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Number of results 74
DIN 48083-4:2024-12
Dies for presses for pressure connection - Part 4: Dimensions of the hexagon compression type / Note: Applies in conjunction with DIN 48083-1 (1985-04), DIN 48083-3 (1985-04).
DIN EN 15895:2023-09
Cartridge operated hand-held tools - Safety requirements - Fixing and hard marking tools; German and English version prEN 15895:2023 / Note: Date of issue 2023-07-28*Intended as replacement for DIN EN 15895 (2018-08).
DIN EN ISO 28927-13:2022-07
Hand-held portable power tools - Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission - Part 13: Fastener driving tools (ISO 28927-13:2022); German version EN ISO 28927-13:2022
DIN EN ISO 19432-1:2020-09
Building construction machinery and equipment - Portable, hand-held, internal combustion engine-driven abrasive cutting machines - Part 1: Safety requirements for cut-off machines for centre-mounted rotating abrasive wheels (ISO 19432-1:2020); German version EN ISO 19432-1:2020
DIN EN 15895:2018-08
Cartridge operated hand-held tools - Safety requirements - Fixing and hard marking tools; German version EN 15895:2011+A1:2018 / Note: To be replaced by DIN EN 15895 (2023-09).
DIN EN 12549:2008-12
Acoustics - Noise test code for fastener driving tools - Engineering method; German version EN 12549:1999+A1:2008 / Note: DIN EN 12549 (1999-10) remains valid alongside this standard until 2009-12-28.
DIN 5117:2004-05
Adjustable screw clamps
DIN 48083-3:1985-04
Dies for presses for pressure connections; hydraulical presses with a nominal compressive force up to 300, up to 450 and up to 1000 kN connecting; dimensions
DIN 48083-4:1985-04
Dies for presses for pressure connections; dimensions of the hexagon compression type / Note: Applies in conjunction with DIN 48083-1 (1985-04), DIN 48083-3 (1985-04).
DIN 48083-4:2024-01
Dies for presses for pressure connection - Part 4: Dimensions of the hexagon compression type / Note: Date of issue 2023-12-22
DIN 4000-150:2005-10
Tabular layouts of properties - Part 150: Sockets and screw driver bits, hand- and machine operated
DIN 4000-151:2005-10
Tabular layouts of properties - Part 151: Connecting parts for hand- and machine-operated assembly tools for screws and nuts
DIN 6370:1957-02
Clamping Devices; Machine Vices, Capacities, Mating Dimensions, Permissible Variations, Jaws
DIN EN ISO 28927-13:2019-05
Hand-held portable power tools - Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission - Part 13: Fastener driving tools (ISO/DIS 28927-13:2019); German and English version prEN ISO 28927-13:2019 / Note: Date of issue 2019-04-05
DIN ISO/TS 8662-11:2004-09
Hand-held portable power tools - Measurement of vibrations at the handle - Part 11: Fastener driving tools (nailers) (ISO 8662-11:1999 + AMD 1:2001); German version CEN ISO/TS 8662-11:2004
DIN EN ISO 19432-1:2017-12
Building construction machinery and equipment - Portable, hand-held, internal-combustion-engine-driven abrasive cutting machines - Part 1: Safety requirements for cut-off machines for centre-mounted rotating abrasive wheels (ISO/DIS 19432-1:2017); German and English version prEN ISO 19432-1:2017 / Note: Date of issue 2017-11-03
DIN EN ISO 19432:2012-12
Building construction machinery and equipment - Portable, hand-held, internal combustion engine driven cut-off machines - Safety requirements (ISO 19432:2012); German version EN ISO 19432:2012
DIN EN 792-13:2009-01
Hand-held non-electric power tools - Safety requirements - Part 13: Fastener driving tools; German version EN 792-13:2000+A1:2008 / Note: DIN EN 792-13 (2001-04) remains valid alongside this standard until 2009-12-28.*A transition period, as set out in DIN EN ISO 11148-13 (2019-07), exists until 2019-11-30.
DIN EN ISO 28927-13:2017-01
Hand-held portable power tools - Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission - Part 13: Fastener driving tools (ISO/DIS 28927-13:2016); German and English version prEN ISO 28927-13:2016 / Note: Date of issue 2016-12-02
DIN EN 15895:2011-08
Cartridge operated hand-held tools - Safety requirements - Fixing and hard marking tools; German version EN 15895:2011
DIN EN 15895/A1:2017-03
Cartridge operated hand-held tools - Safety requirements - Fixing and hard marking tools; German and English version EN 15895:2011/FprA1:2017 / Note: Date of issue 2017-02-03
DIN 45635-34:1984-09
Measurement of airborne noise emitted by machines; enveloping surface method; cartridge-operated fixing tools
DIN EN 792-12:2009-12
Hand-held non-electric power tools - Safety requirements - Part 12: Small circular, small oscillating and reciprocating saws; German version EN 792-12:2000+A1:2008 / Note: DIN EN 792-12 (2001-02) remains valid alongside this standard until 2009-12-28.
DIN EN 792-7:2009-12
Hand-held non-electric power tools - Safety requirements - Part 7: Grinders; German version EN 792-7:2001+A1:2008 / Note: DIN EN 792-7 (2002-12) remains valid alongside this standard until 2009-12-28.