Dentistry
CTN 106/SC 1 - Normas de producto
CTN 108 - Physical and electronic security Protection and alarm systems
CTN 108/GT 1 - Almacenamiento de seguridad
CTN 108/GT 2 - Blindajes
CTN 108/SC 79 - Alarm systems
CTN 109 - Safety in the storage, handling and processing of chemical products
CTN 109/GT 1 - General issues
CTN 109/GT 2 - Static electricity
CTN 109/GT 3 - Decanting items
CTN 109/GT 4 - Laboratory storage
CTN 109/GT 5 - Installation conditions
CTN 109/SC 1 - Temas generales
CTN 109/SC 1/GT 1 - Condiciones de instalación
CTN 109/SC 1/GT 2 - Inertizacion
CTN 109/SC 1/GT 3 - Electricidad estática
CTN 109/SC 2 - Almacenamiento (instalación tanques de almacenamiento)
CTN 109/SC 3 - Manipulación
CTN 109/SC 4 - Procesos
CTN 110 - Anaesthetic and respiratory resuscitation equipment
CTN 111 Medical and surgical equipment and devices
CTN 111/GT 1 - Sistemas cerrados
CTN 111/SC 1 - Terminología
CTN 111/SC 2 - Material desechable
CTN 111/SC 2/GT 1 - Tela sin tejer
CTN 111/SC 2/GT 2 - Material de cura
CTN 111/SC 3 - Sistemas de gestión
CTN 111/SC 7 - Esterilización
CTN 111/SC 9 - Equipamiento de los servicios de emergencia
CTN 111/SC 9/GT 1 - Ambulancias aéreas
CTN 111/SC 11 - Instrumentos quirúrgicos
CTN 111/SC 13 - Equipos y dispositivos para infusión, inyección y transfusión
CTN 111/SC 14 - Antisépticos y desinfectantes
CTN 111/SC 15 - Anticonceptivos mecánicos
CTN 111/SC 15/GT 1 - Condones y diafragmas
CTN 111/SC 15/GT 2 - Dispositivos intrauterinos
CTN 112 - Corrosion and protection of metal materials
CTN 112/SC 1 - Corrosión de los materiales metálicos
CTN 112/SC 1/GT 1 - Corrosión bajo efecto mecánico
CTN 112/SC 1/GT 2 - Corrosión intergranular
CTN 112/SC 1/GT 3 - Corrosión atmosférica
CTN 112/SC 1/GT 4 - Corrosión en armaduras
CTN 112/SC 1/GT 6 - Ensayos de corrosión
CTN 112/SC 2 - Protección de los materiales metálicos
CTN 112/SC 2/GT 1 - Recubrimientos metálicos por vía electrolítica
CTN 112/SC 2/GT 2 - Recubrimientos metálicos por vía química
CTN 112/SC 2/GT 3 - Recubrimientos metálicos por inmersión en caliente
CTN 112/SC 2/GT 4 - Recubrimientos por proyección térmica
CTN 112/SC 2/GT 5 - Recubrimientos metálicos por presión
CTN 112/SC 2/GT 6 - Recubrimientos por deposición en fase gaseosa
CTN 112/SC 2/GT 7 - Recubrimientos metálicos por inmersión en frío
CTN 112/SC 2/GT 8 - Recubrimientos por capas de conversión crómicas
CTN 112/SC 2/GT 9 - Recubrimientos por capas de conversión fosfatantes
CTN 112/SC 2/GT 10 - Recubrimientos mediante esmaltes vítreos
CTN 112/SC 2/GT 11 - Protección catódica
CTN 112/SC 2/GT 14 - Preparación y acondicionado de superficies previas an una protección metálica o inorgánica
CTN 115 - Machinery for construction, civil works and building
CTN 115/GT 1 - Earthmoving machinery
CTN 115/GT 2- Road construction and conservation equipment
CTN 115/GT 3 - Concrete manufacturing and handling equipment
CTN 115/SC 4 - Machinery for the manufacture of building materials
CTN 115/SC 5 - Machinery for specialised projects
CTN 115/GT 6 - Machinery for the manufacture of aggregates
CTN 115/SC 1 - Maquinaria para movimiento de tierras
CTN 115/SC 2 - Maquinaria para construcción y conservación de carreteras
CTN 115/SC 3 - Maquinaria para fabricación y manipulación de hormigón
CTN 115/SC 4 - Maquinaria para fabricar materiales de construcción
CTN 115/SC 5 - Maquinaria para trabajos especializados
CTN 115/SC 6 - Maquinaria para fabricación de áridos
CTN 116 - Automated industrial systems
CTN 116/GT 1 - Additive manufacturing
CTN 117 - Containers and swap bodies for freight transportation
CTN 117/GT 1 - Depósitos reparadores de contenedores
CTN 118 - Tobacco and tobacco products
CTN 118/SC 1 - Tobacco products
CTN 118/SC 2 - Raw tobacco
CTN 118/SC 3 - Electronic cigarettes and e-liquids
CTN 119 - Starch and starch derivatives
CTN 120 - Machinery for wood transformation
CTN 121 - Cycles
CTN 122 - Cutlery. Decorative and table service items
CTN 123 - Chimneys
CTN 124 - Heat generators and emitters
CTN 125 - Light metal containers
CTN 126 - Glass containers
CTN 127 - Precast cement and concrete products
CTN 128 - Mattresses, bases and accessories
CTN 129 - In vitro diagnostic systems and clinical laboratory
CTN 129/SC 1 - Terminología
CTN 129/SC 2 - Sistemas de calidad. Métodos y materiales de referencia
CTN 129/SC 3 - Etiquetado, envases y embalajes. Manuales técnicos y de instrumentación
CTN 129/SC 4 - Técnicas generales de laboratorios
CTN 130 - Non-destructive testing
CTN 130/GT 1 - Radiaciones ionizantes
CTN 130/GT 2 - Ultrasonidos
CTN 130/GT 3 - Corrientes inducidas
CTN 130/GT 4 - Líquidos penetrantes
CTN 130/GT 5 - Partículas magnéticas
CTN 130/GT 6 - Ensayo de fugas
CTN 130/GT 7 - Emisión acústica
CTN 130/GT 8 - Inspección visual
CTN 130/GT 10 - Difracción RX
CTN 130/GT 11 - Termografía infrarroja
CTN 130/GT 12 - Agudeza visual
CTN 131 - Copper and copper alloys
CTN 131/GT 1 - Productos en bruto
CTN 131/GT 2 - Productos planos
CTN 131/GT 3 - Tubos
CTN 131/GT 4 - Barras, alambres y perfiles
CTN 131/GT 5 - Productos usos eléctricos
CTN 131/GT 8 - Accesorios para tuberías
CTN 132 - Machinery and installations used for the application of paints
CTN 133 - Telecommunications
CTN 133/GT 2 - Televisión digital
CTN 133/GT 3 - Accesibilidad
CTN 133/GT 3/SG - Pasos
CTN 133/SC 2 - Hogar digital
CTN 134 - Management of solid urban and similar waste, industrial and special waste
CTN 135 - Equipamientos viales
CTN 135/GT 1 - Traffic moderation
CTN 135/SC 1- Road restraint systems
CTN 135/SC 1/GT 1 - Barrier installed
CTN 135/SC 2 - Señalización horizontal
CTN 135/SC 3 - Señalización vertical
CTN 135/SC 3/GT 1 - Láminas retrorreflectantes
CTN 135/SC 3/GT 2 - Balizamiento
CTN 135/SC 3/GT 3 - Revisión de normas
CTN 135/SC 4 - Traffic regulation
CTN 135/SC 6 - Dispositivos reductores de ruido
CTN 135/SC 7 - Pantallas antideslumbrantes
CTN 135/SC 9 - Equipamiento vial urbano
CTN 136 - Baked clay materials for construction
CTN 137 - Cardboard containers and packaging
CTN 138 - Ceramic tiles
CTN 139 - ICT for healthcare
CTN 139/GT 1 - Interoperatividad organizativa
CTN 139/GT 2 - Plataformas de telesalud y teleasistencia
CTN 139/SC 1 - Information systems and health records
CTN 139/SC 2 - Terminology
CTN 139/SC 3 - Security, privacy and quality
CTN 139/SC 4 - Technical interoperability
CTN 139/SC 8 - Assistive products for the elderly and people with disabilities
CTN 140 - Structural Eurocodes
CTN 140/GT 2 - Estructuras existentes
CTN 140/GT 3 - Vidrio estructural
CTN 140/GT 4 - Polímeros reforzados con fibras
CTN 140/GT 5 - Estructuras de membrana
CTN 140/GT 6 - Robustez
CTN 140/GT GHP - Grupo horizontal de puentes
CTN 140/SC 1 Actions on structures
CTN 140/SC 1/GT 1 - Revisión EN 1991-2
CTN 140/SC 2 - Concrete structures
CTN 140/SC 3 - Steel structures
CTN 140/SC 4 - Mixed steel anc concrete structures
CTN 140/SC 5 - Timber structures
CTN 140/SC 6 - Masonry structures
CTN 140/SC 7 - Geotechnical design
CTN 140/SC 8 - Design of structures for earthquake resistance
CTN 140/SC 9 - Design of aluminium structures
CTN 140/SC 10 - Bases de cálculo de estructuras
CTN 141 - Metal utensils for cooking food
CTN 142 - Fertilisers, soil improvers and growing media
CTN 142/GT 1 - Mejoradores del suelo y sustratos de cultivo
CTN 142/GT 2 - Ecological Agriculture
CTN 142/GT 3 - Plant biostimulants and agricultural micro-organisms
CTN 143 - Adhesives and sealants
CTN 143/SC 1 - Terminología y ensayos físicos-químicos
CTN 143/SC 2 - Adhesivos estructurales
CTN 143/SC 3 - Adhesivos para papel, embalaje y productos higiénicos desechables
CTN 143/SC 4 - Adhesivos para la construcción
CTN 143/SC 5 - Adhesivos para piel y materiales para calzado
CTN 143/SC 6 - Adhesivos para la madera
CTN 143/SC 7 - Adhesivos para tuberías de plástico
CTN 143/SC 8 - Sealants for construction
CTN 144 - Value management. Value analysis. Análisis funcional
CTN 145 - Zinc and its alloys
CTN 146 - Aggregates
CTN 146/GT 13 - Sustancias peligrosas
CTN 146/SC 1 - Concrete, mortar and grout
CTN 146/SC 2 - Áridos para hormigones
CTN 146/SC 3 - Áridos para carreteras
CTN 146/SC 4 - Balasto y otras aplicaciones
CTN 146/SC 5 - Áridos ligeros y especiales
CTN 146/SC 6 - Ensayos
CTN 147 - Sports. Sports equipment and facilities
CTN 147/SC 1 - Gestión y mantenimiento de instalaciones y recintos deportivos
CTN 147/SC 2 - Deportes, campos de juego y otros equipos de recreo
CTN 147/SC 2/GT 1 - Piscinas
CTN 147/SC 2/GT 2 - Inspección de elementos deportivos
CTN 147/SC 2/GT 3 - Padel
CTN 147/SC 3 - Sports surfaces
CTN 147/SC 3/GT 1 - Hierba natural
CTN 147/SC 4 - Spectator facilities
CTN 147/SC 5 - Instalaciones deportivas para la actividad física de personas con necesidades especiales
CTN 148 - Digital geographical information
CTN 148/GT 1 - Herramientas y tecnologías para la creación y gestión automática de metadatos de información geográfica digital
CTN 149 - Water engineering
CTN 149/GT 1 - Productos desechables
CTN 149/GT 2 - CTN 149/GT 2
CTN 149/SC 1 - Tratamiento del agua
CTN 149/SC 2 - Water supply
CTN 149/SC 2/GT 3 - Buenas prácticas en las instalaciones interiores
