Componentes prefabricados de hormigón celular armado curado en autoclave.
Prefabricated reinforced components of autoclaved aerated concrete
Eléments préfabriqués armés en béton cellulaire autoclavé
Infraestructuras y construcción
91.100.30 / Concrete and concrete products
CTN 127 - Prefabricados de cemento y de hormigón
EN 12602:2008(Idéntico)
It is cancelled by: UNE-EN 12602:2011+A1:2014
UNE-EN 678:1995
UNE-EN 679:2006
UNE-EN 680:2006
UNE-EN 772-16:2011
UNE-EN 989:1996
UNE-EN 990:2003
UNE-EN 991:1996
UNE-EN 1351:1997
UNE-EN 1352:1997
UNE-EN 1355:1997
UNE-EN 1356:1997
UNE-EN 15304:2011
UNE-EN 1737:1999
UNE-EN 1738:1999
UNE-EN 1739:2008
UNE-EN 1740:1999
UNE-EN 1741:1999
UNE-EN 1742:1999
EN 1992-1-2:2023
UNE-EN 10080:2006
UNE-EN 12269-1:2000
UNE-EN 12269-2:2011
UNE-EN 12664:2002
UNE-EN 13501-1:2019
UNE-EN 13501-2:2023
UNE-EN 15361:2009
UNE-EN ISO 354:2004
UNE-EN ISO 717-1:2021
UNE-EN ISO 717-2:2021
UNE-EN ISO 10456:2012
UNE-EN 1992-1-1:2013/A1:2015
UNE-EN 1793-1:2017
UNE-EN 1365-3:2000
UNE-EN 772-2:1999/A1:2005
UNE-EN 10088-2:2015
UNE-EN 1992-1-2:2011/A1:2021
EN 1992-1-1:2023
UNE-EN 10088-4:2010
UNE-EN 10088-5:2010
UNE-EN 10088-1:2024
EN 10088-2:2024
UNE-EN 10088-3:2024
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