Tableros derivados de la madera. Suelos flotantes. Parte 2: Métodos de ensayo
Wood-based panels Floating floors. Part 2: Test methods
Panneaux à base de bois Planchers flottants. Partie 2 : Méthodes d'essai
Celulosa, madera y corcho
79.060.01 / Wood-based panels in general
CTN 56 - Madera y corcho
CEN/TS 13810-2:2003(Idéntico)
UNE-EN 310:1994
UNE-EN 319:1994
UNE-EN 322:1994
UNE-EN 323:1994
UNE-EN 326-1:1995
UNE-EN 826:2013
UNE-EN 1195:1998
UNE-EN ISO 29470:2021
EN 1991-1-1:2025
UNE-EN 13810-1:2003
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