CTN 149/SC 3 - Redes de saneamiento y vertido
CTN 149/SC 4 - Depuración de aguas
CTN 149/SC 4/GT 1 - Vertidos
CTN 149/SC 4/GT 2 - Lodos
CTN 149/SC 5 - Puertos
CTN 149/SC 6 - Costas
CTN 150 - Environmental management
CTN 150/GT 4 - Terminología
CTN 150/GT 6 - Apoyo para el cumplimiento del principio DNSH
CTN 150/SC 1 - Environmental management systems
CTN 150/SC 1/GT 5 - Costes
CTN 150/SC 1/GT 6 - Riesgos
CTN 150/SC 1/GT 7 - Playas
CTN 150/SC 1/GT 8 - Centros de asistencia sanitaria
CTN 150/SC 2 - Environmental compliance and environmental performance audit
CTN 150/SC 3 - Environmental labelling and LCA
CTN 151 - Maintenance
CTN 152 - Logistics and transportation
CTN 152/GT 1 - Competency for customs representatives
CTN 153 - Assistive products for persons with disability
CTN 153/GT 1 - Easy-to-read
CTN 153/SC 1 - Ayudas a la deambulación y grúas
CTN 153/SC 2 - Sillas de ruedas y sistemas de sujección
CTN 153/SC 3 - Camas ajustables
CTN 153/SC 4 - Exoprótesis y ortesis
CTN 153/SC 5 - Ayudas a la comunicación
CTN 153/SC 6 - Ostomía e incontinencia
CTN 153/SC 7 - Terminología y clasificación
CTN 155 - Fresh fruit and vegetables
CTN 155/GT 1 - Laboratorios
CTN 155/GT 2 - Materias activas
CTN 155/GT 3 - Calabaza
CTN 155/GT 4 - Patata
CTN 155/GT 5 - Escarola
CTN 155/GT 6 - Espárrago
CTN 155/GT 7 - Puerro
CTN 155/GT 8 - Alcachofa
CTN 155/GT 9 - Coliflor
CTN 155/GT 10 - Ajo
CTN 155/GT 11 - Cebolla
CTN 155/GT 12 - Zanahoria
CTN 155/GT 13 - Frambuesa
CTN 155/GT 14 - Apio
CTN 155/GT 15 - Fruta de hueso
CTN 155/GT 16 - Cereza
CTN 155/GT 17 - Fruta de pepita
CTN 155/GT 18 - Aguacate
CTN 155/GT 19 - Plátano
CTN 155/GT 20 - Uva de mesa
CTN 155/GT 21 - Kiwi
CTN 155/GT 22 - Revisión de la norma UNE 155000:2005
CTN 155/GT 23 - Buenas prácticas agrícolas
CTN 155/GT 24 - Mango
CTN 155/GT 25 - Chirimoyo
CTN 155/GT 26 - Higo
CTN 155/GT 27 - Huella de carbono
CTN 155/SC 1 - Vegetables
CTN 155/SC 1/GT 1 - Pumpkin
CTN 155/SC 1/GT 2 - Potato
CTN 155/SC 1/GT 3 - Endive
CTN 155/SC 1/GT 4 - Asparagus
CTN 155/SC 1/GT 5 - Leek
CTN 155/SC 1/GT 6 - Artichoke
CTN 155/SC 1/GT 7 - Greens
CTN 155/SC 2 - Stoned fruit
CTN 155/SC 2/GT 1 - Cherry
CTN 155/SC 3 - Citrus fruits
CTN 155/SC 4 - Tropical
CTN 155/SC 4/GT 1 - Avocado
CTN 155/SC 4/GT 2 - Banana
CTN 156 - Postal services
CTN 156/GT 1 - Calidad del servicio
CTN 156/GT 3 - Identificación automática
CTN 156/GT 5 - Buzones
CTN 157 - Projects
CTN 157/SC 1 - Project management
CTN 157/SC 1/GT 1 - Gestión de proyectos en construcción
CTN 157/SC 1/GT 2 - Seguimiento y estudio del ISO/TC 258
CTN 158 - Services for promotion of personal autonomy and for persons in a situation of dependence
CTN 158/SC 1 - Residential homes for the elderly
CTN 158/SC 2 - Day and night care centres
CTN 158/SC 3 Home healthcare services (HHS)
CTN 158/SC 4 Telecare
CTN 158/SC 5 - Otros servicios de promoción de la autonomía personal y atención a la dependencia
CTN 158/SC 6 - Recursos humanos en los servicios para la promoción de la autonomía personal y para personas en situación de dependencia
CTN 159 - Intelligent transport systems
CTN 159/SC 1 - Transportes y explotación de carreteras
CTN 159/SC 1/GT 1 - ITS electronic tolling and pay-per-use road systems
CTN 159/SC 1/GT 2 - Transportes
CTN 159/SC 2 - Tráfico
CTN 159/SC 2/GT 1 - Información de tráfico y datos geográficos
CTN 159/SC 2/GT 2 - Arquitectura y terminología, interfaz hombre-máquina y sistemas de recuperación de vehículos robados
CTN 159/SC 3 - Transporte público
CTN 159/SC 4 - ITS urbanos
CTN 160 - Standardized measurement systems for cleaning services
CTN 161 - Market research studies and opinion polls
CTN 162 - Sustainable forest management
CTN 162/SC 1 - Vocabulary, terminology, and definitions
CTN 162/SC 2 - Criterios e indicadores de las unidades de gestión
CTN 162/SC 4 - Aspectos formativos no reglados
CTN 162/SC 5 - Cadena de custodia de productos forestales
CTN 163 - Potentially explosive atmospheres. Prevention and protection against explosions
CTN 164 - Solid biofuels
CTN 164/SC 1 - Biocombustibles sólidos
CTN 164/SC 2 - Recovered solid fuels
CTN 165 - Ethics, governance and social responsibility of organizations
CTN 165/GT 1 - Socially responsible financial products
CTN 165/GT 6 - Social responsibility and childhood
CTN 165/GT 7 - Sustainability in event management
CTN 165/GT 8 - Protección frente la violencia contra menores y personas en situación de vulnerabilidad
CTN 165/GT 9 - Fostering tolerance in non-university education centres
CTN 165/SC 1 Governance and whistleblowing
CTN 165/SC 2 - Ethics and social responsibility
CTN 307/SC 1 - Compliance management systems and anti-corruption systems
CTN 165/SC 3/GT 1 - Requirements for Standard UNE 19601 certifiers
CTN 165/SC 4 - Tax compliance
CTN 165/SC 5 - Contratación pública
CTN 165/SC 6 - Compliance en materia de competencia
CTN 165/SC 7 - Compliance socio laboral
CTN 166 - Actividades de investigación, desarrollo tecnológico e innovación (I+D+i)
CTN 166/GT 1 - Terminología y definiciones de las actividades de I+D+i
CTN 166/GT 2 - Normalización de los proyectos de I+D+i
CTN 166/GT 3 - Normalización de los sistemas de gestión de I+D+i
CTN 166/GT 4 - Guide to auditing R&D+i management systems
CTN 166/GT 5 - Qualification of R&D+i auditors
CTN 166/GT 6 - Vigilancia tecnológica
CTN 166/GT 7 - Transferencia de tecnología
CTN 167 - Hospitality and catering services
CTN 167/GT 1 - Revisión de normas
CTN 167/GT 2 - Línea fría completa
CTN 167/SC 1 - Hospitality
CTN 167/SC 1/GT 1 - HACCP
CTN 168 - Rubber and plastics machines
CTN 169 - Machinery for containers and packaging
CTN 170 - Universal accessibility and design for all
CTN 170/GT 1 - Accessibility in public ICT procurement (M/376)
CTN 170/GT 2 - Accessibility requirements for public procurement in the built environment (M/420)
CTN 170/GT 3 - Design for all
CTN 170/GT 4 - Accessibility requirements for signs
CTN 170/GT 5 - Accessible tourism
CTN 170/GT 6 - Cognitive accessibility
CTN 171 - Indoor air quality
CTN 171/GT 1 - Medición de CO2
CTN 171/SC 1 - Terminología
CTN 171/SC 2 - Buenas prácticas, higienización y mantenimiento
CTN 171/SC 2/GT 1 - Good cleaning practices
CTN 171/SC 2/GT 2 - Good practices in disinfection, rodent eradication and insect eradication
CTN 171/SC 2/GT 3 - Buenas prácticas en remendación microbiológica
CTN 171/SC 2/GT 4 - Good practices in remodeling works and renovations
CTN 171/SC 3 - Análisis, valoración y auditorías
CTN 171/SC 3/GT 2 - Microbiological controls of surfaces
CTN 171/SC 3/GT 3 - Inspection and audit
CTN 171/SC 3/GT 4 - Environmental quality in health centres
CTN 171/SC 3/GT 5 - Calidad ambiental en hostelería
CTN 171/SC 3/GT 6 - Qualification of interior environmental quality / energy efficiency
CTN 171/SC 3/GT 7 - Amianto
CTN 171/SC 3/GT 8 - Measurement of CO2
CTN 171/SC 4 - Bioseguridad
CTN 171/SC 4/GT 1 - Diseño y validación
CTN 171/SC 4/GT 2 - Modelos de gestión
CTN 171/SC 4/GT 3 - Competencia del personal
CTN 172 - Infancia
CTN 172/SC 1 - Toys
CTN 172/SC 1/GT 1 - Iconotoy
CTN 172/SC 2 - Childcare items
CTN 172/SC 3 - Playground equipment for children
CTN 172/SC 3/GT 3 - Panel de interpretación
CTN 172/SC 3/GT 4 - Votaciones
CTN 172/SC 3/GT 5 - REVISIÓN fprCEN/TR 16879
CTN 172/SC 3/GT 6 - Inspección de áreas infantiles
CTN 172/SC 4 - Material, services and centres intended for infants
CTN 172/SC 4/GT 1 - Escuelas infantiles
CTN 173 - Processes and products of aquaculture
CTN 173/SC 1 - Trout
CTN 173/SC 2 - Marine aquaculture
CTN 174 - Translation services
CTN 175 - Retail business
CTN 175/GT 2 - Calidad de servicio
CTN 175/GT 5 - Quality of service in butchers and delicatessens
CTN 175/GT 6 - Quality of service in florists
CTN 175/GT 7 - Sale of personal protective equipment (PPE)
CTN 175/GT 8 - Calidad de servicio en las estaciones de servicio
CTN 176 - Meteorology and climatology
CTN 176/GT 1 - Agrometeorologia
CTN 177 - Contenidos de internet
CTN 178 - Smart cities
CTN 178/GT 1 - Grupo ad-hoc internacional
CTN 178/SC 1 - City/STD infrastructure and platforms
CTN 178/SC 1/GT 7 - Puertos inteligentes
Committee CTN 178/SC 2 Indicators and semantics
CTN 178/SC 2/GT 1 - Semántica
CTN 178/SC 2/GT 2 - Indicadores
CTN 178/SC 3 - Mobility and transportation platforms
CTN 178/SC 4 - Sustainability
CTN 178/SC 5 - Tourist destinations
CTN 178/SC 5/GT 1 - Innovación
CTN 178/SC 5/GT 2 - Tecnología
CTN 178/SC 5/GT 3 - Accesibilidad
CTN 178/SC 5/GT 4 - Sostenibilidad
CTN 178/SC 5/GT 5 - Gobernanza
CTN 178/SC 5/GT 6 - Indicadores y herramientas DTI
CTN 178/SC 5/GT 7 - Semántica aplicada a DTI
CTN 178/SC 5/GT 8 - Smart hotel (HDIC)
CTN 178/SC 5/GT 9 - Web turísticas
CTN 178/SC 5/GT 10 - Wifi en playas
CTN 178/SC 5/GT 11 - Apps turísticas
CTN 178/SC 5/GT 12 - Modelo de recogida, explotación y análisis de datos turísticos
CTN 178/SC 5/GT 13 - Empresa Turística Inteligente (ETI)
CTN 178/SC 5/GT 14 - Plataforma DTI
CTN 178/SC 6 - Land and public services planning
CTN 178/SC 6/GT 1 - Territorios rurales inteligentes
CTN 178/SC 6/GT 2 - Espacios cardioprotegidos
CTN 178/SC 7 - Datificación de las entidades locales (EE.LL.)
