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Number of results 81
UNE-EN ISO 24161:2024
Waste collection and transportation management - Vocabulary (ISO 24161:2022)
UNE-EN 17367:2023
Waste Management - Data communication between communication management system and the back office system for stationary waste collection containers - Functional specification and the semantic data model
UNE-EN 1501-4:2023
Refuse collection vehicles - General requirements and safety requirements - Part 4: Noise test code for refuse collection vehicles
UNE-EN 16194:2023
Mobile non-sewer-connected toilet cabins - Requirements of services and products relating to the deployment of cabins and sanitary products
UNE-EN 1501-5:2021
Refuse collection vehicles - General requirements and safety requirements - Part 5: Lifting devices for refuse collection vehicles
UNE-EN 1501-3:2021
Refuse collection vehicles - General requirements and safety requirements - Part 3: Front loaded refuse collection vehicles
UNE-EN 1501-1:2021
Refuse collection vehicles - General requirements and safety requirements - Part 1: Rear loaded refuse collection vehicles
UNE-EN 1501-2:2021
Refuse collection vehicles - General requirements and safety requirements - Part 2: Side loaded refuse collection vehicles
UNE-EN 16486:2015+A1:2021
Machines for compacting waste materials or recyclable fractions - Compactors - Safety requirements
UNE-EN 14803:2021
Identification and/or determination of the quantity of waste
UNE-EN 840-2:2021
Mobile waste and recycling containers - Part 2: Containers with 4 wheels with a capacity up to 1 300 l with flat lid(s), for trunnion and/or comb lifting devices - Dimensions and design
UNE-EN 840-4:2021
Mobile waste and recycling containers - Part 4: Containers with 4 wheels with a capacity up to 1 700 l with flat lid(s), for wide trunnion or BG- and/or wide comb lifting devices - Dimensions and design
UNE-EN 840-6:2021
Mobile waste and recycling containers - Part 6: Safety and health requirements
UNE-EN 840-1:2021
Mobile waste and recycling containers - Part 1: Containers with 2 wheels with a capacity up to 400 l for comb lifting devices - Dimensions and design
UNE-EN 840-5:2021
Mobile waste and recycling containers - Part 5: Performance requirements and test methods
UNE-EN 840-3:2021
Mobile waste and recycling containers - Part 3: Containers with 4 wheels with a capacity up to 1 300 l with dome lid(s), for trunnion and/or comb lifting devices - Dimensions and design
UNE-EN 17366:2021
Waste management - Access control to collection containers - Identification and authorization
UNE-EN 13071-2:2020
Stationary waste containers up to 5 000 l, top lifted and bottom emptied - Part 2: Additional requirements for underground or partly underground systems
UNE-EN 13071-3:2020
Stationary waste containers up to 5 000 l, top lifted and bottom emptied - Part 3: Recommended lifting connections
UNE-EN 13071-1:2020
Stationary waste containers up to 5 000 l, top lifted and bottom emptied - Part 1: General requirements
UNE-EN 16815:2019
CleANopen - Application profile for municipal vehicles (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in June of 2019.)
UNE-EN 12574-1:2017
Stationary waste containers - Part 1: Containers with a capacity up to 10 000 l with flat or dome lid(s), for trunnion, double trunnion or pocket lifting device - Dimensions and design
UNE-EN 12574-2:2017
Stationary waste containers - Part 2: Performance requirements and test methods
UNE-EN 12574-3:2017
Stationary waste containers - Part 3: Safety and health requirements