Pinturas y barnices. Probetas normalizadas para ensayos. (ISO 1514:2016).
Paints and varnishes - Standard panels for testing (ISO 1514:2016)
Peintures et vernis - Panneaux normalisés pour essai (ISO 1514:2016)
Infraestructuras y construcción
87.040 / Paints and varnishes
87.100 / Paint coating equipment
CTN 48 - Pinturas y barnices
EN ISO 1514:2016(Idéntico)
ISO 1514:2016(Idéntico)
It is cancelled by: UNE-EN ISO 1514:2025
Cancel: UNE-EN ISO 1514:2006
UNE-EN 520:2005+A1:2010
UNE-EN 15283-2+A1:2009
UNE-EN 16245-1:2014
UNE-EN 10346:2015
ISO 1268-4:2005/Amd 1:2010
ISO 2409:2020
UNE-EN 622-3:2005
UNE-EN 1396:2023
UNE-EN 10205:2017
UNE-EN 13523-1:2024
UNE-EN 13523-22:2024
UNE-EN 622-5:2010
UNE-EN 622-2:2004/AC: 2006
UNE-EN 622-1:2004
UNE-EN 622-4:2024
EN 10205:2024
UNE-EN ISO 4618:2023
UNE-EN ISO 16474-2:2014/A1:2023
UNE-EN ISO 20567-2:2024
UNE-EN ISO 16474-3:2022
UNE-EN 877:2022
UNE-EN ISO 22553-15:2024
UNE-EN ISO 8130-8:2022
UNE-EN ISO 22479:2023
UNE-EN ISO 1522:2023
UNE-EN ISO 7784-3:2023
UNE-EN ISO 22553-7:2022
UNE-EN ISO 22553-8:2022
UNE-EN ISO 22553-9:2022
UNE-EN ISO 22553-13:2022
UNE-EN ISO 22553-14:2022
Physical and digital format
Note: Prices do not include VAT or shipping costs
Discounts cannot be used in conjunction with each other
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