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Number of results 15
UNE-ISO 23155:2024
Interpreting services.Conference interpreting. Requirements and recommendations.
UNE-EN ISO 17651-1:2024
Simultaneous interpreting - Interpreters’ working environment - Part 1: Requirements and recommendations for permanent booths (ISO 17651-1:2024)
UNE-EN ISO 17651-2:2024
Simultaneous interpreting - Interpreters’ working environment - Part 2: Requirements and recommendations for mobile booths (ISO 17651-2:2024)
UNE-EN ISO 22259:2022
Conference systems - Equipment - Requirements (ISO 22259:2019)
UNE-ISO 18587:2020
Translation services. Post-editing of machine translation output. Requirements.
UNE-EN ISO 17100:2015/A1:2017
Translation services - Requirements for translation services - Amendment 1 (ISO 17100:2015/Amd 1:2017)
UNE-EN ISO 20109:2017
Simultaneous interpreting - Equipment - Requirements (ISO 20109:2016)
UNE-EN ISO 17100:2015
Translation Services - Requirements for translation services (ISO 17100:2015)
UNE-EN ISO 24019:2023
Simultaneous interpreting delivery platforms - Requirements and recommendations (ISO 24019:2022)
PNE-prEN ISO 17651-3
Simultaneous interpreting - Interpreter’s working environment - Part 3: Requirements and recommendations for interpreting hubs (ISO/DIS 17651-3:2024).
PNE-prEN ISO 20109
Simultaneous interpreting - Equipment - Requirements (ISO/DIS 20109:2023)
UNE-EN ISO 4043:2017
Simultaneous interpreting - Mobile booths - Requirements (ISO 4043:2016)
UNE-EN ISO 2603:2017
Simultaneous interpreting - Permanent booths - Requirements (ISO 2603:2016)
UNE-EN ISO 20108:2018
Simultaneous interpreting - Quality and transmission of sound and image input - Requirements (ISO 20108:2017).
UNE-EN 15038:2006
Translation services - Service requirements