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Number of results 928
UNE-EN 17127:2024
Outdoor hydrogen refuelling points dispensing gaseous hydrogen and incorporating filling protocols
UNE-CEN/TS 15502-3-1:2024
Gas-fired central heating boilers - Part 3-1: H2NG and ACCF - Expansion of EN 15502-2-1:2022 (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in June of 2024.)
UNE-CEN/TS 17977:2023
Gas infrastructure - Quality of gas - Hydrogen used in rededicated gas systems (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in December of 2023.)
UNE-CEN/TR 17924:2023
Safety and control devices for burners and appliances burning gaseous and/or liquid fuels - Guidance on hydrogen specific aspects (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in June of 2023.)
UNE-ISO 19880-1:2022
Gaseous hydrogen — Fuelling stations — Part 1: General requirements
UNE-EN 17124:2022
Hydrogen fuel - Product specification and quality assurance for hydrogen refuelling points dispensing gaseous hydrogen - Proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell applications for vehicles
UNE-ISO 16110-1:2015
Hydrogen generators using fuel processing technologies -- Part 1: Safety
UNE 181001:2010
Hydrogen technologies. Terminology.
UNE 26505:2004
Road vehicles. Liquid hydrogen. Land vehicle fuelling system interface.
CWA 18157:2024
Pre-normative plan for H2 applications to passenger ships - Recommendations for H2 passenger ships from the early stage of design
ASTM D7634 - 24
Standard Practice for Visualizing Particulate Sizes and Morphology of Particles Contained in Hydrogen Fuel by Microscopy
ASTM D7606 - 24a
Standard Practice for Sampling of High Pressure Hydrogen and Related Fuel Cell Feed Gases
ASTM D7651 - 24e1
Standard Test Method for Gravimetric Measurement of Particulate Concentration of Hydrogen Fuel
ASTM D7265 - 23
Standard Specification for Hydrogen Thermophysical Property Tables
ASTM D7676 - 23
Standard Practice for Screening Organic Halides Contained in Hydrogen or Other Gaseous Fuels
ASTM D7941/D7941M - 23
Standard Test Method for Hydrogen Purity Analysis Using a Continuous Wave Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy Analyzer
ASTM D7675 - 22
Standard Test Method for Determination of Total Hydrocarbons in Hydrogen by FID-Based Total Hydrocarbon (THC) Analyzer
ASTM D7892 - 22
Standard Test Method for Determination of Total Organic Halides, Total Non-Methane Hydrocarbons, and Formaldehyde in Hydrogen Fuel by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
ASTM D7650 - 21
Standard Practice for Sampling of Particulate Matter in High Pressure Gaseous Fuels with an In-Stream Filter
NF EN 17127
Points de ravitaillement en hydrogène en extérieur distribuant de l'hydrogène gazeux et intégrant des protocoles de remplissage
NF EN 17124
Carburant hydrogène - Spécification de produit et assurance qualité pour les points de ravitaillement en hydrogène distribuant de l'hydrogène gazeux - Applications des piles à combustible à membrane à échange de protons (MEP) pour les véhicules
NF ISO 21087
Analyse des gaz - Méthodes analytiques pour carburant hydrogène - Applications utilisant des piles à combustible à membrane échangeuse de protons (MEP) pour véhicules routiers
NF EN ISO 11114-4
Bouteilles à gaz transportables - Compatibilité des matériaux et des robinets avec les contenus gazeux - Partie 4 : Méthodes d'essai pour le choix de matériaux métalliques résistants à la fragilisation par l'hydrogène
FD E29-753
Bouteilles à gaz - Essais de la compatibilité à l'hydrogène pour les métaux