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Normas DIN – AENOR
DIN 1052 Berichtigung 1:2010-05

DIN 1052 Berichtigung 1:2010-05

Design of timber structures - General rules and rules for buildings, Corrigendum to DIN 1052:2008-12

Calcul des structures en bois - Règles générales et règles pour les bâtiments, Corrigendum à DIN 1052:2008-12

Entwurf, Berechnung und Bemessung von Holzbauwerken - Allgemeine Bemessungsregeln und Bemessungsregeln für den Hochbau, Berichtigung zu DIN 1052:2008-12

Fecha Anulación:
2010-12 /Withdrawn
Idiomas Disponibles:
Relación con otras normas DIN:

Es reemplazada por: DIN 1052-10:2012-05

Es reemplazada por: DIN EN 1995-1-1:2010-12

Es reemplazada por: DIN EN 1995-1-1/NA:2010-12

Modifica a: DIN 1052:2008-12

This Standardhas been drafted by NABau Working Group "DIN 1052" and contains necessary corrections from DIN 1052/A1:2008-04 to edition August 2004 of DIN 1052.
Diese Norm wurde im Arbeitsausschuss NA 005-04-09 "DIN 1052" bearbeitet und enthält notwendige Korrekturen aus DIN 1052/A1:2008-04 zur Ausgabe August 2004 von DIN 1052.
Asbestos, Basic design data, Bending strength, Bending stress, Board cordwood, Bonding, Breaking strength, Buildings, Ceilings, Classification, Climate, Clips, Components, Connectors, Construction, Construction materials, Construction works, Constructions, Design, Dimensioning, Dimensions, Domestic facilities, Dowelled joints, Dowels, Durability, Fasteners, Fitness for purpose, Glued joints, Houses, Joints, Load capacity, Load measurement, Loading, Marking, Materials, Mathematical calculations, Modulus of elasticity, Nails, Panel construction methods, Panels, Planking, Pressure, Ratings, Roofs, Rules, Screwed joints, Screws (bolts), Shear modul, Sheet wall coverings, Sheets, Shoring, Solid wood, Sorting classes, Specification (approval), Stability, Statics, Steels, Stress, Stress analysis, Structural design, Structural members, Structural systems, Structural timber, Structures, Surveillance (approval), Tensile strength, Terminology, Testing, Timber construction, Timber joints, Timber structures, Verification, Walls, Washers, Wind loading, Wood, Wood screws, Woodbased sheet materials, Wooden construction, Wooden houses
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