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Number of results 1.302
UNE-EN 12665:2024
Light and lighting - Basic terms and criteria for specifying lighting requirements
UNE-EN 16637-3:2024
Construction products: Assessment of release of dangerous substances - Part 3: Horizontal up-flow percolation test
UNE-EN 16637-1:2024
Construction products: Assessment of release of dangerous substances - Part 1: Guidance for the determination of leaching tests and additional testing steps
UNE-EN 16637-2:2024
Construction products: Assessment of release of dangerous substances - Part 2: Horizontal dynamic surface leaching test
UNE-EN 1594:2024
Gas infrastructure - Pipelines for maximum operating pressure over 16 bar - Functional requirements
UNE-EN 15941:2024
Sustainability of construction works - Data quality for environmental assessment of products and construction work - Selection and use of data
UNE 41805-12:2024 IN
Building diagnosis - Part 12 - Pathological study of the building. Internal partitions and finishings
UNE-EN 12201-1:2024 V2
Plastics piping systems for water supply, and for drains and sewers under pressure - Polyethylene (PE) - Part 1: General
UNE-EN 12201-5:2024
Plastics piping systems for water supply, and for drains and sewers under pressure - Polyethylene (PE) - Part 5: Fitness for purpose of the system
UNE-EN 12201-4:2024
Plastics piping systems for water supply, and for drains and sewers under pressure - Polyethylene (PE) - Part 4: Valves for water supply systems
UNE-CEN/TR 18081:2024
Building automation, controls and building management - Smart Building - Description and Aspects (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in September of 2024.)
UNE-EN ISO 16484-1:2024
Building automation and control systems (BACS) - Part 1: Project specification and implementation (ISO 16484-1:2024)
UNE-CEN/TS 17459:2024 EX
Construction products: Assessment of release of dangerous substances - Determination of ecotoxicity of construction product eluates
UNE-EN 16687:2024
Construction products: Assessment of release of dangerous substances - Terminology
UNE-EN ISO 11855-1:2022/A1:2024
Building environment design - Embedded radiant heating and cooling systems - Part 1: Definitions, symbols, and comfort criteria - Amendment 1 (ISO 11855-1:2021/Amd 1:2023)
UNE-EN ISO 11855-5:2022/A1:2024
Building environment design - Embedded radiant heating and cooling systems - Part 5: Installation - Amendment 1 (ISO 11855-5:2021/Amd 1:2023)
UNE-EN ISO 11855-4:2022/A1:2024
Building environment design - Embedded radiant heating and cooling systems - Part 4: Dimensioning and calculation of the dynamic heating and cooling capacity of Thermo Active Building Systems (TABS) - Amendment 1 (ISO 11855-4:2021/Amd 1:2023)
UNE-EN 15001-2:2024
Gas supply systems - Gas installation pipework with an operating pressure greater than 0,5 bar for industrial installations and greater than 5 bar for industrial and non-industrial installations - Part 2: Detailed functional requirements for commissioning, operation and maintenance
UNE-EN 1401-1:2020+A1:2024
Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) - Part 1: Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system
UNE-EN 12309-1:2024
Gas-fired sorption appliances for heating and/or cooling with a net heat input not exceeding 70 kW - Part 1: Terms and definitions
UNE-CEN/TR 17965:2023
Construction products: Assessment of release of dangerous substances - Guidance for a broader application of the CEN/TC 351 reference room (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in February of 2024.)
UNE-EN 15001-1:2023
Gas Infrastructure - Gas installation pipework with an operating pressure greater than 0,5 bar for industrial installations and greater than 5 bar for industrial and non-industrial installations - Part 1: Detailed functional requirements for design, materials, construction, inspection and testing
UNE-EN 1455-1:2023
Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) within the building structure - Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) - Part 1: Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system
UNE-EN 303-5:2022+A1:2023
Heating boilers - Part 5: Heating boilers for solid fuels, manually and automatically stoked, nominal heat output of up to 500 kW - Terminology, requirements, testing and marking