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Number of results 62
UNE-EN 16798-1:2020
Energy performance of buildings - Ventilation for buildings - Part 1: Indoor environmental input parameters for design and assessment of energy performance of buildings addressing indoor air quality, thermal environment, lighting and acoustics - Module M1-6
UNE-EN 12831-3:2019
Energy performance of buildings - Method for calculation of the design heat load - Part 3: Domestic hot water systems heat load and characterisation of needs, Module M8-2, M8-3
UNE-EN 50194-2:2019
Electrical apparatus for the detection of combustible gases in domestic premises - Part 2: Electrical apparatus for continuous operation in a fixed installation in recreational vehicles and similar premises - Additional test methods and performance requirements
UNE-EN 16798-17:2018
Energy performance of buildings - Ventilation for buildings - Part 17: Guidelines for inspection of ventilation and air conditioning systems (Module M4-11, M5-11, M6-11, M7-11)
UNE-EN 16798-3:2018
Energy performance of buildings - Ventilation for buildings - Part 3: For non-residential buildings - Performance requirements for ventilation and room-conditioning systems (Modules M5-1, M5-4)
UNE-EN 50244:2018
Electrical apparatus for the detection of combustible gases in domestic premises - Guide on the selection, installation, use and maintenance
UNE-EN 60529:2018/A1:2018
Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)
UNE-EN 60529:2018/A2:2018
UNE-EN 378-2:2017
Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Safety and environmental requirements - Part 2: Design, construction, testing, marking and documentation
UNE-EN ISO 16890-1:2017
Air filters for general ventilation - Part 1: Technical specifications, requirements and classification system based upon particulate matter efficiency (ePM) (ISO 16890-1:2016)
UNE-CEN/TR 12108:2015 IN
Plastics piping systems - Guidance for the installation inside buildings of pressure piping systems for hot and cold water intended for human consumption
UNE-EN 60034-2-1:2014
Rotating electrical machines - Part 2-1: Standard methods for determining losses and efficiency from tests (excluding machines for traction vehicles) (Endorsed by AENOR in November of 2014.)
UNE-EN 12599:2014
Ventilation for buildings - Test procedures and measurement methods to hand over air conditioning and ventilation systems
UNE 60601:2013
Machines rooms and gas fired self contained apparatus for heating or cooling generation or cogeneration.
UNE-EN 50194-1:2011
Electrical apparatus for the detection of combustible gases in domestic premises -- Part 1: Test methods and performance requirements
UNE-EN 12097:2007
Ventilation for Buildings - Ductwork - Requirements for ductwork components to facilitate maintenance of ductwork systems
UNE-EN ISO 16484-3:2006
Building automation and control systems (BACS) - Part 3: Functions (ISO 16484-3:2005)
UNE-EN 12502-3:2005
Protection of metallic materials against corrosion - Guidance on the assessment of corrosion likelihood in water distribution and storage systems - Part 3: Influencing factors for hot dip galvanised ferrous materials
UNE 100012:2005
Cleaning of ventilation and air conditioning systems.
UNE 100155:2004
UNE-EN 13403:2003
Ventilation for buildings - Non-metallic ducts - Ductwork made from insulation ductboards
UNE-EN 12237:2003
Ventilation for buildings. Ductwork. Strenght and leakage of circular sheet metal ducts.
UNE-EN 13180:2003
Ventilation for buildings - Ductwork - Dimensions and mechanical requirements for flexible ducts
UNE-EN 13410:2002
Gas-fired overhead radiant heaters - Ventilation requirements for non-domestic premises