Suelos de madera. Colocación. Especificaciones
Wood flooring. Installation. Specifications
Planchers en bois. Pose. Especifications
Celulosa, madera y corcho
97.150 / Floor coverings
79.080 / Semi-manufactures of timber
CTN 56 - Madera y corcho
It is cancelled by: UNE 56810:2010
Cancel: UNE 56810:2002
UNE 56414:1988
UNE 56416:1988
UNE-EN 13226:2009
UNE-EN 13227:2018
UNE-EN 13228:2011
UNE-EN 13488:2003
UNE-EN 13489:2024
UNE-EN 13629:2020
EN 13226:2024
Physical and digital format
Note: Prices do not include VAT or shipping costs
Discounts cannot be used in conjunction with each other
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