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Normas DIN – AENOR
DIN EN 14033-3:2017-10

DIN EN 14033-3:2017-10

Railway applications - Track - Railbound construction and maintenance machines - Part 3: General safety requirements; German version EN 14033-3:2017 / Note: To be replaced by DIN EN 14033-3 (2024-12).

Applications ferroviaires - Voie - Machines de construction et de maintenance empruntant exclusivement les voies ferrées - Partie 3: Prescriptions générales pour la sécurité; Version allemande EN 14033-3:2017 / Attention: À remplacer par DIN EN 14033-3 (2024-12).

Bahnanwendungen - Oberbau - Schienengebundene Bau- und Instandhaltungsmaschinen - Teil 3: Allgemeine Sicherheitsanforderungen; Deutsche Fassung EN 14033-3:2017 / Achtung: Vorgesehener Ersatz durch DIN EN 14033-3 (2024-12).

2017-10 /Active
Idiomas Disponibles:
Inglés, Alemán
International equivalences:

EN 14033-3:2017

Relación con otras normas DIN:
This European Standard specifies the significant hazards, hazardous situations and events, common to rail bound machines and arising due to the adaptation for their use on railways. These machines are intended for construction, maintenance and inspection of track, structures, infrastructure and fixed electric traction equipment, when they are used as intended and under conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer, see Clause 4. This European Standard applies to railbound machines and other vehicles - referred to as machines - working exclusively on the railway (utilizing friction adhesion between the rail and rail wheels) but including machines that in working position are partly supported on the ballast or the formation and used for construction, maintenance and inspection of track, structures, infrastructure and fixed electric traction equipment. This European Standard applies to machines that are intended to operate signalling and control systems. Other similar machines are dealt with in other European Standards, see Annex G. This European Standard specifies the common hazards, in normal circumstances, during running, assembly and installation, commissioning, use (including setting, programming, and process changeover), operation, cleaning, fault finding, maintenance and de-commissioning of the machines. Additional safety measures can be required by exceptional circumstances, such as extreme ambient temperatures highly corrosive or contaminating environment; e. g. due to the presence of chemicals, and potentially explosive atmospheres. Specific measures for exceptional circumstances are not dealt with in this European Standard. The specific measures for exceptional circumstances introduced by a railway infrastructure manager and requirements introduced by the manufacturer and/or machine operator as referred to in the scope are not dealt with in this European Standard. When such additional measures are necessary, they should be agreed between the manufacturer and the machine operator. The manufacturer will be responsible independent of this European Standard, for the provision of risk reduction measures for additional hazards created by any additional or alternative requirements. Note: This European Standard deals only with the additional hazards from the adaptation of a machine for its use on rail. Other standards specific to the particular machine as far as available will need to be used in addition to this European Standard to give the complete requirements. The common hazards specified include the general hazards presented by the machines, and also the hazards presented by the following specific machine functions, common to two or more machine types: - ballast excavation, ballast cleaning, ballast regulating, ballast consolidating; -tamping; -track renewal; - craning; - maintenance of the components of the infrastructure; during commissioning, use, maintenance and servicing. This European Standard does not deal comprehensively with specific machine functions other than the common functions listed in the previous paragraph, or with all possible hazards presented by complete machines or by the combination of functions. For such specific functions or hazards, the use of specific European Standards is recommended. This European Standard does not deal with: - requirements with regard to the quality of work and the performance of the machine; - machines that utilize the overhead contact line for traction purposes; - specific requirements introduced by a railway infrastructure manager; - additional or alternative requirements introduced by the manufacturer and/or operator.
Access, Accessibility, Approval requirements, Building machines, CE marking, Commissioning, Construction measures, Definitions, Ergonomics, Hazards, Installations, Machines, Maintenance, Occupational safety, Permanent ways, Protection devices, Protective measures, Railway applications, Railway track works, Railway vehicles, Railways, Rubble, Safety, Safety engineering, Safety measures, Safety of machinery, Safety requirements, Specification (approval), Terotechnology, Transport equipment, Working places, Workplace safety
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