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Number of results 152
DIN 25403:2024-12
Criticality safety in processing and handling of fissile materials - Principles
DIN 25422:2024-12
Storage and keeping of other radioactive materials - Requirements on protection against radiation, fire and theft to be met by storage facilities and their installation rooms / Note: DIN 25422 (2021-05) remains valid alongside this standard until 2025-05-31.
DIN EN ISO 12183:2024-08
Nuclear fuel technology - Controlled-potential coulometric measurement of plutonium (ISO 12183:2024); English version EN ISO 12183:2024
DIN EN ISO 22765:2024-01
Nuclear fuel technology - Sintered (U,Pu)O<(Index)2> pellets - Guidance for ceramographic preparation for microstructure examination (ISO/DIS 22765:2023); English version prEN ISO 22765:2023 / Note: Date of issue 2023-12-15*Intended as replacement for DIN EN ISO 22765 (2019-11).
DIN EN ISO 16796:2023-09
Nuclear energy - Determination of Gd<(Index)2>O<(Index)3> content in gadolinium fuel blends and gadolinium fuel pellets by atomic emission spectrometry using an inductively coupled plasma source (ICP-AES) (ISO 16796:2022); English version EN ISO 16796:2023
DIN EN ISO 24459:2023-09
Determination of uranium content in samples coming from the nuclear fuel cycle by L-absorption edge spectrometry (ISO 24459:2021); English version EN ISO 24459:2023
DIN EN ISO 10276:2021-10
Nuclear energy - Fuel technology - Trunnion systems for packages used to transport radioactive material (ISO 10276:2019); German version EN ISO 10276:2021
DIN EN ISO 12807:2021-05
Safe transport of radioactive materials - Leakage testing on packages (ISO 12807:2018); German version EN ISO 12807:2021
DIN EN ISO 9161:2021-04
Uranium dioxide powder - Determination of apparent density and tap density (ISO 9161:2019); English version EN ISO 9161:2021
DIN EN ISO 9463:2021-04
Nuclear energy - Nuclear fuel technology - Determination of plutonium in nitric acid solutions by spectrophotometry (ISO 9463:2019); English version EN ISO 9463:2021
DIN EN ISO 8299:2021-04
Nuclear fuel technology - Determination of the isotopic and elemental uranium and plutonium concentrations of nuclear materials in nitric acid solutions by thermal-ionization mass spectrometry (ISO 8299:2019); English version EN ISO 8299:2021
DIN EN ISO 18256-2:2021-04
Nuclear fuel technology - Dissolution of plutonium dioxide-containing materials - Part 2: Dissolution of MOX pellets and powders (ISO 18256-2:2019); English version EN ISO 18256-2:2021
DIN EN ISO 16793:2021-04
Nuclear fuel technology - Guidelines for ceramographic preparation of UO<(Index)2> sintered pellets for microstructure examination (ISO 16793:2018); English version EN ISO 16793:2021
DIN EN ISO 18256-1:2021-04
Nuclear fuel technology - Dissolution of plutonium dioxide-containing materials - Part 1: Dissolution of plutonium dioxide powders (ISO 18256-1:2019); English version EN ISO 18256-1:2021
DIN EN ISO 18557:2020-06
Characterisation principles for soils, buildings and infrastructures contaminated by radionuclides for remediation purposes (ISO 18557:2017); German version EN ISO 18557:2020
DIN EN ISO 12799:2019-11
Nuclear energy - Determination of nitrogen content in UO<(Index)2>, (U,Gd)O<(Index)2> and (U,Pu)O<(Index)2> sintered pellets - Inert gas extraction and conductivity detection method (ISO 12799:2015); German version EN ISO 12799:2019
DIN EN ISO 22765:2019-11
Nuclear fuel technology - Sintered (U,Pu)O<(Index)2> pellets - Guidance for ceramographic preparation for microstructure examination (ISO 22765:2016); German Version EN ISO 22765:2019 / Note: To be replaced by DIN EN ISO 22765 (2024-01).
DIN EN ISO 21484:2019-11
Nuclear Energy - Fuel technology - Determination of the O/M ratio in MOX pellets by the gravimetric method (ISO 21484:2017); German version EN ISO 21484:2019
DIN EN ISO 12800:2019-09
Nuclear fuel technology - Guidelines on the measurement of the specific surface area of uranium oxide powders by the BET method (ISO 12800:2017); German version EN ISO 12800:2019
DIN EN ISO 19017:2018-01
Guidance for gamma spectrometry measurement of radioactive waste (ISO 19017:2015); German version EN ISO 19017:2017
DIN EN ISO 16424:2018-01
Nuclear energy - Evaluation of homogeneity of Gd distribution within gadolinium fuel blends and determination of Gd<(Index)2>O<(Index)3> content in gadolinium fuel pellets by measurements of uranium and gadolinium elements (ISO 16424:2012); German version EN ISO 16424:2017
DIN EN ISO 21613:2018-01
(U, Pu)O<(Index)2> Powders and sintered pellets - Determination of chlorine and fluorine (ISO 21613:2015); German version EN ISO 21613:2017
DIN EN ISO 21483:2017-12
Determination of solubility in nitric acid of plutonium in unirradiated mixed oxide fuel pellets (U, Pu) O<(Index)2> (ISO 21483:2013); German version EN ISO 21483:2017
DIN EN ISO 15651:2017-12
Nuclear energy - Determination of total hydrogen content in PuO<(Index)2> and UO<(Index)2> powders and UO<(Index)2>, (U,Gd)O<(Index)2> and (U,Pu)O<(Index)2> sintered pellets - Inert gas extraction and conductivity detection method (ISO 15651:2015); German version EN ISO 15651:2017