CTN 179 - Quality and safety in healthcare facilities
CTN 179/GT 1 - Calidad en los servicios de odontología y estomatología
CTN 179/GT 2 - Sistemas de gestión de la calidad en organizaciones sanitarias
CTN 179/GT 3 - Vigilancia, prevención y control de las infecciones relacionadas con la asistencia sanitaria
CTN 179/GT 4 - Calidad en las empresas de transporte sanitario
CTN 179/GT 5 - Gestión de riesgos de seguridad del paciente
CTN 179/GT 6 - Quiroprácticos
CTN 179/GT 7 - Medicina tradicional china
CTN 179/GT 8 - Cirugía estética
CTN 179/GT 9 - Reproducción asistida
CTN 179/GT 10 - Osteopathy
CTN 179/GT 11 - Fisuras de labiopalatino
CTN 179/GT 12 - Trasplante hepático
CTN 179/GT 13 - Patient-centred care
CTN 179/GT 14 - Nutrición clínica y dietética
CTN 179/GT 15 - Calidad de la imagen médica
CTN 179/GT 16 - Gestión de gases de uso medicinal
CTN 179/GT 17 - Teleconsulta
CTN 180 - Equipment for temporary site works
CTN 180/GT 2 - Encofrados
CTN 180/GT 4 - Plataformas de carga y descarga
CTN 181 - Hydrogen technologies
CTN 182 - Hotels and holiday apartments
CTN 183 - Rural accommodation
CTN 184 - Campsites and holiday resorts
CTN 185 - Time-share tourist services
CTN 186 - Health tourism establishments and services
CTN 187 - Management services for the tourism environment
CTN 187/SC 1 - Playas
CTN 187/SC 2 - Espacios naturales protegidos
CTN 187/SC 3 - Oficinas de información turística
CTN 187/SC 4 - Palacios de congresos
CTN 187/SC 5 - Convention bureaux
CTN 187/SC 6 - Guías de turismo
CTN 187/SC 7 - Patronatos de turismo
CTN 188 - Relaxation, leisure and active tourism services
CTN 188/SC 1 - Campos de golf
CTN 188/SC 2 - Estaciones de esquí y montaña
CTN 188/SC 3 - Turismo activo
CTN 188/SC 4 - Instalaciones nautico deportivas
CTN 188/SC 5 - Ocio nocturno
CTN 189 - Tourism intermediary services
CTN 189/SC 1 - Servicios de azafatas y personal de acogida y apoyo a la organización
CTN 190 - Funeral services and management of cemeteries
CTN 191 - Terminology
CTN 191/GT 1 - Lenguaje claro
CTN 191/SC 1 - Principles and methods
CTN 191/SC 2 - Terminology management and lexicography
CTN 191/SC 3 - Computer applications for terminology
CTN 191/SC 4 - Management of language resources
CTN 191/SC 5 Electrical terms
CTN 192 - Regulatory inspections
CTN 192/GT 1 - Coordinación
CTN 192/SC 1 - Serious accidents
CTN 192/SC 2 - Cranes
CTN 192/SC 3 - Transporte de mercancias peligrosas
CTN 192/SC 3/GT 1 - Cisternas
CTN 192/SC 3/GT 2 - Envases
CTN 192/SC 4 - Transporte de mercancías perecederas
CTN 192/SC 5 - Fire safety facilities
CTN 192/SC 6 - Instalaciones petrolíferas
CTN 192/SC 7 - Low voltage electrical installations
CTN 192/SC 8 - Lifting equipment. Lifts
CTN 192/SC 9 - Gaseous fuels
CTN 192/SC 10 - Líneas eléctricas de alta tensión
CTN 192/SC 11 - Pressure equipment
CTN 192/SC 11/GT 1 - Requisitos específicos para refinerías y plantas petroquímicas (ITC-EP3)
CTN 192/SC 11/GT 2 - Requisitos específicos para terminales de gas natural licuado (ITC-EP 7)
CTN 192/SC 12 - Storage of chemical products
CTN 192/SC 13 - Refrigeration installations
CTN 192/SC - 14 High voltage electrical installations
CTN 192/SC 15 - Instalaciones térmicas en los edificios
CTN 193 - Evaluation of hazardous substance emissions from construction products
CTN 194 - Igualdad de género
CTN 195 - Extractive fishing
CTN 195/GT 1 - Redes de pesca
CTN 195/GT 2 - Tuna
CTN 195/GT 3 - Electronic observation
CTN 196 - Risk, safety and resilience management
CTN 196/SC 1 - Continuidad y resiliencia organizacional
CTN 196/SC 2 - Risk management
CTN 196/SC 5 - Private security services
CTN 197 - Expert, forensic and mediation services
CTN 197/GT 1 - Review of une standard 197001
CTN 197/GT 2 - Expert reports in ITC
CTN 197/GT 3 - Forensic science processes
CTN 197/GT 4 - Forensic science
CTN 197/SC 1 - Servicios periciales
CTN 197/SC 2 - Forensic services
CTN 197/SC 3 - Servicios de mediación
CTN 198 - Sustainability in construction
CTN 198/GT 1 - Sostenibilidad de producto
CTN 198/SC 1 - Edificación
CTN 198/SC 2 - Obra civil
CTN 198/SC 3 - Materiales
CTN 198/SC 3/GT 1 - Product sustainability
CTN 198/SC 4 - Economía circular aplicada a la industria de la construcción
CTN 198/SC 5 - Evaluation of hazardous substance emissions from construction products
CTN 199 - Equipment for managing traffic
CTN 199/SC 1 - Estaciones remotas
CTN 199/SC 2 - Reguladores de tráfico
CTN 199/SC 3 - Detectores y estaciones de toma de datos
CTN 199/SC 4 - Comunicaciones
CTN 199/SC 5 - Paneles de mensaje variable
CTN 199/SC 6 - Semáforos
CTN 199/SC 7 - Sensores variables medioambientales en carretera
CTN 199/SC 9 - Equipos de vídeo
CTN 199/SC 10 - Mantenimiento
CTN 199/SC 11 - Centros de gestión
CTN 199/SC 12 - Cinemómetros y visión artificial
CTN 199/SC 14 - Visión artificial y LPR
CTN 199/SC 15 - Calidad de datos
CTN 199/SC 16 - Equipos de control de estacionamientos de vehiculos. Parquímetros
CTN 199/SC 17 - Arquitectura para la gestión del tráfico urbano
CTN 199/SC 18 - Arquitectura para la gestión del tráfico interurbano
CTN 199/SC 19 - Dynamic warning signals
CTN 200 - Basic electrical standards
CTN 200/BTWG 101-5 - Utilización y seguridad de los productos eléctricos relacionados con personas con necesidades especiales
CTN 200/BTWG 99-2 -Functional security
CTN 200/SC 1 - Terminology
CTN 200/SC 3 - Information structures, documentation and graphical symbols
CTN 200/SC 8 - Normal voltages and intensities. Normal frequencies
CTN 200/SC 16 - Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface, marking and identification
CTN 200/SC 25 - Quantities and units and their letter symbols
CTN 200/SC 56 - Reliability
CTN 200/SC 68 - Magnetic materials such as alloys and steel.
CTN 200/SC 70 - Degrees of protection provided by enclosures
CTN 200/SC101-204 - Electrostatics and safety of electrostatic spray equipment
CTN 200/SC104 - Environmental conditions, classification and test methods
CTN 200/SC111 - Environmental standardisation for electrical and electronic products and systems
CTN 200/GUIAS - Electrotechnical guides
CTN 200/SC SF - Functional security
CTN 201 - Low voltage switchgear and controlgear.
CTN 201/GT 1 - SPL
CTN 201/SC 17BD - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies
CTN 201/SC 23 - Electrical accessories for household and similar fixed electrical installations
CTN 201/SC 23A-213 - Cable routing systems
CTN 201/SC 23BCXG - Plugs, socket-outlets and switches
CTN 201/SC 23BG - Plugs, socket-outlets and switches
CTN 201/SC 23C - Toma de corriente universal
CTN 201/SC 23E - Circuit breakers and similar devices for household use and similar applications
CTN 201/SC 23F - Connecting devices
CTN 201/SC 23H - Industrial plugs and sockets
CTN 201/SC 23J Circuit breakers for equipment
CTN 201/SC 23K - Products for electrical energy efficiency
CTN 201/SC 37AB - Lightning rods. Insulation coordination for low voltage systems
CTN 201/SC 89 - Fire hazard testing
CTN 201/SC 96 - Small power transformers, reactors, power supply units and similar products. Safety requirements
CTN 201/SC 121AB - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies
CTN 202 - Electrical installations
CTN 202/GT 1 - Comportamiento ante el fuego de aparamenta, accesorios e instalaciones electricas de baja tensión
CTN 202/GT 2 - SPL
CTN 202/SC 18 - Electrical installations on ships and fixed or mobile platforms at sea
CTN 202/SC 31 - Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres
CTN 202/SC 64 - Instalaciones eléctricas y protección contra los choques eléctricos
CTN 202 64/GT - Verification of electrical installations
CTN 202/SC 64/GT 2 - Elementos de puesta a tierra
CTN 202/SC 64/GT 71 - Electrical installations for outdoor sites under heavy conditions (including open-cast mines and quarries)
CTN 202/SC 64/GT VI - Verification of electrical installations
CTN 202/SC 71 - Electrical installations for outdoor sites under heavy conditions (including open-cast mines and quarries)
CTN 202/SC205 Home and building electronic systems
CTN 202/SC216 - Gas detectors for use in domestic and similar premises
CTN 202/SC218 - Cualificación de contratistas de instalaciones eléctricas
CTN 203 - Electrical equipment and automatic systems for industry
CTN 203/BTWG 100-1 - Electrical equipment and automatic systems for industry
CTN 203/BTTF 71-2 - Electrical equipment and automatic systems for industry
CTN 203/SC 2 - Rotary machines
CTN 203/SC 9X - Electrical and electronic applications for railways
CTN 203/SC 9XA - Communication, signalling and processing systems
CTN 203/SC 9XB - Electrical, electronic and electromechanical equipment on rollers, including associated software
CTN 203/SC 9XC - Alimentación eléctrica y puesta a tierra de los equipos para el transporte público y aparatos auxiliares (instalaciones fijas)
CTN 203/SC 21 - Accumulators (secondary cells and batteries)
CTN 203/SC 21/GT 1 - Segunda vida de baterías de movilidad para usos estacionarios
CTN 203/SC 22 - Power electronics
CTN 203/SC 26 - Arc welding
CTN 203/SC 27 Industrial electroheating and electromagnetic processing
CTN 203/SC 33 - Power capacitors
CTN 203/SC 35 - Batteries (primary cells and batteries)
CTN 203/SC 44 - Safety of machinery. Aspectos electrotécnicos
CTN 203/SC 61F - Handheld power tools
CTN 203/SC 65 - Measurement and control of industrial processes-fieldbus
CTN 203/SC 69 - Electric energy transfer systems for road vehicles and electrically powered industrial trucks
CTN 203/SC 79 - Alarm systems
CTN 203/SC 91 - CTN 203/SC 91
CTN 203/SC 91-119 - Surface mount and related assembly technologies
CTN 203/SC 116 - Handheld power tools
CTN 204 - Electrical safety
CTN 204/BTTF 62-3 - Operation of electrical installations
CTN 204/SC 70 - Degrees of protection provided by enclosures
CTN 204/SC 78 - Live-line working
CTN 204/SC AT - Live-line high-voltage work
CTN 204/SC BT -Live-line low-voltage work
CTN 205 - Lamps and related equipment
CTN 205/SC 34 - Lighting and related equipment
CTN 205/SC 34A - Lamps
CTN 205/SC 34B - Lamp caps and holders
CTN 205/SC 34C - Lamp accessories
CTN 205/SC 34D - Lights
CTN 205/SC 999 - Grupo de coordinación cen/cenelec luz
CTN 206 - Electricity production
CTN 206/JTFPE - Power station equipment procurement guides
CTN 206/SC 1 - Solar thermoelectric power systems
CTN 206/SC 1/GT 1 - Solar power plant
CTN 206/SC 1/GT 2 - Solar power plant components
CTN 206/SC 1/GT 3 - Thermal storage characterisation for solar concentration applications
CTN 206/SC 4 Water turbines
CTN 206/SC 5 - Steam turbines
CTN 206/SC 10 - Fluids for electrotechnical applications
CTN 206/SC 15 - Insulating materials
CTN 206/SC 45 - Nuclear instrumentation
CTN 206/SC 82 - Photovoltaic systems
CTN 206/SC 88 - Photovoltaic energy generation systems
CTN 206/SC 90 - Superconductivity
CTN 206/SC105 - Fuel cell technology
CTN 206/SC 114 - Marine energy. Wave and current energy converters
CTN 206/SC 117 - Solar thermal power plants
CTN 206/SC 117/GT 1 - Solar power features
CTN 206/SC 117/GT 2 - Solar power plant components
CTN 206/SC 117/GT 3 - Thermal storage features solar concentration applications
CTN 206/SC GC - Power station equipment procurement guides
CTN 207 - Electricity transportation and distribution
CTN 207/GT CIRED - International Conference on Electricity Distribution
CTN 207/SC 7 - Overhead line conductors
CTN 207/SC 7-11 - Overhead line conductors
CTN 207/SC 10 - Fluids for electrotechnical applications
CTN 207/SC 11 - overhead power lines
CTN 207/SC 13 - Devices for measuring electricity and controlling loads
CTN 207/SC 14 - Power transformers
CTN 207/SC 17-17A - High tension switchgear
CTN 207/SC 17AC-32A - High-voltage switchgear and fuses
CTN 207/SC 17C - Enclosed high voltage switchgear
CTN 207/SC 28 - Insulation coordination
CTN 207/SC 28A - Coordination of low voltage equipment isolation
CTN 207/SC 32-32A High-voltage fuses
CTN 207/SC 32B - Low voltage fuses
CTN 207/SC 32C - Miniature fuses
CTN 207/SC 36 - Insulators
CTN 207/SC 37 - Lightning rods.
