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DIN CEN/TS 17048:2024-03
Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Plastic and rubber sheets for waterproofing of concrete bridge decks and other trafficked areas of concrete - Definitions and characteristics; German version CEN/TS 17048:2024
DIN EN 1427:2024-03
Bitumens and bituminous binders - Determination of the softening point - Ring and Ball method; German and English version prEN 1427:2024 / Note: Date of issue 2024-02-16*Intended as replacement for DIN EN 1427 (2015-09).
DIN 18531-1:2024-02
Waterproofing of roofs, balconies and walkways - Part 1: Non-utilized and utilized roofs - Requirements and principles for execution and design / Note: Date of issue 2024-01-19*Applies in conjunction with DIN 18531-2 (2024-02), DIN 18531-3 (2024-02), DIN 18531-4 (2024-02).*Intended as replacement for DIN 18531-1 (2017-07).
DIN 18531-2:2024-02
Waterproofing of roofs, balconies and walkways - Part 2: Non-utilized and utilized roofs - Materials / Note: Date of issue 2024-01-19*Applies in conjunction with DIN 18531-1 (2024-02), DIN 18531-3 (2024-02), DIN 18531-4 (2024-02).*Intended as replacement for DIN 18531-2 (2017-07).
DIN 18531-3:2024-02
Waterproofing of roofs, balconies and walkways - Part 3: Non-utilized and utilized roofs - Selection, execution and detailing / Note: Date of issue 2024-01-19*Applies in conjunction with DIN 18531-1 (2024-02), DIN 18531-2 (2024-02), DIN 18531-4 (2024-02).*Intended as replacement for DIN 18531-3 (2017-07).
DIN 18531-4:2024-02
Waterproofing of roofs, balconies and walkways - Part 4: Non-utilized and utilized roofs - Maintenance / Note: Date of issue 2024-01-19*Intended as replacement for DIN 18531-4 (2017-07).
DIN 18531-5:2024-02
Waterproofing of roofs, balconies and walkways - Part 5: Balconies and walkways / Note: Date of issue 2024-01-19*Intended as replacement for DIN 18531-5 (2017-07).
DIN 18532-1:2024-02
Waterproofing of concrete areas trafficable by vehicles - Part 1: Requirements and principles for design and execution / Note: Date of issue 2024-01-19*Intended as replacement for DIN 18532-1 (2017-07).
DIN 18532-3:2024-02
Waterproofing of concrete areas trafficable by vehicles - Part 3: Waterproofing comprising two layers of polymerized bitumen sheeting / Note: Date of issue 2024-01-19*Applies in conjunction with DIN 18532-1 (2024-02).*Intended as replacement for DIN 18532-3 (2017-07), DIN 18532-3/A1 (2018-09), DIN 18532-3/A2 (2021-02).
DIN 18532-4:2024-02
Waterproofing of concrete areas trafficable by vehicles - Part 4: Waterproofing comprising a single layer of synthetic or elastomer sheeting / Note: Date of issue 2024-01-19*Applies in conjunction with DIN 18532-1 (2024-02).*Intended as replacement for DIN 18532-4 (2017-07).
DIN 18532-6:2024-02
Waterproofing of concrete areas trafficable by vehicles - Part 6: Waterproofing with liquid-applied waterproofing materials / Note: Date of issue 2024-01-19*Applies in conjunction with DIN 18532-1 (2024-02).*Intended as replacement for DIN 18532-6 (2017-07).
DIN 18532-5:2024-02
Waterproofing of concrete areas trafficable by vehicles - Part 5: Waterproofing comprising a layer of polymerized bitumen sheet in conjunction with a single synthetic or elastomer sheeting / Note: Date of issue 2024-01-19*Applies in conjunction with DIN 18532-1 (2024-02).*Intended as replacement for DIN 18532-5 (2017-07), DIN 18532-5/A1 (2018-09).
DIN EN 16659:2024-02
Bitumen and bituminous binders - Multiple Stress Creep and Recovery Test (MSCRT); German and English version prEN 16659:2024 / Note: Date of issue 2024-01-19*Intended as replacement for DIN EN 16659 (2016-03).
DIN EN 16346:2024-02
Bitumen and bituminous binders - Determination of breaking behaviour and immediate adhesivity of cationic bituminous emulsions; German version EN 16346:2023
DIN EN 17872:2024-02
Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Underlays for discontinuous roof coverings - Artificial ageing procedure; German version EN 17872:2023
DIN EN 17873:2024-02
Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Underlays for discontinuous roof coverings and walls - Instructions for mounting and fixing for reaction to fire testing; German version EN 17873:2023
DIN EN ISO 10563:2024-02
Building and civil engineering sealants - Determination of change in mass and volume (ISO 10563:2023); German version EN ISO 10563:2023
DIN EN 13416:2023-12
Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Bitumen, plastic and rubber sheets for roof waterproofing - Rules for sampling; German version EN 13416:2023
DIN 18533-2:2023-10
Waterproofing of elements in contact with soil - Part 2: Waterproofing with waterproofing materials in sheet form / Note: Date of issue 2023-09-15*Applies in conjunction with DIN 18533-1 (2023-10).*Intended as replacement for DIN 18533-2 (2017-07), DIN 18533-2/A1 (2020-11).
DIN 18336:2023-09
German construction contract procedures (VOB) - Part C: General technical specifications in construction contracts (ATV) - Waterproofing
DIN EN 12310-1:2023-09
Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Part 1: Bitumen sheets for roof waterproofing - Determination of resistance to tearing (nail shank); German and English version prEN 12310-1:2023 / Note: Date of issue 2023-08-04*Intended as replacement for DIN EN 12310-1 (1999-11).
DIN EN 1848-1:2023-09
Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Determination of length, width and straightness - Part 1: Bitumen sheets for roof waterproofing; German and English version prEN 1848-1:2023 / Note: Date of issue 2023-08-04*Intended as replacement for DIN EN 1848-1 (1999-12).
DIN EN 14770:2023-09
Bitumen and bituminous binders - Determination of complex shear modulus and phase angle - Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR); German version EN 14770:2023
DIN EN 14769:2023-09
Bitumen and bituminous binders - Accelerated long-term ageing conditioning by a Pressure Ageing Vessel (PAV); German version EN 14769:2023