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Number of results 44
UNE-EN 1097-2:2021
Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates - Part 2: Methods for the determination of resistance to fragmentation
UNE-EN 1097-8:2021
Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates - Part 8: Determination of the polished stone value
UNE-EN 13285:2021
Unbound mixtures - Specifications
UNE-EN 933-8:2012+A1:2015
Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates - Part 8: Assessment of fines - Sand equivalent test
UNE-EN 1097-10:2015
Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates - Part 10: Determination of water suction height
UNE-EN 933-6:2014
Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates - Part 6: Assessment of surface characteristics - Flow coefficient of aggregates
UNE-EN 1097-6:2014
Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates - Part 6: Determination of particle density and water absorption
UNE-EN 1097-11:2013
Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates - Part 11: Determination of compressibility and confined compressive strength of lightweight aggregates
UNE-EN 1744-1:2010+A1:2013
Tests for chemical properties of aggregates - Part 1: Chemical analysis
UNE-EN 932-5:2012
Tests for general properties of aggregates - Part 5: Common equipment and calibration
UNE-EN 933-3:2012
Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates - Part 3: Determination of particle shape - Flakiness index
UNE-EN 1520:2011
Prefabricated reinforced components of lightweight aggregate concrete with open structure with structural or non-structural reinforcement
UNE-EN 1097-1:2011
Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates - Part 1: Determination of the resistance to wear (micro-Deval)
UNE-EN 1367-5:2011
Tests for thermal and weathering properties of aggregates - Part 5: Determination of resistance to thermal shock
UNE-EN 1367-6:2009
Tests for thermal and weathering properties of aggregates - Part 6: Determination of resistance to freezing and thawing in the presence of salt (NaCl)
UNE-EN 1097-5:2009
Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates - Part 5: Determination of the water content by drying in a ventilated oven
UNE-EN 1097-4:2009
Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates - Part 4: Determination of the voids of dry compacted filler
UNE-EN 13242:2003+A1:2008
Aggregates for unbound and hydraulically bound materials for use in civil engineering work and road construction
UNE-EN 1367-1:2008
Tests for thermal and weathering properties of aggregates - Part 1: Determination of resistance to freezing and thawing
UNE-EN 1744-5:2007
Tests for chemical properties of aggregates - Part 5: Determination of acid soluble chloride salts
UNE-EN 13055-1/AC:2004
Lightweight aggregates - Part 1: Lightweight aggregates for concrete, mortar and grout
UNE-EN 13139/AC:2004
Aggregates for mortar
UNE-EN 13450/AC:2004
Aggregates for railway ballast
UNE-EN 1367-3/AC:2004
Tests for thermal and weathering properties of aggregates - Part 3 : Boiling test for "Sonnenbrand basalt"