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Number of results 534
UNE-EN IEC 62056-6-2:2023
Electricity metering data exchange - The DLMS®/COSEM suite - Part 6-2: COSEM interface classes (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in December of 2023.)
UNE-EN ISO 772:2023
Hydrometry - Vocabulary and symbols (ISO 772:2022)
UNE-EN IEC 80000-6:2022
Quantities and units - Part 6: Electromagnetism (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in February of 2023.)
UNE-EN 15302:2022
Railway Applications - Wheel-rail contact geometry parameters - Definitions and Methods for evaluation
UNE-EN ISO 8655-8:2022
Piston-operated volumetric apparatus - Part 8: Photometric reference measurement procedure for the determination of volume (ISO 8655-8:2022) (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in July of 2022.)
UNE-EN ISO 8655-1:2022
Piston-operated volumetric apparatus - Part 1: Terminology, general requirements and user recommendations (ISO 8655-1:2022) (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in July of 2022.)
UNE-EN ISO 8655-9:2022
Piston-operated volumetric apparatus - Part 9: Manually operated precision laboratory syringes (ISO 8655-9:2022) (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in July of 2022.)
UNE-EN IEC 60477-1:2022
Laboratory resistors - Part 1: Laboratory DC resistors (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in July of 2022.)
UNE-EN IEC 60477-2:2022
Laboratory resistors - Part 2: Laboratory AC resistors (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in July of 2022.)
UNE-CEN/TR 17792:2022
Railway Applications - Wheel-rail contact geometry parameters - Technical report and background information about EN 15302 (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in April of 2022.)
UNE-EN IEC 61326-2-3:2021
Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 2-3: Particular requirements - Test configuration, operational conditions and performance criteria for transducers with integrated or remote signal conditioning (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in July of 2021.)
UNE-EN IEC 61326-2-4:2021
Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 2-4: Particular requirements - Test configurations, operational conditions and performance criteria for insulation monitoring devices according to IEC 61557-8 and for equipment for insulation fault location according to IEC 61557-9 (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in July of 2021.)
UNE-EN IEC 61326-1:2021
Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements - Part 1: General requirements (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in July of 2021.)
UNE-EN ISO 21204:2020
Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Transition specification (ISO 21204:2020) (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in August of 2020.)
UNE-EN 13032-5:2020
Light and lighting - Measurement and presentation of photometric data of lamps and luminaires - Part 5: Presentation of data for luminaires used for road lighting
UNE-EN 60704-3:2019
Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Part 3: Procedure for determining and verifying declared noise emission values
UNE-EN IEC 62056-6-2:2018
Electricity metering data exchange - The DLMS/COSEM suite - Part 6-2: COSEM interface classes (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in April of 2018.)
UNE-EN 50385:2017
Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of base station equipment with radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure limits (110 MHz - 100 GHz), when placed on the market (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in November of 2017.)
UNE-EN ISO 18391:2016
Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Population specification (ISO 18391:2016) (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in May of 2017.)
UNE-EN ISO 17450-2:2015
Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - General concepts - Part 2: Basic tenets, specifications, operators, uncertainties and ambiguities (ISO 17450-2:2012)
UNE-EN 61788-21:2015
Superconductivity - Part 21: Superconducting wires - Test methods for practical superconducting wires - General characteristics and guidance (Endorsed by AENOR in August of 2015.)
UNE-EN 60601-2-62:2015
Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-62: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of high intensity therapeutic ultrasound (HITU) equipment (Endorsed by AENOR in July of 2015.)
UNE-EN ISO 2538-2:2015
Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Wedges - Part 2: Dimensioning and tolerancing (ISO 2538-2:2014)
UNE-EN ISO 9902-5:2001/A2:2014
Textile machinery - Noise test code - Part 5: Weaving and knitting preparatory machinery (ISO 9902-5:2001/Amd 2:2014)