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Number of results 1.032
DIN 28122:2024-02
Blank flanges with stainless steel facing, of nominal sizes DN 125 to DN 500 and PN designations PN 10 to PN 40
DIN 3900:2024-02
Non soldering compression fittings with cutting ring series LL - Straight studs with taper thread / Note: Date of issue 2024-01-12*Intended as replacement for DIN 3900 (2001-06).
DIN 3903:2024-02
Non soldering compression fittings with cutting ring - Elbow stud with taper threaded stud end (not for new design) / Note: Date of issue 2024-01-12*Intended as replacement for DIN 3903 (2001-04).
DIN 3913:2024-02
Non soldering compression fittings with cutting ring - Run T-stud with taper threaded stud end (not for new design) / Note: Date of issue 2024-01-12*Intended as replacement for DIN 3913 (2001-04).
DIN 3906:2024-02
Non soldering compression fittings with cutting ring - Branch T-stud with taper threaded stud end (not for new design) / Note: Date of issue 2024-01-12*Intended as replacement for DIN 3906 (2001-04).
DIN CEN/TR 1591-2:2023-12
Flanges and their joints - Design rules for gasketed circular flange connections - Part 2: Gasket parameters; German version CEN/TR 1591-2:2020
DIN 3238:2023-11
Couplings for compressed air - Claw coupling, 42 mm internal width, with securing nut - Coupling with male, female and hose connection ends, joint ring
DIN 3489:2023-11
Couplings for compressed air - Claw coupling, 42 mm internal width, without securing nut - Coupling with male, female, hose and closure connection ends, rotary claw couplings, joint ring
DIN 74313-1:2023-09
Non-soldering compression fittings - Part 1: Reducers type A and B
DIN 74313-2:2023-09
Non-soldering compression fittings - Part 2: Reducers type C and D
DIN 74317:2023-09
Non-soldering compression couplings - Tee body
DIN 14333:2023-08
Hose couplings Storz System PN 16 for delivery and suction
DIN 14335:2023-08
Blank cap couplings Storz System PN 16 for delivery and suction
DIN 74315:2023-08
Non-soldering compression couplings - Elbow body
DIN 74319:2023-08
Non-soldering compression couplings - Cross body
DIN EN 14525:2022-12
Ductile iron and steel wide tolerance couplings and flange adaptors for use with pipes of different materials: ductile iron, Grey iron, steel, PVC-U, PVC-O, PE, fibre-cement; German version EN 14525:2022 / Note: This standard is part of the DVGW body of rules.
DIN EN 1515-4:2022-12
Flanges and their joints - Bolting - Part 4: Selection of bolting for equipment subject to the Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU; German version EN 1515-4:2021 + AC:2022
DIN EN 1092-1/A1:2022-12
Flanges and their joints - Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, PN designated - Part 1: Steel flanges; German and English version EN 1092-1:2018/A1:2022 / Note: Date of issue 2022-11-11*Intended as an amendment to DIN EN 1092-1 (2018-12).
DIN 32676:2022-10
Stainless steel components for hygienic and aseptic applications in the food, the chemical and the pharmaceutical industries - Clamp connections with molded seals
DIN EN 1092-2:2022-09
Flanges and their joints - Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, PN designated - Part 2: Cast iron flanges; German and English version prEN 1092-2:2022 / Note: Date of issue 2022-08-05*Intended as replacement for DIN EN 1092-2 (1997-06).
DIN EN 489-1:2022-08
District heating pipes - Bonded single and twin pipe systems for buried hot water networks - Part 1: Joint casing assemblies and thermal insulation for hot water networks in accordance with EN 13941-1; German version EN 489-1:2019
DIN EN ISO 3459:2022-07
Plastic piping systems - Mechanical joints between fittings and pressure pipes - Test method for leaktightness under negative pressure (ISO 3459:2022); German and English version EN ISO 3459:2022
DIN EN ISO 3501:2022-03
Plastics piping systems - Mechanical joints between fittings and pressure pipes - Test method for resistance to pull-out under constant longitudinal force (ISO 3501:2021); German version EN ISO 3501:2022
DIN EN 1092-3:2022-02
Flanges and their joints - Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, PN designated - Part 3: Copper alloy flanges; German and English version prEN 1092-3:2021 / Note: Date of issue 2022-01-07*Intended as replacement for DIN EN 1092-3 (2004-10).