This document specifies the characteristics of a manufacturer's declaration for sanitary systems without water as a transport medium (SanoWa). For the purposes of this document, SanoWa are systems that are not connected to a wastewater disposal system and usually do not require an external water supply for operation. In particular, these are systems based on dry (separation) toilets. Besides, also systems with internal recirculation of flushing water, composting, drying, incineration or other technologies and processes are part of this document. This document is applicable to systems for the collection, storage and treatment of human excreta (primarily feces and urine) in private households, as well as businesses and facilities in the private and public sectors. In addition to permanent installations, temporary applications are also covered. The systems are part of a site-specific overall concept for wastewater-free collection, transport, treatment and recycling of human excreta. This document is also applicable to systems in which partial or complete treatment is integrated and which can therefore be operated as stand-alone systems. This document is applicable to prefabricated or field assembled equipment. It specifies requirements, test methods and marking. In this context, the systems are divided into different categories with regard to their functional principles and possible applications. Corresponding requirements and the associated criteria are defined for the categories. Among other things, minimum requirements are defined for the following criteria: Odorlessness; Leak tightness; Minimum dimensions and equipment; Quality and quantity of material streams to be treated; Life time, stability of structures and materials; User safety; Cleaning performance and resource recovery. For chemical toilets, the requirements of DIN EN 16194 and DWA M 270 apply.
Characteristics, Cleaning, Closets, Collections, Definitions, Design, Domestic, Electrical safety, Faecal matter, Faeces, Hygiene, Material-flows, Noise (environmental), Odour emission, Odours, Pollutants, Prefabricated, Production, Products, Recovery, Recycling, Residual substances, Resource protection, Reuse, Safety of use, Sanitary facilities, Sanitary installation, Specification (approval), Stability, Storage, Surface spread of flame, Sustainability, Testing, Tightness, Transport, Urine, Usage, Utilization, Waterless, WC compartments