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Number of results 348
ASTM D5896 - 96(2019)e1
Standard Test Method for Carbohydrate Distribution of Cellulosic Materials
NF ISO 4094
Papiers, cartons et pâtes - Exigences générales concernant la compétence des laboratoires autorisés pour la délivrance des étalons de référence de transfert autorisés de niveau 3
UNE-ISO 2470-1:2024
Paper, board and pulps. Measurement of diffuse blue reflectance factor. Part 1: Indoor daylight conditions (ISO brightness)
UNE-EN ISO 187:2023
Paper, board and pulps - Standard atmosphere for conditioning and testing and procedure for monitoring the atmosphere and conditioning of samples (ISO 187:2022)
UNE-EN ISO 5263-3:2023
Pulps - Laboratory wet disintegration - Part 3: Disintegration of mechanical pulps at = 85°C (ISO 5263-3:2023)
UNE-EN ISO 5270:2023
Pulps - Laboratory sheets - Determination of physical properties (ISO 5270:2022)
UNE-EN ISO 7213:2022
Pulps - Sampling for testing (ISO 7213:2021)
UNE-EN ISO 638-1:2022
Paper, board, pulps and cellulosic nanomaterials - Determination of dry matter content by oven-drying method - Part 1: Materials in solid form (ISO 638-1:2022)
UNE-EN ISO 638-2:2022
Paper, board, pulps and cellulosic nanomaterials - Determination of dry matter content by oven-drying method - Part 2: Suspensions of cellulosic nanomaterials (ISO 638-2:2022)
UNE-ISO 3260:2021
Pulps – Determination of chlorine consumption (Degree of delignification)
UNE-ISO 302:2021
Pulps. Determination of Kappa number
UNE-ISO 5351:2019
Pulps. Determination of limiting viscosity number in cupri-ethylenediamine (CED) solution
UNE-ISO 776:2017
Pulps. Determination of acid-insoluble ash
UNE-ISO 8784-1:2016
Pulp, paper and board. Microbiological examination. Part 1: Enumeration of bacteria and bacterial spores based on disintegration
UNE-ISO 801-2:2015
Pulps. Determination of saleable mass in lots - Part 2: Pulps (such as flash-dried pulps) baled in slabs
UNE-ISO 4046-4:2015
Paper, board, pulps and related terms. Vocabulary. Part 4: Paper and board grades and converted products
UNE-EN ISO 14453:2014
Pulps - Determination of acetone-soluble matter (ISO 14453:2014)
UNE-EN 16453:2014
Pulp, paper and paperboard - Determination of phthalates in extracts from paper and paperboard
UNE-ISO 4046-5:2014
Paper, board, pulps and related terms. Vocabulary. Part 5: Properties of pulp, paper and board
UNE-ISO 6588-1:2013
Paper, board and pulps. Determination of pH of aqueous extracts. Part 1: Cold extraction
UNE-ISO 6588-2:2013
Paper, board and pulps. Determination of pH of aqueous extracts. Part 2: Hot extraction
UNE 57115-2:2013
Pulp, paper and board. Determination of calcium content. Part 2: Spectrometric method.
UNE-EN ISO 15320:2012
Pulp, paper and board - Determination of pentachlorophenol in an aqueous extract (ISO 15320:2011)
UNE-EN ISO 5264-2:2011
Pulps - Laboratory beating - Part 2: PFI mill method (ISO 5264-2:2011)