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Number of results 271
UNE-EN 14541-1:2022
Plastics pipes and fittings - Utilisation of thermoplastics recyclates - Part 1: Vocabulary
UNE-CEN/TS 14541-2:2022
Plastics pipes and fittings - Utilisation of thermoplastics recyclates - Part 2: Recommendations for relevant characteristics (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in July of 2022.)
UNE-EN ISO 1043-4:2022
Plastics - Symbols and abbreviated terms - Part 4: Flame retardants (ISO 1043-4:2021)
UNE 53375:2021
Plastics. Determination of carbon black content in polyolefins and it products
UNE-EN 13206:2017+A1:2020
Plastics - Thermoplastic covering films for use in agriculture and horticulture
UNE-EN ISO 23900-5:2019
Pigments and extenders - Methods of dispersion and assessment of dispersibility in plastics - Part 5: Determination by filter pressure value test (ISO 23900-5:2015)
UNE-EN ISO 23900-4:2019
Pigments and extenders - Methods of dispersion and assessment of dispersibility in plastics - Part 4: Determination of colouristic properties and ease of dispersion of white pigments in polyethylene by two-roll milling (ISO 23900-4:2015)
UNE-EN ISO 23900-6:2019
Pigments and extenders - Methods of dispersion and assessment of dispersibility in plastics - Part 6: Determination by film test (ISO 23900-6:2015)
UNE-EN ISO 23900-2:2018
Pigments and extenders - Methods of dispersion and assessment of dispersibility in plastics - Part 2: Determination of colouristic properties and ease of dispersion in plasticized polyvinyl chloride by two-roll milling (ISO 23900-2:2015)
UNE-EN ISO 23900-3:2018
Pigments and extenders - Methods of dispersion and assessment of dispersibility in plastics - Part 3: Determination of colouristic properties and ease of dispersion of black and colour pigments in polyethylene by two-roll milling (ISO 23900-3:2015)
UNE-EN ISO 23900-1:2018
Pigments and extenders - Methods of dispersion and assessment of dispersibility in plastics - Part 1: General introduction (ISO 23900-1:2015)
UNE-EN ISO 14692-2:2017
Petroleum and natural gas industries - Glass-reinforced plastics (GRP) piping - Part 2: Qualification and manufacture (ISO 14692-2:2017) (Endorsed by Asociación Española de Normalización in October of 2017.)
UNE-EN ISO 1043-3:2017
Plastics - Symbols and abbreviated terms - Part 3: Plasticizers (ISO 1043-3:2016)
UNE 53934:2016
Plastics. Elemental analysis in polymeric materials by X-ray fluorescence method
UNE-EN ISO 9969:2016
Thermoplastics pipes - Determination of ring stiffness (ISO 9969:2016)
UNE-EN ISO 9967:2016
Thermoplastics pipes - Determination of creep ratio (ISO 9967:2016)
UNE-EN ISO 17778:2015
Plastics piping systems - Fittings, valves and ancillaries - Determination of gaseous flow rate/pressure drop relationships (ISO 17778:2015)
UNE-EN ISO 1043-2:2012
Plastics - Symbols and abbreviated terms - Part 2: Fillers and reinforcing materials (ISO 1043-2:2011)
UNE-EN 14469-1:2004
Pigments and extenders - Testing of colouring materials in plasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-P) - Part 1: Composition and preparation of basic mixtures
UNE-EN 14469-3:2004
Pigments and extenders - Testing of colouring materials in plasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-P) - Part 3: Determination of the relative tinting strength of white pigments
UNE-EN 14469-2:2004
Pigments and extenders - Testing of colouring materials in plasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-P) - Part 2: Preparation of test specimens
UNE-EN 14469-4:2004
Pigments and extenders - Testing of colouring materials in plasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-P) - Part 4: Determination of bleeding of colouring materials
UNE-EN 12877-1:2000
Colouring materials in plastics - Determination of colour stability to heat during processing of colouring materials in plastics - Part 1: General introduction
UNE-EN 12877-4:2000
Colouring materials in plastics - Determination of colour stability to heat during processing of colouring materials in plastics - Part 4: Determination by two-roll milling