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Normas DIN – AENOR
DIN ISO 4802-2:2024-08

DIN ISO 4802-2:2024-08

Glassware - Hydrolytic resistance of the interior surfaces of glass containers - Part 2: Determination by flame spectrometry and classification (ISO 4802-2:2023)

Verrerie - Résistance hydrolytique des surfaces internes des récipients en verre - Partie 2: Détermination par spectrométrie de flamme et classification (ISO 4802-2:2023)

Glasartikel - Wasserbeständigkeit der inneren Oberfläche von Glasbehältern - Teil 2: Bestimmung durch Flammenspektrometrie und Klasseneinteilung (ISO 4802-2:2023)

2024-08 /Active
Idiomas Disponibles:
Inglés, Alemán
International equivalences:

ISO 4802-2:2023

Relación con otras normas DIN:
This document specifies: a) methods for determining the hydrolytic resistance of the interior surfaces of glass containers when subjected to attack by water at (121 ± 1) °C for (60 ± 1) min. The resistance is measured by determining the amount of sodium and other alkali metal or alkaline earth oxides in the extraction solution using flame atomic emission or absorption spectrometry (flame spectrometry); b) a classification of glass containers according to the hydrolytic resistance of the interior surfaces determined by the methods specified in this part of ISO 4802. The test method specified in this part of ISO 4802 might not be applicable to containers whose surfaces have been treated with silicon (e. g. containers that are ready for direct filling).
Classification, Containers, Definitions, Designations, Determination, Flame spectroscopy, Glass containers, Glassware, High-temperature testing, Hydrolytic resistance, Laboratory equipment, Materials testing, Spectroscopy, Testing
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