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Normas DIN – AENOR
DIN EN 15347-5:2024-04

DIN EN 15347-5:2024-04

Plastics - Sorted plastics wastes - Part 5: Quality grades of sorted poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) wastes and specific test methods; German and English version prEN 15347-5:2024 / Note: Date of issue 2024-03-15

Plastiques - Déchets de matières plastiques triés - Partie 5: Classes de qualité des déchets de poly(chlorure de vinyle) (PVC) triés et méthodes d'essai spécifiques; Version allemande et anglaise prEN 15347-5:2024 / Attention: Date de parution 2024-03-15

Kunststoffe - Sortierte Kunststoffabfälle - Teil 5: Qualitätsstufen von sortierten Polyvinylchlorid(PVC)-Abfällen und spezifische Prüfverfahren; Deutsche und Englische Fassung prEN 15347-5:2024 / Achtung: Erscheinungsdatum 2024-03-15

2024-04 /Active
Idiomas Disponibles:
International equivalences:

prEN 15347-5 (2024-03)

This document describes the quality grades for sorted poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) waste streams as well as specific test methods laying out those properties for which the supplying party of the waste makes information available to the receiving party. PVC waste quality grades are based on pre-determined sets of characteristics, taking into account sectorial and market specificities and related information needs and tests methods. The scheme provides for a division of information between "Required Data", where a statement is required and additional "Optional Data" as agreed between the supplying and receiving party. This document does not cover the general characterisation addressed in the part 1 of EN 15347. This standard is applicable without prejudice to any existing legislation
Characterisations, Classification, Construction, Further processing, Grades (quality), Packaging, Packaging material, Plastics, Plastics processing, Polyvinyl chloride, Properties, PVC, Quality, Quality assurance, Recycling, Sorting, Special refuses, Specification (approval), Synthetic packing materials, Testing, Wastes
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