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Number of results 411
UNE-EN 17229-2:2024
Fitness centres - Requirements for centre amenities and operation - Part 2: Requirements for supervision and staff
UNE-ISO 21101:2015/Amd 1:2024
Adventure tourism — Safety management systems — Requirements — Amendment 1: Climate action changes
UNE-EN 16194:2023
Mobile non-sewer-connected toilet cabins - Requirements of services and products relating to the deployment of cabins and sanitary products
UNE-ISO 22458:2023
Consumer vulnerability. Requirements and guidelines for the design and delivery of inclusive service
UNE-EN 17672:2023
Sustainability of construction works - Environmental product declarations - Horizontal rules for business-to-consumer communication
UNE-ISO 13810:2023
Tourism and related services — Visits to industrial, natural, cultural and historical sites — Requirements and recommendations.
UNE-ISO 10667-2:2023
Assessment service delivery — Procedures and methods to assess people in work and organizational settings — Part 2: Requirements for service providers
UNE-ISO 10667-1:2023
Assessment service delivery — Procedures and methods to assess people in work and organizational settings — Part 1: Requirements for the client
UNE-EN ISO 18513:2022
Tourism services - Hotels and other types of tourism accommodation - Vocabulary (ISO 18513:2021)
UNE-ISO 22525:2021
Tourism and related services — Medical tourism — Service requirements
UNE-ISO 23412:2021
Indirect, temperature-controlled refrigerated delivery services — Land transport of parcels with intermediate transfer.
UNE-EN 17229:2021
Fitness centres - Requirements for centre amenities and operation - Operational and managerial requirements
UNE-EN 17226:2021
Beauty Salon Services - Requirements and recommendations for the provision of service
UNE-EN 15017:2020
Funeral Services - Requirements
UNE-EN 17169:2020
Tattooing - Safe and hygienic practice.
UNE-EN ISO 21416:2020
Recreational diving services - Requirements and guidance on environmentally sustainable practices in recreational diving (ISO 21416:2019)
UNE-EN ISO 21417:2020
Recreational diving services - Requirements for training on environmental awareness for recreational divers (ISO 21417:2019)
Measures to prevent hygiene and health risks against coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in public access areas of funerary facilities.
UNE-ISO 18587:2020
Translation services. Post-editing of machine translation output. Requirements.
UNE-EN ISO 41012:2019
Facility management - Guidance on strategic sourcing and the development of agreements (ISO 41012:2017)
UNE-EN ISO 18295-1:2018
Customer contact centres - Part 1: Requirements for customer contact centres (ISO 18295-1:2017)
UNE-EN ISO 18295-2:2018
Customer contact centres - Part 2: Requirements for clients using the services of customer contact centres (ISO 18295-2:2017)
UNE-EN ISO 24803:2017
Recreational diving services - Requirements for recreational diving providers (ISO 24803:2017)
UNE-EN ISO 11121:2017
Recreational diving services - Requirements for introductory programmes to scuba diving (ISO 11121:2017)