CTN 207/SC 38 - Metering and protection current transformers
1CTN 207/SC 42 - High voltage testing procedures
CTN 207/SC 57 - Control of electric power systems and related communications
CTN 207/SC 57-219 - Control of power systems and related communications systems
CTN 207/SC 73 - Short-circuit currents
CTN 207/SC 81 - Lightning protection
CTN 207/SC 94 All-or-nothing electrical relays
CTN 207/SC 94-95 - Electrical relays
CTN 207/SC 95 - Measuring relays and protection equipment
CTN 207/SC 98 - Electrical insulating materials and systems
CTN 207/SC 99 - Coordination of isolation and electrical installations with voltages above 1 kV AC (1.5 kV DC)
CTN 207/SC 109 - Coordination of low voltage equipment isolation
CTN 207/SC 112 - Electrical insulating materials and systems
CTN 207/SC 115 - Transporte de energía eléctrica en corriente continua para tensiones superiores a 100 kV
CTN 207/SC 122 - Sistemas de transporte UHV AC
CTN 207/SC205A - Low voltage electrical network communication systems
CTN 207/SC 219 - Electrical network communication systems
CTN 207/SCH - Posts and locks
CTN 208 - Electromagnetic compatibility
CTN 208/SC 77-210 - Electromagnetic compatibility - Conducted disturbances
CTN 208/SCCISPR - Electromagnetic compatibility - Radiated disturbances
CTN 209 - Electronic equipment
CTN 209/SC 29 - Electroacoustics
CTN 209/SC 39 - Electron tubes
CTN 209/SC 40 - Capacitors and resistors for electrical equipment
CTN 209/SC 47 - Semiconductor devices
CTN 209/SC 48 - Electromechanical components and mechanical structures for electronic equipment
CTN 209/SC 49 - Piezoelectric and dielectric devices for frequency selection and control
CTN 209/SC 51 - Magnetic and ferrite components
CTN 209/SC 52 - Printed circuits
CTN 209/SC 62 - Medical electrical equipment
CTN 209/SC 62 - Fundamental aspects of safety standards for medical electrical equipment
CTN 209/SC 62B - Diagnostic imaging equipment
CTN 209/SC 62C - Equipment for radiotherapy, nuclear medicine and radiation dosimetry
CTN 209/SC 62D - Medical electrical equipment
CTN 209/SC 62/GT 1 - Mantenimiento de equipos electromédicos
CTN 209/SC 74 - Safety and energy performance of information technology
CTN 209/SC 76 - Equipment, facilities and laser and electro-optic systems
CTN 209/SC 87 Ultrasound
CTN 209/SC 92 - Safety of audio, visual and similar electrical appliances
CTN 209/SC 93-217 - Electronic design automation (EDA)
CTN 209/SC107 - Process management for electronic applications in avionics
CTN 209/SC108 - Security of electronic audio/video equipment, information technology and communication technology
CTN 209/SC109-1 - Electrical beauty appliances
CTN 209/SC110 - Electronic display devices
CTN 209/SC 116-2 - Ignition interlock device
CTN 209/CEEC/QAP - Electronic components. Procedure for quality assessment
CTN 210 - Electrical aspects of telelcommunications
CTN 210/SC 80 - Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems
CTN 210/SC100 - Audio, video and multimedia equipment and systems
CTN 210/SC102 - Equipment used in mobile services and cable communication systems
CTN 210/SC103 - Methods of measurement for radio transmitters
CTN 210/SC206 - Consumer equipment for entertainment and information and related subsystems
CTN 210/SC207 - Radio data systems
CTN 210/SC209 - Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services
CTN 210/SC215 - Electrotechnical aspects of telecommunication equipment
CTN 211 - Electricity cables
CTN 211/SC 18A - Cables and cable installations on ships
CTN 211/SC 20 - Electrical cables
CTN 211/SC 20A - Electric cables for industrial use
CTN 211/SC 20A/GT 1 - Distribution cable accessories
CTN 211/SC 20B - Industrial-use electric cables
CTN 211/SC 55 - Winding wires
CTN 211/SC ACCESSORIES - Distribution cable accessories
CTN 212 - Telecommunication and fibre optic cables
CTN 212/SC 46 - Cables, threads, wave guides, connectors and accessories for communication and signage
CTN 212/SC 86 - Fibre optics
CTN 213 - Household appliances
CTN 213/SC 59 - Performance of household electrical appliances
CTN 213/SC 61 Safety of household electrical appliances and similar
CTN 213/SC 72 - Automatic electrical controls for domestic appliances
CTN 214 - Instalaciones de ayudas visuales aeroportuarias y sistemas eléctricos asociados
CTN 215 - Measuring equipment and methods related to electromagnetic fields in the human environment
CTN 215/SC106 - Measuring equipment and methods related to electromagnetic fields in the human environment
CTN 215/SC106BG - Measuring equipment and methods related to electromagnetic fields in the human environment. Basic and generic standards
CTN 215/SC106E - Measuring equipment and methods related to electromagnetic fields in the human environment
CTN 215/SC106T - Measuring equipment and methods related to electromagnetic fields in the human environment
CTN 216 - Energy efficiency, climate change and renewable energies
CTN 216/GT 2 - Climate change
CTN 216/GT 2/CTAGCO2 - Captura, transporte y almacenamiento geológico de CO2
CTN 216/GT 3 - Energy management systems
CTN 216/GT 4 -Energy efficiency and calculation of savings
CTN 216/GT 5 - Energy audits
CTN 216/GT 6 - Efficient driving management system
CTN 216/GT 7 - Classification of energy services providers
CTN 216/GT 8 - Aspects of energy financing
CTN 216/GT 9 - Garantías de origen de la energía
CTN 217 - Power supply systems
CTN 218 - Energy storage systems
CTN 219 - Personal Mobility Vehicles (VMP)
CTN 220 - Photovoltaic systems
CTN 221 - Wind power generation
CTN 222 - Fuel cell technology
CTN 223 - Marine energy. Wave and current energy converters
CTN 224 - Solar thermal power plants
CTN 301 - Recovered solid fuels
CTN 301/GT 1 - Terminología, tipos y clases de combustible
CTN 301/GT 2 - Muestreo y ensayos
CTN 302 - Industrial tourism, museums and museum collections
CTN 302/GT 1 - Turismo industrial
CTN 302/GT 2 - Museos y colecciones museísticas
CTN 303 - Sustainable biomass production for energy use
CTN 304 - Artisan products
CTN 305 - Tents and mobile structures
CTN 306 - Beauty salon services and tanning beds
CTN 307 - Risk management
CTN 307/SC 1 - Compliance management systems and anti-corruption systems
CTN 307/SC 2 - Tax compliance
CTN 308 - Halal
CTN 309 - Services
CTN 309/GT 1 - Provision of services for practising sports activities
CTN 309/GT 2 - Tattooing services
CTN 309/GT 3 - Value added purchasing management
CTN 309/GT 4 - Education services
CTN 309/GT 5 - Juego en línea
CTN 309/GT 6 - Calidad en el acogimiento residencial
CTN 309/SC 1 - Horizontal service standards
CTN 310 - Vehicle repair workshops
CTN 311 - Entertainment industry
CTN 312 - Electronic billing in public procurement
CTN 313 - Animal welfare centres and pet shelters
CTN 314 - Human resources management
CTN 315 - Pesticides and plant protection products used in organic agriculture
CTN 315/GT 1 - Insumos para agricultura ecológica
CTN 316 - Fuel labelling
CTN 317 - Machinery for the agri-food industry
CTN 318 - Irrigation
CTN 318/GT 1 - Filtros
CTN 318/GT 2 - Emisores
CTN 318/GT 3 - Telecontrol
CTN 318/GT 4 - Aspersión
CTN 318/GT 5 - Válvulas y ventosas
CTN 318/GT 6 - Contadores
CTN 318/GT 7 - Obras de riego
CTN 318/GT 7.1 - Gestión de proyectos de obras de riego
CTN 318/GT 8 - Áreas verdes
CTN 319 - Seaweed and seaweed derivatives
CTN 320 - Cybersecurity and data protection
CTN 320/GT CAV - Ciberseguridad en ámbito vehículo (movilidad inteligente)
CTN 320/GT CIOT - Ciberseguridad IOT
CTN 320/GT CIOT2 - Modelo de Arquitectura segura de IoT-Blockchain
CTN 320/SC 1 - Sistemas de gestión de la ciberseguridad
CTN 320/SC 2 - Criptografía y mecanismos de seguridad
CTN320/SC3 - Security evaluation, testing and specifications
CTN 320/SC 3/GT LINCE - Metodología de evaluación lince para la ciberseguridad de productos tic
CTN 320/SC 4 - Security services
CTN 320/SC 4/GT ACIIC - Arquitecturas de confianza para el intercambio de inteligencias de ciberamenazas
CTN 320/SC 5 - Protección de datos, privacidad y gestión de la identidad
CTN 320/SC 5/GT 1 - SGPI para la EN ISO/IEC 27701
CTN 320/SC 5/GT 2 - Traducción 27701
CTN 320/SC 5/GT 3 - Actualización UNE 71506. Metodología para el análisis forense de las evidencias electrónicas
CTN 320/SC 6 - Seguridad de los productos
CTN 320/SC 7 - Cryptography
CTN 320/SC 8 - RED Cyber standardization request
CTN 320/SC 9 - Cyber Resilience Act
CTN 321 - Lifts, escalators, and moving walkways
CTN 323 - Circular economy
CTN 324 - Additive manufacturing
CTN 325 - Appliances, solid fuels and firelighters for barbecuing
CTN 326 - Hyperloop
CTN 327 - Productos apícolas
CTN 328 - Biodiversidad
CTN 329 - Litio y su recuperación
CTN 330 - Certificación de personas en seguridad industrial
CTN 330/GT 1 - Gas
CTN 330/GT 6 - Grúas móviles
CTN 331 - Análisis diagnóstico en sanidad animal
CTN 332 - Digitalización de la información para edificación y obra civil
CTN 332/SC 1 - Digital twins in the built environment
CTN 332/SC 2 - Exchange of information between BIM and GIS
CTN 333 - Digital Product Passport. Framework and system
CTN 335 - Sistemas agroalimentarios impulsados por datos
CTN 343 - United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Management system
CTN SSPM Standardisation and Stakeholder Programme Management
CTN GEA1 - Sustainability in data processing centres
CTN GEA2 - Risk management system
CTN GEA3 - Provision of the interruptibility demand management service
CTN GEA4 - Ecoediciones
CTN GEA5 - Provision of services for practising sports activities.
CTN GTA - Air traffic management
CTN INDUSTRIA 4.0 - Foro UNE estándares para la industria conectada 4.0
CTN UNE - AS - Agro-food Services, Healthcare and Services
CTN UNE - AS/SC CH - AS Service - CH
CTN UNE - AS/SC LP - Servicio AS - LP
CTN UNE - AS/SC RC - AS Service - RC
CTN UNE - AS/SC 344 - SC 344
CTN UNE - CO - Construction Service
CTN UNE - CO/SC 386 - CEN/TC 386 Work monitoring
CTN UNE - CO/SC 452 - Perros de asistencia
CTN UNE - EL - UNE - Electrical Service
CTN UNE - EL/SC 01 - Project management CLC SR 124
CTN UNE - EQ - Mechanical Engineering Service
Committee CTN UNE - EQ/SC 57 - Mechanical Engineering Service (rules transferred from CTN 57)
CTN UNE - EQ/SC 184 - Mechanical engineering service - TC advanced ceramics
CTN UNE - EQ/SC 466 - Circularidad y reciclabilidad de artes de pesca y equipos de acuicultura
CTN UNE SQC - Fuel and Chemical Services
CTN UNE - TS - Sector Transformation Service
CTN UNE - TS/SC MF - TS Service - MF
CTN UNE - TS/SC TM - TS Service - TM
CTN UNE NADN/SC CEN/CLC JTC 24 - Product digital passport
CTN UNE NADN/SC ISO/PC 343 - Management System for UN Sustainable development goals. Requirements for any organization
CTN GC 85-108 - Doors, windows, shutters and building hardware. Physical safety
CTN GC 334 - Sustainable tourism
CTN GET15/GT 1 - Terminologia y nomenclatura
CTN GET15/GT 2 - Medición y caracterización
CTN GET15/GT 3 - Salud, seguridad y medio ambiente
CTN GET15/GT 4 - Especificaciones de materiales
CTN GET15/GT 5 - Análisis físico-químico de superficies
CTN GET1 - Self-adhesive tapes
CTN GET2 - Ozone generators
CTN GET3 - Laboratory glassware
CTN GET4 - Bakery, patisserie and related machinery and equipment
CTN GET5 - Weather records
CTN GET6 - Recreational diving services
CTN GET7 - Machinery for the meat industry
CTN GET8 - Organisation of trips abroad for the study of languages
CTN GET9 - Decorative ceramic products
CTN GET10 - Gobernanza de las áreas empresariales
CTN GET11 - Control técnico de riesgos en la edificación
CTN GET12 - Knowledge management
CTN GET13 - Risk management
CTN GET14 - Customer contact centres
CTN GET15 - Nanotechnologies
CTN GET16 - Juego telemático
CTN GET17 - Private security services
CTN GET18 - Brand assessment
CTN/GET 19 - Property management and related services and processes
CTN GET20 - Management of support and consultancy services
CTN GET21 - Medidas y controles contra el fraude y la falsificación
CTN GET22 - Assessment of people at work
CTN GET23 - Information systems in transportation and logistics
CTN GET24 - Transformation processes for industry 4.0
CTN GET25 - Renewable gas guarantees of origin
CTN GET26 - Hygiene face masks. Community face coverings
CTN GET 27 - Índices de reciclabilidad y valorizabilidad para material eléctrico de instalación y productos de iluminación
01.020 Terminology (principles and coordination)
01.040 Vocabularies
01.040.01 Generalities. Terminology. Standardisation. Documentation (Vocabularies)
01.040.03 Services. Company organisation, management and quality. Administration. Transport. Sociology. (Vocabularies)
01.040.07 - Natural and applied sciences (Vocabularies)
01.040.11 Healthcare technology (Vocabularies)
01.040.13 Environment. Health protection. Security (Vocabularies)
01.040.17 Metrology and measurement. Physical phenomena (Vocabularies)
01.040.19 Testing (Vocabularies)
01.040.21 Mechanical systems and components for general use (Vocabularies)
01.040.23 Fluid systems and components for general use (Vocabularies)
01.040.25 Manufacturing engineering (Vocabularies)
01.040.27 Energy and heat transfer engineering (Vocabularies)
01.040.29 Electrical engineering (Vocabularies)
01.040.31 Electronics (Vocabularies)
01.040.33 Telecommunications. Audio and video engineering (Vocabularies)
01.040.35 - Information technology (Vocabularies)
01.040.37 Image technology (Vocabularies)
01.040.39 Precision mechanics. Jewellery (Vocabularies)
01.040.43 Road vehicle engineering (Vocabularies)
01.040.45 Railway engineering (Vocabularies)
01.040.47 Shipbuilding and marine structures (Vocabularies)
01.040.49 Aircraft and space vehicle engineering (Vocabularies)
01.040.53 Materials handling equipment (Vocabularies)
01.040.55 Packaging and distribution of goods (Vocabularies)
01.040.59 Textile and leather technology (Vocabularies)
01.040.61 Clothing industry (Vocabularies)
01.040.65 Agriculture (Vocabularies)
01.040.67 Food technology (Vocabularies)
01.040.71 Chemical technology (Vocabularies)
01.040.73 Mining and minerals (Vocabularies)
01.040.75 Petroleum and related technologies (Vocabularies)
01.040.77 Metallurgy (Vocabularies)
01.040.79 Wood technology (Vocabularies)
01.040.81 Glass and ceramics industries (Vocabularies)
01.040.83 Rubber and plastics industries (Vocabularies)
01.040.85 Paper technology (Vocabularies)
01.040.87 Paint and colour industries (Vocabularies)
01.040.91 Construction materials and building (Vocabularies)
01.040.93 Civil engineering (Vocabularies)
01.040.95 - Military affairs. Military engineering. Weaponry (Vocabularies)
01.040.97 Domestic and commercial equipment. Entertainment. Sports (Vocabularies)
01.060 Quantities and units
01.070 Colour coding
01.075 Character symbols
01.080 Graphical symbols
01.080.01 Graphical symbols in general
01.080.10 Public information symbols. Signals. Plates. Tags
01.080.20 Graphical symbols for use on specific equipment
01.080.30 Graphical symbols for use on mechanical engineering and construction drawings, diagrams and plans, and on related products' technical documentation.
