Sierras de muro y de hilo transportables para obras. Seguridad.
Transportable wall saw and wire saw equipment for job site - Safety
Scies murales et scies à fil transportables de chantier - Sécurité
Infraestructuras y construcción
91.220 / Construction equipment
25.080.60 / Sawing machines
CTN 115 - Maquinaria para la construcción, obra civil y edificación
EN 15027:2007(Idéntico)
It is cancelled by: UNE-EN 15027:2008+A1:2009
UNE-EN 60204-1:2019
UNE-EN 61029-1:2003
UNE-EN 15027:2008+A1:2009
Physical and digital format
Note: Prices do not include VAT or shipping costs
Discounts cannot be used in conjunction with each other
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