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Number of results 1.099
UNE-EN 17873:2024
Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Underlays for discontinuous roof coverings and walls - Instructions for mounting and fixing for reaction to fire testing
UNE-EN ISO 28765:2023
Vitreous and porcelain enamels - Design of bolted steel tanks for the storage or treatment of water or municipal or industrial effluents and sludges (ISO 28765:2022)
UNE-EN 13501-2:2023
Fire classification of construction products and building elements - Part 2: Classification using data from fire resistance and/or smoke control tests, excluding ventilation services
UNE-EN 17020-3:2023
Extended application of test results on durability of self-closing for fire resistance and/or smoke control doorsets and openable windows - Part 3: Durability of self-closing of steel sliding doorsets
UNE-EN 17020-2:2023
Extended application of test results on durability of self-closing for fire resistance and/or smoke control doorsets and openable windows - Part 2: Durability of self-closing of steel rolling shutters
UNE-EN 15725:2023
Extended application on the fire performance of construction products and building elements: principle of EXAP standards and EXAP reports.
UNE-EN 13501-6:2019+A1:2023
Fire classification of construction products and building elements - Part 6: Classification using data from reaction to fire tests on power, control and communication cables
UNE-EN 1366-3:2023
Fire resistance tests for service installations - Part 3: Penetration seals
UNE-EN 17020-1:2023
Extended application of test results on durability of self-closing for fire resistance and/or smoke control doorsets and openable windows - Part 1: Durability of self-closing of hinged and pivoted steel doorsets
UNE-EN 17020-5:2023
Extended application of test results on durability of self-closing for fire resistance and/or smoke control doorsets and openable windows - Part 5: Durability of self-closing of hinged and pivoted timber doorsets
UNE-EN 15269-20:2023
Extended application of test results for fire resistance and/or smoke control for door, shutter and openable window assemblies, including their elements of building hardware - Part 20: Smoke control for doors, shutters, operable fabric curtains and openable windows
UNE-EN 15882-2:2023
Extended application of results from fire resistance tests for service installations - Part 2: Fire dampers
UNE-EN 1366-10:2023
Fire resistance tests for service installations - Part 10: Smoke control dampers
UNE-CLC/TR 50658:2022
Cable management systems (CMS) providing support for cables with intrinsic fire resistance (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in November of 2022.)
UNE-EN 1366-11:2019+A1:2022
Fire resistance tests for service installations - Part 11: Fire protective systems for cable systems and associated components
UNE-EN 15882-5:2022
Extended application of results from fire resistance tests for service installations - Part 5: Combined penetration seals
UNE-EN 1366-5:2022
Fire resistance tests for service installations - Part 5: Service ducts and shafts
UNE-EN 1366-4:2022
Fire resistance tests for service installations - Part 4: Linear joint seals
UNE-EN 1366-1:2016+A1:2021
Fire resistance tests for service installations - Part 1: Ventilation ducts
UNE-EN 15998:2021
Glass in building - Safety in case of fire, fire resistance - Glass testing methodology for the purpose of classification
UNE-EN 71-2:2021
Safety of toys - Part 2: Flammability
UNE-EN 81-73:2021
Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts - Particular applications for passenger and goods passenger lifts - Part 73: Behaviour of lifts in the event of fire
UNE-EN 13381-10:2021
Test methods for determining the contribution to the fire resistance of structural members - Part 10: Applied protection to solid steel bars in tension
UNE-EN 1363-1:2021
Fire resistance tests - Part 1: General Requirements