01.080.40 Graphical symbols for use on electrical and electronics projects' drawings, diagrams and charts, and on related products' technical documentation
01.080.50 Graphical symbols for use on information technology and telecommunications technical drawings, and on related products' technical documentation
01.080.99 Other graphical symbols
01.100 Technical drawings
01.100.01 Technical drawings in general
01.100.20 Mechanical engineering drawings
01.100.25 Electrical and electronics engineering drawings
01.100.27 Technical drawings for telecommunications and information technology fields
01.100.30 Construction drawings
01.100.40 Drawing equipment
01.100.99 Other standards related to technical drawings
01.110 Technical product documentation
01.120 Standardisation. General rules
01.140 Information sciences. Edition
01.140.10 Writing and transliteration
01.140.20 Information sciences
01.140.30 Documents in administration, commerce and industry
01.140.40 Publishing
03.020 Sociology. Demography
03.040 Labour. Employment
03.060 Finances. Banking. Monetary systems. Insurance
03.080 Services
03.080.01 Services in general
03.080.10 - Maintenance services. Property management, related services and processes
03.080.20 Services for companies
03.080.30 Services for consumers
03.080.99 Other services
03.100 Company organization and management. Management Systems
03.100.01 Company organization and management in general
03.100.02 - Governance and ethics
03.100.10 Purchasing. Procurement. Logistics
03.100.20 Trade. Commercial function. Marketing
03.100.30 Management of human resources
03.100.40 Research and development
03.100.50 Production. Production management
03.100.60 Accountancy
03.100.70 - Management systems
03.100.99 Other standards related to company organisation and management
03.120 Quality
03.120.01 Quality in general
03.120.10 Quality management and quality assurance
03.120.20 Product and company certification. Conformity assessment
03.120.30 Application of statistical methods
03.120.99 Other standards related to quality
03.140 Patents. Intellectual property
03.160 Law. Administration
03.180 Education
03.200 Leisure. Tourism
03.200.01 - General leisure and tourism
03.200.10 - Active tourism
03.200.99 - Other standards relating to leisure and tourism
03.220 Transport
03.220.01 Transport in general
03.220.20 Road transport
03.220.30 Transport by rail
03.220.40 Transport by water
03.220.50 Air transport
03.220.99 Other forms of transport
03.240 Postal services
07.020 Mathematics
07.030 Physics. Chemistry
07.040 Astronomy. Geodesy. Geography
07.060 Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology
07.080 Biology. Botany. Zoology
07.100 Microbiology
07.100.01 Microbiology in general
07.100.10 Medical microbiology
07.100.20 Microbiology of water
07.100.30 Food microbiology
07.100.40 - Microbiology of cosmetics
07.100.99 Other standards related to microbiology
07.120 - Nanotechnology
07.140 - Forensic science
11.020 Medical sciences and healthcare facilities in general
11.020.01 - Quality and environmental management in the healthcare sector
11.020.10 - General healthcare services
11.020.20 - Medical sciences
11.020.99 - Other standards relating to the healthcare sector
11.040 Medical equipment
11.040.01 Medical equipment in general
11.040.10 Anaesthetic, respiratory and reanimation equipment
11.040.20 Transfusion, infusion and injection equipment
11.040.25 Syringes, needles and catheters
11.040.30 Surgical instruments and materials
11.040.40 Implants for surgery, prosthetics and orthotics
11.040.50 Radiographic equipment
11.040.55 Diagnostic equipment
11.040.60 Therapy equipment
11.040.70 Ophthalmic equipment
11.040.99 Other medical equipment
11.060 Dentistry
11.060.01 Dentistry in general
11.060.10 Dental materials
11.060.15 Dental implants
11.060.20 Dental equipment
11.060.25 Dental instruments
11.080 Sterilization and disinfection
11.080.01 Sterilization and disinfection in general
11.080.10 Sterilizing equipment
11.080.20 Disinfectants and antiseptics
11.080.30 Sterilized packaging
11.080.99 Other standards related to sterilization and disinfection
11.100 Laboratory medicine
11.100.01 Laboratory medicine in general
11.100.10 In vitro diagnostic test systems
11.100.20 Biological evaluation of medical devices
11.100.30 Analysis of blood and urine
11.100.99 Other standards related to laboratory medicine
11.120 Pharmaceutics
11.120.01 Pharmaceutics in general
11.120.10 Medicaments
11.120.20 Wound dressings and compresses
11.120.99 Other standards related to pharmaceutics
11.140 Hospital equipment
11.160 First aid
11.180 Aids for disabled or handicapped persons
11.180.01 Aids for disabled and handicapped persons in general
11.180.10 Aids and adaptation for moving
11.180.15 Aids for deaf and hearing impaired people
11.180.20 Aids for incontinence and ostomy
11.180.30 Aids for blind or partially sighted people
11.180.40 Aids for drinking and eating
11.180.99 Other standards related to aids for disabled and handicapped people
11.200 Birth control. Mechanical contraceptives
11.220 Veterinary medicine
13.020 Environmental protection
13.020.01 Environment and environmental protection in general
13.020.10 - Environmental management.
13.020.20 - Environmental economy. Sustainability
13.020.30 Environmental impact assessment
13.020.40 - Pollution, contamination control and conservation of the environment
13.020.50 Ecolabelling
13.020.55 - Bioproducts
13.020.60 Product life-cycles
13.020.70 Environmental projects
13.020.99 Other standards related to environmental protection
13.030 Waste
13.030.01 Waste in general
13.030.10 Solid waste
13.030.20 Liquid waste. Sludge
13.030.30 Special waste
13.030.40 Installations and equipment for waste disposal and treatment
13.030.50 Recycling
13.030.99 Other standards related to waste
13.040 Air quality
13.040.01 Air quality in general
13.040.20 Ambient atmospheres
13.040.30 Workplace atmospheres
13.040.35 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments
13.040.40 Stationary source emissions
13.040.50 Transport exhaust emissions
13.040.99 Other standards related to air quality
13.060 Water quality
13.060.01 Water quality in general
13.060.10 Water of natural resources
13.060.20 Drinking water
13.060.25 Water for industrial use
13.060.30 Sewage water
13.060.45 Examination of water in general
13.060.50 Examination of water for chemical substances
13.060.60 Examination of physical properties of water
13.060.70 Examination of biological properties of water
13.060.99 Other standards related to water quality
13.080 Soil quality. Pedology
13.080.01 Soil quality and pedology in general
13.080.05 Examination of soils in general
13.080.10 Chemical characteristics of soils
13.080.20 Physical properties of soils
13.080.30 Biological properties of soils
13.080.40 Hydrological properties of soils
13.080.99 Other standards related to soil quality
13.100 Occupational safety. Industrial hygiene
13.110 Safety of machinery
13.120 Domestic safety
13.140 Noise with respect to human beings
13.160 Vibration and shock with respect to human beings
13.180 Ergonomics
13.200 Accident and disaster control
13.220 Protection against fire
13.220.01 Protection against fire in general
13.220.10 Fire-fighting
13.220.20 Fire protection
13.220.40 Ignitability and burning behaviour of materials and products
13.220.50 Fire-resistance of building materials and elements
13.220.99 Other standards related to protection against fire
13.230 Explosion protection
13.240 Protection against excessive pressure
13.260 Protection against electric shock. Live working
13.280 Radiation protection
13.300 Protection against dangerous goods
13.310 Protection against crime
13.320 Alarm and warning systems
13.340 Protective equipment
13.340.01 Protective equipment in general
13.340.10 Protective clothing
13.340.20 Head protective equipment
13.340.30 Respiratory protective devices
13.340.40 Hand and arm protection
13.340.50 Leg and foot protection
13.340.60 Protection against falling and slipping
13.340.70 Lifejackets, buoyancy aids and flotation devices
13.340.99 Other protective equipment
17.020 Metrology and measurement in general
17.040 Linear and angular measurements
17.040.01 Linear and angular measurements in general
17.040.10 Limits and fits
17.040.20 Properties of surfaces
17.040.30 Measuring instruments
17.040.40 - Geometric Product Specification (GPS)
17.040.99 Other standards related to linear and angular measurements
17.060 Measurement of volume, mass, density, viscosity
17.080 Measurement of time, velocity, acceleration, angular velocity
17.100 Measurement of force, weight and pressure
17.120 Measurement of fluid flow
17.120.01 Measurement of fluid flow in general
17.120.10 Flow in closed conduits
17.120.20 Flow in open channels
17.140 Acoustics and acoustic measurements
17.140.01 Acoustic measurements and noise abatement in general
17.140.20 Noise emitted by machines and equipment
17.140.30 Noise emitted by means of transport
17.140.50 Electroacoustics
17.140.99 Other standards related to acoustics
17.160 Vibrations, shock and vibration measurements
17.180 Optics and optical measurements
17.180.01 Optics and optical measurements in general
17.180.20 Colours and measurement of light
17.180.30 Optical measuring instruments
17.180.99 Other standards related to optics and optical measurements
17.200 Thermodynamics and temperature measurements
17.200.01 Thermodynamics in general
17.200.10 Heat. Calorimetry
17.200.20 Temperature-measuring instruments
17.200.99 Other standards related to thermodynamics
17.220 Electricity. Magnetism. Electrical and magnetic measurements
17.220.01 Electricity. Magnetism. General aspects
17.220.20 Measurement of electrical and magnetic quantities
17.220.99 Other standards related to electricity and magnetism
17.240 Radiation measurements
19.020 Test conditions and procedures in general
19.040 Environmental testing
19.060 Mechanical testing
19.080 Electrical and electronic testing
19.100 Non-destructive testing
19.120 Particle size analysis. Sieving
21.020 Characteristics and design of machines, apparatus, equipment
21.040 Screw threads
21.040.01 Screw threads in general
21.040.10 Metric screw threads
21.040.20 Inch screw threads
21.040.30 Special screw threads
21.060 Fasteners
21.060.01 Fasteners in general
21.060.10 Bolts, screws, studs
21.060.20 Nuts
21.060.30 Washers, locking elements
21.060.40 Rivets
21.060.50 Pins, nails
21.060.60 Rings, bushes, sleeves, collars
21.060.70 Clamps and staples
21.060.99 Other fasteners
21.080 Hinges, eyelets and other articulated joints
21.100 Bearings
21.100.01 Bearings in general
21.100.10 Plain bearings
21.100.20 Rolling bearings
21.120 Shafts and couplings
21.120.01 Shafts and couplings in general
21.120.10 Shafts
21.120.20 Couplings
21.120.30 Keys and keyways, splines
21.120.40 Balancing and balancing machines
21.120.99 Other standards related to shafts and couplings
21.140 Seals, glands
21.160 Springs
21.180 Housings, enclosures, other machine parts
21.200 Gears
21.220 Flexible drives and transmissions
21.220.01 Flexible drives and transmissions in general
21.220.10 Belt drives and their components
21.220.20 Cable or rope drives and their components
21.220.30 Chain drives and their components
21.220.99 Other flexible drives and transmissions
21.240 Rotary-reciprocating mechanisms and their parts
21.260 Lubrication systems
23.020 Fluid storage devices
23.020.01 Fluid storage devices in general
23.020.10 Stationary containers and tanks
23.020.20 Vessels and containers mounted on vehicles
23.020.30 - Pressure vessels
23.020.32 - Pressure vessels
23.020.35 - Gas bottles
23.020.40 Cryogenic vessels
23.020.99 Other fluid storage devices
23.040 Pipe components and pipes
23.040.01 Pipe components and pipes in general
23.040.03 - Pipes and their components for external systems for water channelling
23.040.05 - Pipes and their components for external systems of wastewater
23.040.07 - Pipes and their components for central heating
23.040.10 Iron and steel pipes
23.040.15 Non-ferrous metal pipes
23.040.20 Plastics pipes
23.040.40 Metal fittings
23.040.45 Plastics fittings
23.040.50 Pipes and fittings of other materials
23.040.60 Flanges, couplings and joints
23.040.70 Hoses and hose assemblies
23.040.80 Seals for pipe and hose assemblies
23.040.99 Other pipeline components
23.060 Valves
23.060.01 Valves in general
23.060.10 Globe valves
23.060.20 Ball and plug valves
23.060.30 Gate valves
