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Normas DIN – AENOR
DIN EN 17020-2:2023-07

DIN EN 17020-2:2023-07

Extended application of test results on durability of self-closing for fire resistance and/or smoke control doorsets and openable windows - Part 2: Durability of self-closing of steel rolling shutters; German version EN 17020-2:2022

Application étendue des résultats d'essais de durabilité de la fermeture automatique des blocs-portes et fenêtres ouvrantes résistants au feu et/ou étanches à la fumée - Partie 2: Durabilité de la fermeture automatique des rideaux à enroulement en acier; Version allemande EN 17020-2:2022

Erweiterte Anwendung von Prüfergebnissen zur Dauerhaftigkeit der Selbstschließung für Feuerschutz- und/oder Rauchschutztüren, -tore und zu öffnende Fenster - Teil 2: Dauerhaftigkeit der Selbstschließung von Rolltoren aus Stahl; Deutsche Fassung EN 17020-2:2022

2023-07 /Active
Idiomas Disponibles:
Inglés, Alemán
International equivalences:

EN 17020-2:2022

Relación con otras normas DIN:
This document covers metal (e. g. steel, stainless steel, aluminium) rolling shutter assemblies also covered by EN 15269-10 and EN 15269-20. This document prescribes the methodology for extending the application of test results obtained from durability of self-closing test(s), see EN 12605:2000. Subject to the completion of the appropriate durability of self-closing test or tests, the extended application could cover all or some of the following non-exhaustive list: shutter curtain; wall or ceiling fixed elements (frame or suspension system); items of building hardware; decorative finishes; intumescent or non-intumescent (e. g. smoke, draught) seals; alternative supporting construction(s).
Ceiling suspension devices, Coatings, Definitions, Durability, Fire doors, Fire proof doors, Fire protection, Performance tests, Permanent performance capability, Roll-up doors, Scope, Seals, Self-closing, Smoke control doors, Smoke protection, Steels, Supporting structures, Test results, Windows
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