Protección individual de los ojos. Protectores oculares y faciales de malla.
Personal eye protection - Mesh eye and face protectors
Protection individuelle de l'œil — Protecteurs de l'œil et du visage de type grillagé
Riesgos y seguridad
13.340.20 / Head protective equipment
CTN 81/SC 1 - Protección individual
EN 1731:2006(Idéntico)
UNE-EN ISO 16321-3:2022
Cancel: UNE-EN 1731:1997
Cancel: UNE-EN 1731/A1:1998
Modifies: UNE-CR 13464:1999
Modifies: UNE-EN 14458:2018
UNE-EN 166:2002
UNE-EN ISO 18526-1:2020
UNE-EN 1811:2023
UNE-EN 12472:2020
UNE-EN 1731:2007
UNE-EN ISO 18526-2:2020
UNE-EN ISO 18526-3:2020
UNE-EN ISO 18526-4:2020
Physical and digital format
Note: Prices do not include VAT or shipping costs
Discounts cannot be used in conjunction with each other
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