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Number of results 47
UNE-EN ISO 5157:2023
Textiles - Environmental aspects - Vocabulary (ISO 5157:2023) (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in October of 2023.)
UNE-EN ISO 4921:2002
Knitting - Basic concepts - Vocabulary. (ISO 4921:2000)
UNE 40012:1980
ASTM D3888 - 15(2022)
Standard Terminology for Yarn Spinning Systems
NF EN ISO 5157
Textiles - Aspects environnementaux - Vocabulaire
NF EN ISO 4921
Tricotage - Notions de base - Vocabulaire
ISO 5157:2023
Textiles — Environmental aspects — Vocabulary
IWA 32:2019
Screening of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in cotton and textiles
ISO 4921:2000
Knitting — Basic concepts — Vocabulary
ISO 10782-1:1998
Definitions and attributes of data elements for control and monitoring of textile processes — Part 1: Spinning, spinning preparatory and related processes
ASTM D6644 - 01(2021)
Standard Test Method for Tension Strength of Sew-Through Flange Buttons
ASTM D6674 - 01(2017)
Standard Guide for Proficiency Test Program for Fabrics
DIN EN ISO 5157:2023-12
Textiles - Environmental aspects - Vocabulary (ISO 5157:2023); German version EN ISO 5157:2023
DIN 61704:1958-02
Phases of operation in the textile finishing industry for woven textiles and knitted fabrics
ASTM D6672 - 08
Standard Practice for Formatting Cutting Data to Drive Numerically Controlled Fabric Cutting Machines (Withdrawn 2017)
ASTM D3888 - 15
ASTM D3888 - 12
ASTM D6685 - 01(2008)
Standard Guide for the Selection of Test Methods for Fabrics Used for Fabric Formed Concrete (FFC)
ASTM D3888 - 07e1
ASTM D3888 - 07
ASTM D6672 - 06
Standard Practice for Formatting Cutting Data to Drive Numerically Controlled Fabric Cutting Machines
ASTM D6672 - 01
ASTM D6644 - 01(2002)
ASTM D3888 - 95(2001)
Standard Terminology Relating to Open-End Spinning