This part of IEC 61850 specifies standard techniques for testing of conformance of client, server and sampled value devices and engineering tools, as well as specific measurement techniques to be applied when declaring performance parameters.
Dieser Teil der IEC 61850 spezifiziert die Standard-Techniken für Konformitätstest von Client, Servern und Messauswertung und Konstruktionswerkzeugen, genauso wie spezifische Messtechniken, die zu verwenden sind, um Leistungsparameter anzugeben.
Automation, Automation technology, Communication systems, Conformity, Conformity testing, Control technology, Data transfer, Definitions, Distribution networks, Distribution of electricity, Electric power systems, Electrical engineering, Electricity industry, Electronic, Electronic equipment, Electronic instruments, Electronic systems, Energy supply, Entries, Information processing, Inspection, Network control system, Quality assurance, Signal transmission, Specification (approval), Substation