23.060.40 Pressure regulators
23.060.50 Check valves
23.060.99 Other valves
23.080 Pumps
23.100 Fluid power systems
23.100.01 Fluid power systems in general
23.100.10 Pumps and motors
23.100.20 Cylinders
23.100.30 - Pipelines, fittings, valves and filters
23.100.40 Piping and couplings
23.100.50 Control components
23.100.60 Filters, seals and contamination of fluids
23.100.99 Other fluid power system components
23.120 Fans. Air-conditioners
23.140 Compressors and pneumatic machines
23.160 Vacuum technology
25.020 Manufacturing forming processes
25.030 - Additive manufacture
25.040 Industrial automation systems
25.040.01 Industrial automation systems in general
25.040.10 Machining centres
25.040.20 Numerically controlled machines
25.040.30 Industrial robots. Manipulators
25.040.40 Industrial process measurement and control
25.040.99 Other industrial automation systems
25.060 Machine tool systems
25.060.01 Machine tool systems in general
25.060.10 Modular units and other devices
25.060.20 Dividing and tool-workpiece holding devices
25.060.99 Other machine tool systems
25.080 Machine tools
25.080.01 Machine tools in general
25.080.10 Lathes
25.080.20 Boring and milling machines
25.080.25 Planing machines
25.080.30 Broaching machines
25.080.40 Drilling machines
25.080.50 Grinding and polishing machines
25.080.60 Sawing machines
25.080.99 Other machine tools
25.100 Cutting tools
25.100.01 Cutting tools in general
25.100.10 Turning tools
25.100.20 Milling tools
25.100.25 Tools for planing and broaching machines
25.100.30 Drills, countersinks, reamers
25.100.40 Saws
25.100.50 Taps and threading dies
25.100.60 Files
25.100.70 Abrasives
25.100.99 Other cutting tools
25.120 Chipless working equipment
25.120.01 Chipless working equipment in general
25.120.10 Forging equipment. Presses. Shears
25.120.20 Rolling, extruding and drawing equipment
25.120.30 Moulding equipment
25.120.40 Electrochemical machines
25.120.99 Other chipless working equipment
25.140 Hand-held tools
25.140.01 Hand-held tools in general
25.140.10 Pneumatic tools
25.140.20 Electric tools
25.140.30 Hand-operated tools
25.140.99 Other hand-held tools
25.160 Welding, brazing and soldering
25.160.01 Welding, brazing and soldering in general
25.160.10 Welding processes
25.160.20 Welding consumables
25.160.20 Welding consumables
25.160.40 Welded joints and welds
25.160.50 Brazing and soldering
25.180 Industrial furnaces
25.180.01 Industrial furnaces in general
25.180.10 Electric furnaces
25.180.20 Fuel furnaces
25.200 Heat treatment
25.220 Surface treatment and coating
25.220.01 Surface treatment and coating in general
25.220.10 Surface preparation
25.220.20 Surface treatment
25.220.40 Metallic coatings
25.220.50 Enamels
25.220.60 Organic coatings
25.220.99 Other treatments and coatings
27.010 Energy and heat transfer engineering in general
27.015 - Energy efficiency. Energy conservation in general
27.020 Internal combustion engines
27.040 Gas and steam turbines. Steam engines
27.060 Burners. Boilers
27.060.01 Burners and boilers in general
27.060.10 Liquid and solid fuel burners
27.060.20 Gas fuel burners
27.060.30 Boilers and heat exchangers
27.070 Fuel cells
27.075 Hydrogen technologies
27.080 Heat pumps
27.100 Power stations in general
27.120 Nuclear energy engineering
27.120.01 Nuclear energy in general
27.120.10 Reactor engineering
27.120.20 Nuclear power plants. Secure.
27.120.30 Fissile materials and nuclear fuel technology
27.120.99 Other standards related to nuclear energy
27.140 Hydraulic energy engineering
27.160 Solar energy engineering
27.180 Wind turbine energy systems
27.190 Biological sources and alternative sources of energy
27.200 Refrigerating technology
27.220 Heat recovery. Thermal insulation
29.020 Electrical engineering in general
29.030 Magnetic materials
29.035 Insulating materials
29.035.01 Insulating materials in general
29.035.10 Paper and board insulating materials
29.035.20 Plastics and rubber insulating materials
29.035.30 Glass and ceramic insulating materials
29.035.40 - Electrical insulating oils
29.035.50 Mica based materials
29.035.60 Varnished fabrics
29.035.99 Other insulating materials
29.040 Insulating fluids
29.040.01 Insulating fluids in general
29.040.10 Insulating oils
29.040.20 Insulating gases
29.040.99 Other insulating fluids
29.045 Semiconducting materials
29.050 Superconductivity and conducting materials
29.060 Electrical wires and cables
29.060.01 Electrical wires and cables in general
29.060.10 Wires
29.060.20 Cables
29.080 Insulation
29.080.01 Electrical insulation in general
29.080.10 Insulators
29.080.20 Bushings
29.080.30 Insulation systems
29.080.99 Other standards related to insulation
29.100 Components for electrical equipment
29.100.01 Components for electrical equipment in general
29.100.10 Magnetic components
29.100.20 Electric and electromechanical components
29.100.99 Other components for electrical equipment
29.120 Electrical accessories
29.120.01 Electrical accessories in general
29.120.10 Conduits for electrical purposes
29.120.20 Connecting devices
29.120.30 Plugs, socket-outlets, couplers
29.120.40 Switches
29.120.50 Fuses and other overcurrent protection devices
29.120.60 Aparamenta de corte y dispositivos de control
29.120.70 Relays
29.120.99 Other electrical accessories
29.130 Switchgear and controlgear
29.130.01 Switchgear and controlgear in general
29.130.10 High voltage switchgear and controlgear
29.130.20 Low voltage switchgear and controlgear
29.130.99 Other switchgear and controlgear
29.140 Lamps and related equipment
29.140.01 Lamps in general
29.140.10 Lamp caps and holders
29.140.20 Incandescent lamps
29.140.30 Fluorescent lamps. Discharge lamps
29.140.40 Luminaires
29.140.50 Lighting installation systems
29.140.99 Other standards related to lamps
29.160 Rotating machinery
29.160.01 Rotating machinery in general
29.160.10 Components for rotating machines
29.160.20 Generators
29.160.30 Motors
29.160.40 Generating sets
29.160.99 Other standards related to rotating machinery
29.180 Transformers. Reactors
29.200 Rectifiers. Converters. Stabilised power supply systems
29.220 Galvanic cells and batteries
29.220.01 Galvanic cells and batteries in general
29.220.10 Primary cells and batteries
29.220.20 Acid secondary cells and batteries
29.220.30 Alkaline secondary cells and batteries
29.220.99 Other cells and batteries
29.240 Power transmission and distribution networks
29.240.01 Power transmission and distribution networks in general
29.240.10 Substations
29.240.20 Power transmission and distribution lines
29.240.30 Control equipment for electric power systems
29.240.99 Other equipment related to power transmission and distribution networks
29.260 Electrical equipment for working in special conditions
29.260.01 Electrical equipment for working in special conditions in general
29.260.10 Electrical installations for outdoor use
29.260.20 Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres
29.260.99 Other electrical equipment for working in special conditions
29.280 Electric traction equipment
29.300 - Electrical oscillation
31.020 Electronic components in general
31.040 Resistors
31.040.01 Resistors in general
31.040.10 Fixed resistors
31.040.20 Potentiometers, variable resistors
31.040.30 Thermistors
31.040.99 Other resistors
31.060 Capacitors
31.060.01 Capacitors in general
31.060.10 Fixed capacitors
31.060.20 Ceramic and mica capacitors
31.060.30 Paper and plastics capacitors
31.060.40 Tantalum electrolytic capacitors
31.060.50 Aluminium electrolytic capacitors
31.060.60 Variable capacitors
31.060.70 Power capacitors
31.060.99 Other capacitors
31.080 Semiconductor devices
31.080.01 Semiconductor devices in general
31.080.10 Diodes
31.080.20 Thyristors
31.080.30 Transistors
31.080.99 Other semiconductor devices
31.100 Electronic tubes
31.120 Electronic display devices
31.140 Piezoelectric devices
31.160 Electric filters
31.180 Printed circuits and boards
31.190 Electronic component assemblies
31.200 Integrated circuits. Microelectronics
31.220 Electromechanical components for electronic and telecommunications equipment
31.220.01 Electromechanical components in general
31.220.10 Plug-and-socket devices. Connectors
31.220.20 Switches
31.220.99 Other electromechanical components
31.240 Mechanical structures for electronic equipment
31.260 Optoelectronics. Laser equipment
33.020 Telecommunications in general
33.030 Telecommunication services. Applications
33.040 Telecommunication systems
33.040.01 Telecommunication systems in general
33.040.20 Transmission systems
33.040.30 Switching and signalling systems
33.040.35 Telephone networks
33.040.40 Data communication networks
33.040.50 Lines, connections and circuits
33.040.60 Powerline telecommunications
33.040.70 Equipment for telex, teletext, telefax
33.040.99 Other equipment for telecommunication systems
33.050 Telecommunication terminal equipment
33.050.01 Telecommunication terminal equipment in general
33.050.10 Telephone equipment
33.050.20 Paging equipment
33.050.30 Equipment for telex, teletext, telefax
33.050.99 Other telecommunication terminal equipment
33.060 Radiocommunications
33.060.01 Radiocommunications in general
33.060.20 Receiving and transmitting equipment
33.060.30 Radio relay and fixed satellite communications systems
33.060.40 Cabled distribution systems
33.060.50 - Mobile services
33.060.60 Mobile services. Trans-European Radio Networks (TETRA)
33.060.65 Mobile services. Paging systems
33.060.70 Mobile services. Digital enhanced cordless telecommunications (DECT)
33.060.75 Mobile satellite services
33.060.80 Mobile services. Global system for mobile communication (GSM)
33.060.99 Other equipment for radiocommunications
33.070 Mobile services
33.070.01 Mobile services in general
33.070.10 Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA)
33.070.20 Paging systems
33.070.30 Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT)
33.070.40 Satellite
33.070.50 Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM)
33.070.99 Other mobile services
33.080 Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)
33.100 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
33.100.01 Electromagnetic compatibility in general
33.100.10 Emission
33.100.20 Immunity
33.100.99 Other aspects related to EMC
33.120 Components and accessories for telecommunications equipment
33.120.01 Components and accessories in general
33.120.10 Coaxial cables. Waveguides
33.120.20 Wires and symmetrical cables
33.120.30 RF connectors
33.120.40 Aerials
33.120.99 Other components and accessories
33.140 Special measuring equipment for use in telecommunications
33.160 Audio, video and audiovisual engineering
33.160.01 Audio, video and audiovisual systems in general
33.160.10 Amplifiers
33.160.20 Radio receivers
33.160.25 Television receivers
33.160.30 Audio systems
33.160.40 Video systems
33.160.50 Accessories
33.160.60 Multimedia systems and teleconferencing equipment
33.160.99 Other audio, video and audiovisual equipment
33.170 Television and radio broadcasting
33.180 Fibre optic communications
33.180.01 Fibre optic systems in general
33.180.10 Fibres and cables
33.180.20 Fibre optic interconnecting devices
33.180.30 Optic amplifiers
33.180.99 Other fibre optic equipment
33.200 Telecontrol. Telemetering
35.020 Information technology (IT) in general
35.030 - IT Security
35.040 - Information encryption
35.040.01 - Encryption of general information
35.040.10 - Encryption of character sets
35.040.30 - Encryption of graphic and photographic information
35.040.40 - Encryption of information including audio, video, multimedia and hypermedia
35.040.50 - Automatic identification and data capture techniques
35.040.99 - Other standards relating to the encryption of information
35.060 Languages used in information technology
35.080 Software
35.100 Open systems interconnection (OSI)
35.100.01 Open systems interconnection in general
35.100.05 Multilayer applications
35.100.10 Physical layer
35.100.20 Data link layer
35.100.30 Network layer
35.100.40 Transport layer
35.100.50 Session layer
35.100.60 Presentation layer
35.100.70 Application layer
35.110 Networking
35.140 Computer graphics
35.160 Microprocessor systems
35.180 IT terminal and other peripheral equipment
35.200 Interface and interconnection equipment
35.210 - Cloud computing
35.220 Data storage devices
35.220.01 Data storage devices in general
35.220.10 Paper cards and tapes
35.220.20 Magnetic storage devices in general
35.220.21 Magnetic disks
