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Number of results 8
UNE-CEN/TS 18075:2024
Resilient, textile, laminate and modular mechanical locked floor coverings - Circular economy and sustainability - Recommendations/guidelines for design (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in December of 2024.)
UNE-ISO 4484-2:2024
Textiles and textile products — Microplastics from textile sources — Part 2: Qualitative and quantitative analysis of microplastics
UNE-EN 17861:2024
Resilient, textile, laminate and modular mechanical locked floor coverings - Circular Economy - Terms and definitions
UNE 40700:2023
Handling and sorting specifications for re-use and recycling of used textiles
UNE-EN ISO 5157:2023
Textiles - Environmental aspects - Vocabulary (ISO 5157:2023) (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in October of 2023.)
UNE-EN ISO 4484-3:2023
Textiles and textile products - Microplastics from textile sources - Part 3: Measurement of collected material mass released from textile end products by domestic washing method (ISO 4484-3:2023) (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in July of 2023.)
UNE-EN ISO 4484-1:2023
Textiles and textile products - Microplastics from textile sources - Part 1: Determination of material loss from fabrics during washing (ISO 4484-1:2023) (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in May of 2023.)
PNE-prEN 18135
Resilient, textile, laminate and modular mechanical locked floor coverings - Circular Economy - Floor coverings and underlays passport