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Normas DIN – AENOR
DIN EN 1656:2019-12

DIN EN 1656:2019-12

Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics - Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in the veterinary area - Test method and requirements (phase 2, step 1); German version EN 1656:2019 / Note: To be replaced by DIN EN 1656 (2025-01).

Antiseptiques et désinfectants chimiques - Essai quantitatif de suspension pour l'évaluation de l'activité bactéricide des antiseptiques et des désinfectants chimiques utilisés dans le domaine vétérinaire - Méthode d'essai et exigences (phase 2, étape 1); Version allemande EN 1656:2019 / Attention: À remplacer par DIN EN 1656 (2025-01).

Chemische Desinfektionsmittel und Antiseptika - Quantitativer Suspensionsversuch zur Bestimmung der bakteriziden Wirkung chemischer Desinfektionsmittel und Antiseptika für den Veterinärbereich - Prüfverfahren und Anforderungen (Phase 2, Stufe 1); Deutsche Fassung EN 1656:2019 / Achtung: Vorgesehener Ersatz durch DIN EN 1656 (2025-01).

2019-12 /Active
Idiomas Disponibles:
Inglés, Alemán
International equivalences:

EN 1656:2019

Relación con otras normas DIN:
This European Standard specifies a test method and the minimum requirements for bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectant and antiseptic products that form a homogeneous, physically stable preparation when diluted with hard water or - in the case of ready-to-use products - with water. Products can only be tested at a concentration of 80 % or less, as some dilution is always produced by adding the test organisms and interfering substance.
Agriculture, Animal body disposal, Animal husbandry, Animal transportation, Antimicrobial, Antiseptics, Bacteria, Bacteriocides, Chemical, Chemistry, Disinfectant tests, Disinfectants, Disinfection, Domestic, Effects, Efficiency, Evaluations, Food industry, Hygiene, Livestock breeding, Mathematical calculations, Medical sciences, Microbiology, Specification (approval), Suspensions (chemical), Test equipment, Testing, Veterinary medicine, Veterinary science, Weighting level
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