35.220.22 Magnetic tapes
35.220.23 Cassettes and cartridges for magnetic tapes
35.220.30 Optical storage devices
35.220.99 Other data storage devices
35.240 Applications of information technology
35.240.01 Application of information technology in general
35.240.10 Computer-aided design (CAD)
35.240.15 - ID cards. Cards with chips. Biometrics
35.240.20 IT applications in office work
35.240.30 - IT applications in information, documentation and editing
35.240.40 IT applications in banking
35.240.50 IT applications in industry
35.240.60 IT applications in transport
35.240.63 IT applications in trade
35.240.67 - IT applications in the building and construction industry
35.240.68 IT applications in agriculture
35.240.69 IT applications in the postal service
35.240.70 IT applications in science
35.240.80 IT applications in healthcare
35.240.90 IT applications in education
35.240.95 - Internet applications
35.240.99 IT applications in other fields
35.260 Office machines
35.260.10 - Office machines
35.260.20 - Desktop material
37.020 Optical equipment
37.040 Photography
37.040.01 Photography in general
37.040.10 Photographic equipment. Projectors
37.040.20 Photographic paper, films and plates. Cartridges
37.040.25 Radiographic films
37.040.30 Photographic chemicals
37.040.99 Other standards related to photography
37.060 Cinematography
37.060.01 Cinematography in general
37.060.10 Motion picture equipment
37.060.20 Motion picture films. Cartridges
37.060.99 Other standards related to cinematography
37.080 Document imaging applications
37.100 Graphic technology
37.100.01 Graphic technology in general
37.100.10 Reproduction equipment
37.100.20 Materials for graphic technology
37.100.99 Other standards related to graphic technology
39.020 Precision mechanics
39.040 Horology
39.040.01 Horology in general
39.040.10 Watches
39.040.20 Clocks
39.040.99 Other time-measuring instruments
39.060 Jewellery
43.020 Road vehicles in general
43.040 Road vehicle systems
43.040.01 Road vehicle systems in general
43.040.10 Electrical and electronic equipment
43.040.15 Car informatics. On board computer systems
43.040.20 Lighting, signalling and warning devices
43.040.30 Indicating and control devices
43.040.40 Braking systems
43.040.50 Transmissions, suspensions
43.040.60 Bodies and body components
43.040.65 Glazing and wiper systems
43.040.70 Couplings
43.040.80 Crash protection and restraint systems
43.040.99 Other road vehicle systems
43.060 Internal combustion engines for road vehicles
43.060.01 Internal combustion engines for road vehicles in general
43.060.10 Engine block and internal components
43.060.20 Pressure charging and air/exhaust gas ducting systems
43.060.30 Cooling systems. Lubricating systems
43.060.40 Fuel systems
43.060.50 Electrical and electronic equipment. Control systems
43.060.99 Other components and systems of internal combustion engines
43.080 Commercial vehicles
43.080.01 Commercial vehicles in general
43.080.10 Trucks and trailers
43.080.20 Buses
43.080.99 Other commercial vehicles
43.100 Passenger cars. Caravans and light trailers
43.120 Electric road vehicles
43.140 Motorcycles and mopeds
43.150 Cycles
43.160 Special purpose vehicles
43.180 Diagnostic, maintenance and test equipment
45.020 Railway engineering in general
45.040 Materials and components for railway engineering
45.060 Railway rolling stock
45.060.01 Railway rolling stock in general
45.060.10 Tractive stock
45.060.20 Trailing stock
45.080 Rails and railway components
45.100 Cableway equipment
45.120 Equipment for railway/cableway construction and maintenance
45.140 - Equipment for underground rail, tramways and light railway
47.020 Shipbuilding and marine structures in general
47.020.01 General standards related to shipbuilding and marine structures
47.020.05 Materials and components for shipbuilding
47.020.10 Hulls and their structure elements
47.020.20 Marine engines and propulsion systems
47.020.30 Piping systems
47.020.40 Lifting and cargo handling equipment
47.020.50 Deck equipment and installations
47.020.60 Electrical equipment of ships and of marine structures
47.020.70 Navigation and control equipment
47.020.80 Accommodation spaces
47.020.85 Cargo spaces
47.020.90 Marine ventilation, air conditioning and heating systems
47.020.99 Other standards related to shipbuilding and marine structures
47.040 Seagoing vessels
47.060 Inland navigation vessels
47.080 Small craft
49.020 Aircraft and space vehicles in general
49.025 Materials for aerospace construction
49.025.01 Materials for aerospace construction in general
49.025.05 Ferrous alloys in general
49.025.10 Steels
49.025.15 Non-ferrous alloys in general
49.025.20 Aluminium
49.025.30 Titanium
49.025.40 Rubber and plastics
49.025.50 Adhesives
49.025.60 Textiles
49.025.99 Other materials
49.030 Fasteners for aerospace construction
49.030.01 Fasteners in general
49.030.10 Screw threads
49.030.20 Bolts, screws, studs
49.030.30 Nuts
49.030.40 Pins, nails
49.030.50 Washers and other locking elements
49.030.60 Rivets
49.030.99 Other fasteners
49.035 Components for aerospace construction
49.040 Coatings and related processes used in aerospace industry
49.045 Structure and structure elements
49.050 Aerospace engines and propulsion systems
49.060 Aerospace electric equipment and systems
49.080 Aerospace fluid systems and components
49.090 On-board equipment and instruments
49.095 Passenger and cabin equipment
49.100 Ground service and maintenance equipment
49.120 Cargo equipment
49.140 Space systems and operations
53.020 Lifting equipment
53.020.01 Lifting appliances in general
53.020.20 Cranes
53.020.30 Accessories for lifting equipment
53.020.99 Other lifting equipment
53.040 Continuous handling equipment
53.040.01 Continuous handling equipment in general
53.040.10 Conveyors
53.040.20 Components for conveyors
53.040.30 Pneumatic transport and its components
53.040.99 Other continuous handling equipment
53.060 Industrial trucks
53.080 Storage equipment
53.100 Earth-moving machinery
53.120 Equipment for manual handling
55.020 Packaging and distribution of goods in general
55.040 Packaging materials and accessories
55.060 Spools. Bobbins
55.080 Sacks. Bags
55.100 Bottles. Pots. Jars
55.120 Cans. Tins. Tubes
55.130 Aerosol containers
55.140 Barrels. Drums. Canisters
55.160 Cases. Boxes. Crates
55.180 Freight distribution of goods
55.180.01 Freight distribution of goods in general
55.180.10 General purpose containers
55.180.20 General purpose pallets
55.180.30 Air mode containers, pallets and nets
55.180.40 Complete, filled transport packages
55.180.99 Other standards related to freight distribution of goods
55.200 Packaging machinery
55.220 Storing. Warehousing
55.230 Distribution and vending machines
59.020 Processes of the textile industry
59.040 Textile auxiliary materials
59.060 Textile fibres
59.060.01 Textile fibres in general
59.060.10 Natural fibres
59.060.20 Man-made fibres
59.060.30 Mineral and metal fibres
59.060.99 Other textile fibres
59.080 Products of the textile industry
59.080.01 Textiles in general
59.080.20 Yarns
59.080.30 Textile fabrics
59.080.40 Coated fabrics
59.080.50 Ropes
59.080.60 Textile floor coverings
59.080.70 Geotextiles
59.080.80 - Smart textiles
59.080.99 Other products of the textile industry
59.100 Materials for the reinforcement of composites
59.100.01 Materials for the reinforcement of composites in general
59.100.10 Textile glass materials
59.100.20 Carbon materials
59.100.30 Aramide materials
59.100.99 Other materials for the reinforcement of composites
59.120 Textile machinery
59.120.01 Textile machinery in general
59.120.10 Spinning, twisting and texturing machines
59.120.20 Winding machines and equipment
59.120.30 Looms. Weaving machines
59.120.40 Knitting machines
59.120.50 Dyeing and finishing equipment
59.120.99 Other textile machinery
59.140 Leather technology
59.140.01 Leather technology in general
59.140.10 Processes and auxiliary materials
59.140.20 Raw skins, hides and pelts
59.140.30 Leather and furs
59.140.35 Leather products
59.140.40 Machines and equipment for leather and fur production
59.140.99 Other standards related to leather technology
61.020 Clothes
61.040 Headgear. Clothing accessories. Fastening of clothing
61.060 Footwear
61.080 Sewing machines and other equipment for the clothing industry
65.020 Farming and forestry
65.020.01 Farming and forestry in general
65.020.20 Plant growing
65.020.30 Animal husbandry and breeding
65.020.40 Landscaping and silviculture
65.020.99 Other standards related to farming and forestry
65.040 Farm buildings, structures and installations
65.040.01 Farm buildings and installations in general
65.040.10 Livestock buildings, installations and equipment
65.040.20 Buildings and installations for processing and storage of agricultural produce
65.040.30 Greenhouses and other installations
65.040.99 Other standards related to farm buildings and installations
65.060 Agricultural machines, implements and equipment
65.060.01 Agricultural machines and equipment in general
65.060.10 Agricultural tractors and trailed vehicles
65.060.20 Soil-working equipment
65.060.25 Equipment for storage, preparation and distribution of fertilisers
65.060.30 Sowing and planting equipment
65.060.35 Irrigation and drainage equipment
65.060.40 Plant care equipment
65.060.50 Harvesting equipment
65.060.60 Viticultural and wine-making equipment
65.060.70 Horticultural equipment
65.060.80 Forestry equipment
65.060.99 Other agricultural machines and equipment
65.080 Fertilizers
65.100 Pesticides and other agrochemicals
65.100.01 Pesticides and other agrochemicals in general
65.100.10 Insecticides
65.100.20 Herbicides
65.100.30 Fungicides
65.100.99 Other pesticides and agrochemicals
65.120 Animal feeding stuffs
65.140 Beekeeping
65.145 Hunting
65.150 Fishing and fish breeding
65.160 Tobacco, tobacco products and related equipment
67.020 Processes in the food industry
67.040 Food products in general
67.050 General methods of tests and analysis for food products
67.060 Cereals, pulses and derived products
67.080 Fruits. Vegetables
67.080.01 Fruits, vegetables and derived products in general
67.080.10 Fruits and derived products
67.080.20 Vegetables and derived products
67.100 Milk and milk products
67.100.01 Milk and milk products in general
67.100.10 Milk and processed milk products
67.100.20 Butter
67.100.30 Cheese
67.100.40 Ice cream and ice confectionery
67.100.99 Other milk products
67.120 Meat, meat products and other animal produce
67.120.01 Animal produce in general
67.120.10 Meat and meat products
67.120.20 Poultry and eggs
67.120.30 Fish and fishery products
67.120.99 Other animal produce
67.140 Tea. Coffee. Cocoa
67.140.10 Tea
67.140.20 Coffee and coffee substitutes
67.140.30 Cocoa
67.160 Beverages
67.160.01 Beverages in general
67.160.10 Alcoholic beverages
67.160.20 Non-alcoholic beverages
67.180 Sugar. Sugar products. Starch
67.180.10 Sugar and sugar products
67.180.20 Starch and derived products
67.190 Chocolate
67.200 Edible oils and fats. Oilseeds
67.200.10 Animal and vegetable fats and oils
67.200.20 Oilseeds
67.220 Spices and condiments. Food additives
67.220.10 Spices and condiments
67.220.20 Food additives
67.220.20-10 Salt
67.220.20-20 Vinegar
67.230 Prepackaged and prepared foods
67.240 Sensory analysis
67.250 Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs
67.260 Plants and equipment for the food industry
71.020 Production in the chemical industry
71.040 Analytical chemistry
71.040.01 Analytical chemistry in general
1.040.10 Chemical laboratories. Laboratory equipment
71.040.20 Laboratory ware and related apparatus
71.040.30 Chemical reagents
71.040.40 Chemical analysis
71.040.50 Physicochemical methods of analysis
71.040.99 Other standards related to analytical chemistry
71.060 Inorganic chemicals
71.060.01 Inorganic chemicals in general
71.060.10 Chemical elements
71.060.20 Oxides
71.060.30 Acids
71.060.40 Bases
71.060.50 Salts
71.060.99 Other inorganic chemicals
71.080 Organic chemicals
71.080.01 Organic chemicals in general
71.080.10 Aliphatic hydrocarbons
71.080.15 Aromatic hydrocarbons
71.080.20 Halogenated hydrocarbons
71.080.30 Organic nitrogen compounds
71.080.40 Organic acids
71.080.50 Anhydrides
71.080.60 Alcohols. Ethers
71.080.70 Esters
71.080.80 Aldehydes and ketones
71.080.90 Phenols
71.080.99 Other organic chemicals
71.100 Products of the chemical industry
71.100.01 Products of the chemical industry in general
