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UNE 202009-29-2, Guidelines for verification and inspection of low voltage electrical installations in garages


The recently published standard UNE 202009-29-2:2024 provides a guideline for verifying and inspecting low voltage electricity installations in garages (as per Guidelines BT-29 issued by the REBT in 2002).
This standard provides a verification/inspection methodology, in addition to documentation for the recording of the conditions and values of the verification/inspection.

The results of the verifications and inspections will determine the corrective measures needed for compliance with the minimum safety requirements for each type of installation.

This standard applies to verifications prior to the commissioning of the installation and to initial and periodic regulatory and voluntary inspections. It also includes all verifications carried out during the execution and completion of the installation by the designer, installer or works director.

The garages can be located in the interior of other premises, annexed to these or in the open air.
As complementary standards, we can highlight: UNE 202009-28 and UNE 202009-30.
