Anti-burglar measures, Burglar alarms, Containments, Controlled area, Crime prevention devices, Dangerous materials, Definitions, Dose per person, Doses to the body, Enclosures, Exclusion area, Fire protection measures, Fire safety, Fire technology, Gamma-radiation, Gammaradiography, Guarding, Handling, Hot cells, Impermeability, Installation rooms, Jacketing, Lead castles, Marking, Materials testing, Non-destructive testing, Nuclear fuels, Nuclear technology, Occupational safety, Preservation, Radiation exposure, Radiation protection, Radiation protection area, Radiation protection rules, Radiation protection safe, Radioactive materials, Radioactive wastes, Radioactivity, Radiographic testing, Radiology, Safety, Safety engineering, Safety measures, Safety requirements, Sealed, Security class, Shields, Specification (approval), Storage, Storage space, Store room, Surveillance (approval), Use