71.100.10 Materials for aluminium production
71.100.20 Gases for industrial application
71.100.30 Explosives. Pyrotechnics and fireworks
71.100.35 Chemicals for industrial and domestic disinfection purposes
71.100.40 Surface active agents
71.100.45 Refrigerants and antifreezes
71.100.50 Wood-protecting chemicals
71.100.55 Silicones
71.100.60 Essential oils
71.100.70 Cosmetics. Toiletries
71.100.80 Chemicals for purification of water
71.100.99 Other products of the chemical industry
71.120 Equipment for the chemical industry
71.120.01 Equipment for the chemical industry in general
71.120.10 Reaction vessels and their components
71.120.20 Columns
71.120.30 Heat exchangers
71.120.99 Other equipment for the chemical industry
73.020 Mining and quarrying
73.040 Coals
73.060 Metalliferous minerals and their concentrates
73.060.01 Metalliferous minerals in general
73.060.10 Iron ores
73.060.20 Manganese ores
73.060.30 Chromium ores
73.060.40 Aluminium ores
73.060.99 Other metalliferous minerals
73.080 Non-metalliferous minerals
73.100 Mining equipment
73.100.01 Mining equipment in general
73.100.10 Tunnelling and tubing equipment
73.100.20 Ventilation, air-conditioning and illumination equipment
73.100.30 Equipment for drilling and mine excavation
73.100.40 Haulage and hoisting equipment
73.100.99 Other mining equipment
73.120 Equipment for processing of minerals
75.020 Extraction and processing of petroleum and natural gas
75.040 Crude petroleum
75.060 Natural gas
75.080 Petroleum products in general
75.100 Lubricants, industrial oils and related products
75.120 Hydraulic fluids
75.140 Waxes, bituminous materials and other petroleum products
75.160 Fuels
75.160.01 Fuels in general
75.160.10 Solid fuels
75.160.20 Liquid fuels
75.160.30 Gaseous fuels
75.160.40 - Biofuels
75.180 Equipment for petroleum and natural gas industries
75.180.01 Equipment for petroleum and natural gas industries in general
75.180.10 Exploratory, drilling and extraction equipment
75.180.20 Processing equipment
75.180.30 Volumetric equipment and measurements
75.180.99 Other equipment for petroleum and natural gas industries
75.200 Petroleum products and natural gas handling equipment
77.020 Production of metals
77.040 Testing of metals
77.040.01 Testing of metals in general
77.040.10 Mechanical testing of metals
77.040.20 Non-destructive testing of metals
77.040.30 Chemical analysis of metals
77.040.99 Other methods of testing of metals
77.060 Corrosion of metals
77.080 Ferrous metals
77.080.01 Ferrous metals in general
77.080.10 Irons
77.080.20 Steels
77.100 Ferroalloys
77.120 Non-ferrous metals
77.120.01 Non-ferrous metals in general
77.120.10 Aluminium and aluminium alloys
77.120.20 Magnesium and magnesium alloys
77.120.30 Copper and copper alloys
77.120.40 Nickel, chromium and their alloys
77.120.50 Titanium and titanium alloys
77.120.60 Lead, zinc, tin and their alloys
77.120.70 Cadmium, cobalt and their alloys
77.120.99 Other non-ferrous metals and their alloys
77.140 Iron and steel products
77.140.01 Iron and steel products in general
77.140.10 Heat -treatable steels
77.140.15 Steels for reinforcement of concrete
77.140.20 Stainless steels
77.140.25 Spring steels
77.140.30 Steels for pressure purposes
77.140.35 Tool steels
77.140.40 Steels with special magnetic properties
77.140.45 Non-alloyed steels
77.140.50 Flat steel products and semi-products
77.140.60 Steel bars and rods
77.140.65 Steel wire, wire ropes and link chains
77.140.70 Steel profiles
77.140.75 Steel pipes and tubes for specific use
77.140.80 Iron and steel castings
77.140.85 Iron and steel forgings
77.140.99 Other iron and steel products
77.150 Products of non-ferrous metals
77.150.01 Products of non-ferrous metals in general
77.150.10 Aluminium products
77.150.20 Magnesium products
77.150.30 Copper products
77.150.40 Nickel and chromium products
77.150.50 Titanium products
77.150.60 Lead, zinc and tin products
77.150.70 Cadmium and cobalt products
77.150.99 Other products of non-ferrous metals
77.160 Powder metallurgy
77.180 Equipment for the metallurgical industry
79.020 Wood technology processes
79.040 Wood, sawlogs and sawn timber
79.060 Wood-based panels
79.060.01 Wood-based panels in general
79.060.10 Plywood
79.060.20 Fibre and particle boards
79.060.99 Other wood-based panels
79.080 Semi-manufactures of timber
79.100 Cork and cork products
79.120 Woodworking equipment
79.120.01 Woodworking equipment in general
79.120.10 Woodworking machines
79.120.20 Woodworking tools
79.120.99 Other woodworking equipment
81.020 Processes in the glass and ceramics industries
81.040 Glass
81.040.01 Glass in general
81.040.10 Raw materials and raw glass
81.040.20 Glass in building
81.040.30 Glass products
81.060 Ceramics
81.060.01 Ceramics in general
81.060.10 Raw materials
81.060.20 Ceramic products
81.060.30 Advanced ceramics
81.060.99 Other standards related to ceramics
81.080 Refractories
81.100 Equipment for the glass and ceramics industries
83.020 Manufacturing processes in the rubber and plastics industries
83.020.10 Rubbers
83.020.20 Plastics
83.040 Raw materials for rubber and plastics
83.040.01 Raw materials for rubber and plastics in general
83.040.01-10 Raw materials for rubber
83.040.01-20 Raw materials for plastics
83.040.10 Latex and raw rubber
83.040.20 Rubber compounding ingredients
83.040.30 Auxiliary materials and additives for plastics
83.060 Rubber
83.080 Plastics
83.080.01 Plastics in general
83.080.10 Thermosetting materials
83.080.20 Thermoplastic materials
83.100 Cellular materials
83.120 Reinforced plastics
83.140 Rubber and plastics products
83.140.01 Rubber and plastics products in general
83.140.01-10 Rubber products
83.140.01-20 Plastic products
83.140.10 Films and sheets
83.140.20 Laminated sheets
83.140.30 Plastics pipes and fittings for non fluid use
83.140.40 Hoses
83.140.50 Seals
83.140.99 Other rubber and plastics products
83.140.99-10 Other rubber products
83.140.99-20 Other plastic products
83.160 Tyres
83.160.01 Tyres in general
83.160.10 Road vehicle tyres
83.160.20 Aircraft tyres
83.160.30 Tyres for agricultural machinery
83.160.99 Other tyres
83.180 Adhesives
83.200 Equipment for the rubber and plastics industries
85.020 Paper production processes
85.040 Pulps
85.060 Paper and board
85.080 Paper products
85.080.01 Paper products in general
85.080.10 Office paper
85.080.20 Tissue paper
85.080.30 Cardboard
85.080.99 Other paper products
85.100 Equipment for the paper industry
87.020 Paint coating processes
87.040 Paints and varnishes
87.060 Paint ingredients
87.060.01 Paint ingredients in general
87.060.10 Pigments and extenders
87.060.20 Binders
87.060.30 Solvents
87.060.99 Other paint ingredients
87.080 Inks. Printing inks
87.100 Paint coating equipment
91.010 Construction industry
91.010.01 Construction industry in general
91.010.10 Legal aspects
91.010.20 Contractual aspects
91.010.30 Technical aspects
91.010.99 Other aspects
91.020 Physical planning. Town planning
91.040 Buildings
91.040.01 Buildings in general
91.040.10 Public buildings
91.040.20 Buildings for commerce and industry
91.040.30 Residential buildings
91.040.99 Other buildings
91.060 Elements of buildings
91.060.01 Elements of buildings in general
91.060.10 Walls. Partitions. Façades
91.060.20 Roofs
91.060.30 Ceilings. Floors. Stairs
91.060.40 Chimneys, shafts, ducts
91.060.50 Doors and windows
91.060.99 Other elements of buildings
91.080 Structures of buildings
91.080.01 Structures of buildings in general
91.080.10 Metal structures
91.080.13 - Steel structures
91.080.17 - Aluminium structures
91.080.20 Timber structures
91.080.30 Masonry
91.080.40 Concrete structures
91.080.99 Other structures
91.090 External structures
91.100 Construction materials
91.100.01 Construction materials in general
91.100.10 Cement. Gypsum. Lime. Mortar
91.100.10-10 Cement
91.100.10-20 Gypsum
91.100.10-30 Mortar
91.100.10-40 Lime
91.100.15 Mineral materials and products
91.100.15-10 Natural stones products and materials
91.100.15-20 Clay products and materials
91.100.15-30 Aggregates
91.100.20 Mineral and ceramic materials and products
91.100.20-10 - Natural stone
91.100.20-20 - Clay products
91.100.20-30 - Ceramic tiles
91.100.20-40 - Aggregates
91.100.23 Ceramic tiles
91.100.25 Terracotta building products
91.100.25-10 - Ceramic tiles
91.100.25-20 - Ceramic tiles
91.100.30 Concrete and concrete products
91.100.30-10 Concrete and its components
91.100.30-20 Concrete products
91.100.40 Products in fibre-reinforced cement
91.100.50 Binders. Sealing materials
91.100.50-10 Bituminous materials
91.100.50-20 Synthetic materials
91.100.60 Thermal and sound insulating materials
91.100.99 Other construction materials
91.120 Protection of and in buildings
91.120.01 Protection of and in buildings in general
91.120.10 Thermal insulation of buildings
91.120.20 Acoustics in building. Sound insulation
91.120.25 Seismic and vibration protection
91.120.30 Waterproofing
91.120.30-10 Bituminous materials
91.120.30-20 Synthetic materials
91.120.40 Lightning protection
91.120.99 Other standards related to protection of and in buildings
91.140 Installations in buildings
91.140.01 Installations in buildings in general
91.140.10 Central heating systems
91.140.20 - Heaters
91.140.30 Ventilation and air-conditioning systems
91.140.40 Gas supply systems
91.140.50 Electricity supply systems
91.140.60 Water supply systems
91.140.65 Water heating equipment
91.140.70 Sanitary installations
91.140.80 Drainage systems
91.140.90 Lifts. Escalators
91.140.99 Other installations in buildings
91.160 Lighting
91.160.01 Lighting in general
91.160.10 Interior lighting
91.160.20 Exterior building lighting
91.180 Interior finishing
91.190 Building accessories
91.200 Construction technology
91.220 Construction equipment
91.220-10 Scaffolds
91.220-20 -Road construction and conservation equipment
93.010 Civil engineering in general
93.020 Earthworks. Excavations. Foundations. Underground works
93.025 External water conveyance systems
93.030 External sewage systems
93.040 Bridge construction
93.060 Tunnel construction
93.080 Road engineering
93.080.01 Road engineering in general
93.080.10 Road construction
93.080.20 Road construction materials
93.080.30 Road equipment and installations
93.080.40 Street lighting and related equipment
93.080.99 Other standards related to road engineering
93.100 Construction of railways
93.110 Construction of ropeway
93.120 Construction of airports
93.140 Construction of waterways, ports and dykes
93.160 Hydraulic construction
95.020 - Military affairs in general
95.040 - Military engineering
95.060 - Weaponry
97.020 Home economics in general
97.030 Domestic electrical appliances in general
97.040 Kitchen equipment
97.040.01 Kitchen equipment in general
97.040.10 Kitchen furniture
97.040.20 Cooking ranges, working tables, ovens and similar appliances
97.040.30 Domestic refrigerating appliances
97.040.40 Dishwashers
97.040.50 Small kitchen appliances
97.040.60 Cookware, cutlery and flatware
97.040.99 Other kitchen equipment
97.060 Laundry appliances
97.080 Cleaning appliances
97.100 Domestic, commercial and industrial heating appliances
97.100.01 Heating appliances in general
97.100.10 Electric heaters
97.100.20 Gas heaters
97.100.30 Solid fuel heaters
97.100.40 Liquid fuel heaters
97.100.99 Heaters using other sources of energy
97.120 Automatic controls for household use
97.130 Shop fittings
97.130.01 Shop fittings in general
97.130.10 Shelving
97.130.20 Commercial refrigerating appliances
97.130.30 Trolleys for supermarket purposes
97.130.99 Other shop fittings
97.140 Furniture
97.145 Ladders
97.150 - Floors coverings
97.160 Home textiles. Linen
97.170 Body care equipment
97.180 Miscellaneous domestic and commercial equipment
97.190 Equipment for children
97.195 Items of art and handicrafts. Property and cultural heritage
97.200 Equipment for entertainment
97.200.01 Equipment for entertainment in general
97.200.10 Theatre, stage and studio equipment and work stations
97.200.20 Musical instruments
97.200.30 Camping equipment and camp-sites
97.200.40 Playgrounds
97.200.50 Toys
97.200.99 Other equipment for entertainment
97.220 Sports equipment and facilities
97.220.01 Sports equipment and facilities in general
97.220.10 Sports facilities
97.220.20 Winter sports equipment
97.220.30 Indoor sports equipment
97.220.40 Outdoor and water sports equipment
97.220.99 Other sports equipment and facilities
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